Navi’s Tea Party didn’t happen today…

…life did. I tried and managed to get a few things done.

Before I tell you about today’s post, I wanted to remind you, my Valentine dress for the 50’s ends this evening… (Tuesday). You can see it by clicking on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I took the pearls off Navi’s dress and stitched them on again. I haven’t looked at them through the eyes of my “camera” yet, which generally tells me more than I can see with my eyes.

I made a teeny tiny tulle slip to go under Navi’s dress. Even just in a slip, she’s adorable. I wish EVERYONE could hold her in your hands like I get to do. She is the absolute cutest and sweetest little girl you can imagine.

I took the tea set out of the package and set it up on a table, so you could see it. It’s very nice…and is by Hallmark! :o)

And lastly, we picked out “who” Navi wanted at her Tea Party!

We found chairs for everyone and were practicing manners as everyone sat in a circle. You don’t want to miss the tea party. Hopefully I’ll get it figured out today!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “Navi’s Tea Party didn’t happen today…”

  1. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness, she is adorable. I love the “practicing manners” part. As someone who takes tea regularly, I must agree that using good manners is important at the tea table (chuckle).

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I’m glad you liked the part about having good manners at the tea table… ( and everywhere else too!) :o)
      Thanks so much
      Blessings. Jeanne

  2. Oh, this is just the thing to keep us on our toes and to be sure to check in tomorrow! Yes, Navi looks adorable in that pretty little slip!

    Just to make myself look older, I remember going to teas in college! Yes, we actually did that, and had to wear a hat(!) and gloves, of course a nice dress and heels and nylons! Those were the days, and when my daughter’s Brownie troop had a tea, silly me, I dressed up, and all the other mothers were in jeans!! Honestly!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      I haven’t made it to my sewing room yet, but sure hope to soon. I’m glad you like her slip…it’s so teeny tiny!! :o)

      I can only imagine how you must have felt showing up for tea that day!!! Horror of horrors!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Love Navi’s new slip and her special tea party friends. How adorable.!
    Thinking about your thumb and taking so long to heal, I went in to talk to the doctor yesterday about arthritis in my hands. First thing he asked was if I was having pain at the base of the thumb at the wrist as that is where rheumatoid arthritis can start. My dentist had mentioned bone loss which I relayed to the doctor and he ordered another bone scan. Last one quite a few years ago was thin bones but it should tell is there is Osteoarthritis beginning now. Maybe ask about a bone scan if you haven’t had one as they tell a lot. Not that there is much that can be done for either. A lot of side effects on those drugs. 🙁 Maybe someone else here has had success. Would love to hear.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I’m wondering if it’s arthritis too…if it is, somehow falling and catching myself with my right hand must have jarred something in there. And then kicked things into high gear!!
      I guess my dr could tell me for sure…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. What sweet pictures of Navi. She looks so cute sitting there in her pretty slip. Her tea set and the chairs with the bears sitting there is so cute too. I know you and Navi have to choose one. The bears are all cute.
    Navi’s dress is perfect for a tea party and fits in well for Valentine.
    Where did the January go? We’re almost in February!

    1. Hi Paula,
      I know what you mean about “where did January go?” Time is flying by much too fast for me.
      I’m glad you like Navi’s set…I’m having fun with this one!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Navi is so cute in her pretty petticoat. She has some lovely friends to attend her tea party and they are sure to know the proper manners when the time comes. Where did you get those very nice little chairs? So small. The tea set is the best. And Hallmark no less. We used to have a tea room here in Sealy. It was called Tea and Sympathy. It was very well received and you had to make reservations because it was always full. Local women’s groups and church groups loved it. The atmosphere was great.. I had totally forgotten about it until I had a dream about it the other night. Probably all this talk about tea parties and tea rooms brought it to mind. I think the women running it had other things take up time in their lives and it closed. Someone was going to open another one, but that never happened. We did have a gift shop here for awhile that had tea parties for mothers, their daughters and their dolls, but no one attended without a daughter or granddaughter. Then it closed.

    Joy mentioned the drugs for osteoporosis. I have a friend in Scotland who was taking them for several years. She had her thigh bone break one morning while she was making her bed. While undergoing treatment for her leg fracture she was told that bone fractures were one of the side effects of the drugs. So you’re taking drugs to prevent fractures but you’re actually inducing them. I refuse to take any prescription drugs other than antibiotics when I really need them. When I told my old doctor this, he told me if I wasn’t going to take his advice I needed to find another doctor. So I did. I switched from an M.D. to a D.O. The difference was amazing. On my first visit I was there for a sinus infection. I kept trying to leave because I thought I was taking up his time. He actually talked to me and when I mentioned I was going to Colorado and having a sinus infection was going to be a real problem, he started asking me about my planned trip and telling me about his. We have few choices in this area because of being small town, but I’m sure glad he chose to practice here.

    Can’t wait to see the pictures of the tea party and Navi wearing her entire new outfit.

    1. I found the bamboo table and chair set with the cups and pitcher on eBay quite a while ago. I’ll see if I can find them again and let you know where if it’s still available. Jeanne makes such good use of it. I use it for Ten Ping.

      1. Thanks Susette,
        I forwarded a link to the listing to Barbara… I hope she likes it!
        Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Hi Barbara,
    Susette sent me the little chair set…maybe she’ll see this and let you know…if not, I’ll ask her. The set comes with a tiny little round pedestal table and some cups too.

    We don’t have a single tea room or even anything close here in town
    We have to go out of town to find anything “girlie!”

    All the drug ads in TV tell the MANY side effects they have. I’m not a big drug taker either…actually, I don’t take anything…and I’m glad!!
    I’m happy you’re liking Navi’s dress set.
    Blessings, Jeanne

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