Bubble Gum Pink & Baby Blue Doll Dresses

NEWS FLASH: Joy received a new doll a few days ago… Meet Ardyn…she’s a 20″ My Meadows beauty and she is lovely! I think Joy is having WAY TOO MUCH FUN sewing for her… 20″ is “almost” little girl size! :o) I love her new dress Joy! Her birdie friend thinks tea time looks like a lot of fun!!!

I’ve been messing with my phone again trying to get the colors “just right.” Somehow, they just aren’t working tonight. So I just decided to tell you…the pink dress is Bubble Gum Pink…think Bazooka Bubblegum. The blue dress is just the prettiest blue…like what you’d find in the little boys department.

Now that we have the color established, let’s see what I accomplished today.

The pink dress is now hemmed…all the snaps…yes, ALL the snaps are now sewn on both dresses…5 sets on each dress!
The dresses have pretty buttons sewn on the back and the detachable sashes have been decorated for each dress. I used a white cluny lace and added the felt flowers to go with each dress.

It doesn’t seem like what I just described would take that long, but it’s always the “things” that don’t show that take the most time.

A little more to go and these dresses will be finished. I’ll keep working!!
Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Here are a few pictures…

One more look…

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

31 thoughts on “Bubble Gum Pink & Baby Blue Doll Dresses”

  1. These dresses are looking so darn cute. Love the back with those pretty buttons and the lace ribbons.

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Congrats to Joy on her new doll, Ardyn! Thanks for sharing pictures–I love her tea party setup!!

    Jeanne, the dresses are lovely. The buttons on the back must be partly clear, as the ones on the pink dress look pink, and the ones on the blue dress look blue!!

    Haven’t done any sewing for dolls in a while, but today I did get a new wrist pincushion made. I took my favorite one, did some careful measuring, examined its structure, and came up with my own pattern and directions. It’s almost an exact duplicate of my old one, which my best friend made and gave me many years ago! I’m happy with it.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      The buttons on the back of the girls dresses are clear. I used to use them a lot when I made little tiny baby dresses. I thought they’d be great for these.
      Now, you’ll have to show us your wrist pin cushion as well as your dress fabric…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Will do, Jeanne. I actually already have pictures of the pincushion, but I’ll wait until I have the dress pressed and pictures taken, and send all at once. (Wait till you see the buttons on the dress!!)

  3. Oh Jeanne, everything you have shown today has had me oohing, and ahhing! Joy’s new doll is the cutes thing! I love the cute tea party set up and her dress with the hummingbirds and flowers with the neutral colors. Such a cute little face too! Lucky Joy!

    Oh my those dresses are the bees knees!! Love the buttons down the front, and oh, those pretty lace sashes! How pretty and delicate they looked all tied up in a bow! Those buttons are really different, and this could be a dress that is just as pretty in the back as in the front! I must keep those dresses out of eyesight from my 40″s girls!!

    1. I so wish I could leave something set up like your lovely dolly displays. They are wonderful. 🙂

    2. Hi Linda,
      Isn’t Ardyn just the sweetest thing? I knew everyone would love her.
      Thanks for your compliments on my dresses. They really are beautiful in person…even from the back! :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Oh, the girls are so pretty. All of those finishing touches are perfection. I don’t think I’ve ever used clear buttons, but they are fabulous. I don’t envy you sewing on all of those snaps and buttons. Definitely not my favorite job. Can’t wait to see the listing photos.
    Thank you for sharing my Meadow girl Ardyn. She is the largest doll I’ve ever owned. Really, only two inches taller than an AG so not that big at all, but fun to sew things for as a change. I actually worked on another dress for her yesterday, but very slow going especially when there are not enough pins. I’m sure they are around holding together some project set aside, but just when I thought I’d do another piece, out of pins. So, has been taking longer as I usually sew a bunch of stuff at once. Anyway, problem solved as I found another box of pins and hope to get more done today. 🙂
    With all of the shopping/hoarding going on at the grocery/big box stores, I’m glad we are all set for St. Patrick’s Day. Looking forward to corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot.
    And we actually had rain last night! So happy that I don’t have to water today. The daffodils though are not so jolly. Pretty droopy.
    Have a fun weekend everyone.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, oh my goodness, Ardyn is adorable! I love that outfit. Did you make it?
      And Afternoon Tea, how fun is that! Dolls and tea, it doesn’t get any better.

    2. Hi Joy,
      Snaps aren’t SO bad if you’re doing something else while you do it. I was watching and listening to a couple decorating shows on TV.

      I’m glad you are having fun sewing for Ardyn…she really is adorable!

      Things have gotten a little kookie here in Southern Illinois too… I went to Walmart to get a few things for tomorrow’s lunch. We are celebrating my hubby’s birthday…the whole entire aisle of toilet paper and paper towels was empty…not a single thing…no eggs, no ramen noodles, no pancake or syrup stuff and no mac and cheese boxes. I took some pictures to show my hubby when I got home…
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What a darling pair! The colors may look off to you but on my screen they are soooo pretty !
    Good luck with all the finishing details….what is going in their hair?
    Joy… your Meadow doll is awesome. What a sweet expression on her face! The dress and pinafore are so perfect on her. Be sure and show us your next outfit!
    Having a pretty March snow…what makes it pretty is it is wet and sticking to all the trees and tomorrow will be 50 so bye-bye snow🤗🤗

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      They DO make a cute pair… I tipped my computer screen back and the colors seemed to be a bit bolder… I hope everyone is seeing them that way! :o)
      I’m not sure about their hair/headpiece… still debating.
      Snow in March… hmmm… once we had snow in May! :o) Always keeping us guessing! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love how the “twin” dresses are coming along. Your girls are the perfect models.

    1. Thank you Dorothy! I’ll tell them you think they are perfect models! I’m sure they’ll be thrilled! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Those two dresses are the prettiest pair. They would be cute for twins. Almost the same but with differences of personality. My McKenna and Elizabeth are very twin like. Blue eyed blonds. If one time traveled they could BE twins.

    Yesterday after work my husband picked up a few essentials on his way home. The little town where he works had no toilet paper in either grocery store! I didn’t think HaySeed Iowa would lose its collective mind.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

    1. HI Julia,
      I could say in my listing that I have another dress IF you have Twin dolls! I guess I could see if I get any takers that way! :o) I’m glad you like them.
      Southern Illinois has lost its mind too… craziness going on here…
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Joy, Your new dolly is lovely. I really enjoyed seeing your tea time set up with the sweet blue and white dishes and yummy treats. I absolutely love her dress and hummingbird pinafore. The monochromatic fabric is just gorgeous. Would you mind sharing where you found it?

    Those dresses are so sweet, Jeanne. Love the Cluny lace bows. It give such a dainty look.
    The blue is by far my favorite. I think Samantha would look lovely in the blue and Nellie could try on the pink. After all, sisters usually share clothing.
    Well, got to get back to kitty care.

    1. Thank you! The fabric is from Joann’s and fairly recent so they may still have it available. 🙂

    2. HI Laura,
      I knew everyone would welcome Ardyn to the “family!” She is so adorable! What a fun size too… a bit larger than the AG dolls… it would be fun to sew for her I think. Don’t worry, I’m not getting her… just wondering…
      I like the daintiness of the cluny lace tied in the bows too. At first I thought no, but after I tied one, I thought, why not?
      Maybe I’ll switch the colors up so all of you can see the other dress on the other girl… might be fun… :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. What a sweet little girl Ardyn is! And I love the name. Her dress is so precious. It’s similar to a pattern I have for Lolla. I haven’t used it for her yet but did use it for my MA Lissy. So many possibilities for it. Corned Beef and Cabbage, that sounds so good! If I lived closer I’d invite myself to dinner.

    The dresses are so sweet Jeanne and it looks to me like the colors are coming up fine on my computer. The Cluny lace sashes are really beautiful. I have those buttons. I haven’t used them yet. They really worked great on the dresses.

    I tried to mow this morning. Things are looking very raggedy. My oldest son mowed it for me the past two times but I decided I really needed to get outside for some sun. I weeded some and then went and got the mower. I mowed about three passes and it developed a belt problem. Guess we’ll have to go to Katy this afternoon and pick one up. Our mower place here went out of business when the owner retired. But we’ll eat at Texas Roadhouse while we’re in there. Oh darn! We got word yesterday that our church will be closed for two weeks. That leaves a lot of dead space for us on Sunday and we had practiced some lovely Lenten music we won’t be able to sing. Maybe next year.

    1. I just read my comment. The Oh darn! was supposed to go with the dinner at Texas Roadhouse, but I guess it could refer to what came after it too. lol

    2. Hi Barbara,
      Wouldn’t it be fun to just “try out” Ardyn for fun? I’d love to just make one dress for her and see her in it… I bet you would too?
      It’s funny that you have those buttons… I love them… You should use them sometime…

      I hope you made it to Texas Roadhouse… sounds like it’s a winner. We have one about an hour from here… but I’ve never been there. We do have a Logan’s Roadhouse… probably about the same. I hope you got your steak AND your new lawn mower belt…AND got your grass mowed.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Well, we’d be happy to have you for dinner. 🙂 Maybe after the travel restrictions.

  10. Jeanne, the two dresses are just as sweet and girlish as can be. So lovely and perfect for Spring. I love the detail on each dress. I certainly would have loved these dresses for me when I was a little girl.
    Joy, happy to hear you found a new doll! I’m not familiar with her but she’s adorable! I like her name and her tea set and table is so cute. Where did you find that table and chairs? I don’t think it’s American Girl unless it’s Kirsten’s? It is perfect for Ardyn.

    1. If you are inclined, check out Meadowdolls.com You can see all of the dolls and what is up for preorder. Right now it is for the little Twinkles. 🙂
      The table/chairs I found on Ebay. I think they are AG look alikes maybe? They were separate purchases but match pretty well.

    2. Thank you Paula,
      The dresses are girlie and Springy and light as a feather. I love the looks and the feel of each one. I would have loved to wear them as a little girl too! Thank you for your kind comments.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Hi Jeanne,
    The dresses look adorable. The fabric is perfect for spring, great choice. I agree with all the girls, those clear buttons are the perfect finishing touch. I’m always excited to see your outfits to fruition.

    Joy, Congratulations on your new dolly. Ardyn is such a sweet looking girl. Your fabric choice is perfect for her. Love the flower, butterfly and hummingbird design… so sweet.
    hope everyone is enjoying the weekend

    1. Thank you Ingrid,
      There’ll be more to see tomorrow!
      I enjoyed my weekend…hope you did too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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