The After Christmas post…

Don’t get your hopes up thinking I’ve had a miraculous recovery and whipped up 3 new dresses to share with you. Truth be told, my thumb is still too sore to use my scissors or do any hand sewing. My foot is slightly better but I still can’t wear any shoes “except for my New Blue Velcro ones!” This is definitely taking longer than I thought it would.

We had a nice Christmas visit with my mom for the first part of the day. She’s not doing very well and my brother and sisters are coming this Sunday to celebrate her 85th birthday. I may take some time off when they come…

Your comments yesterday were very nice and I’m glad everyone had a wonderful Christmas… please remember Charlotte’s hubby in your prayers as he has a pacemaker implanted today, (I think). It has been my joy to be here most days delivering smiles and inspiration (hopefully) to everyone that reads. Who knows what the new year will hold… hopefully some fun new things…and hopefully soon! :o)

SO…did anyone get any new dolls for Christmas? Just wondering… :o)

Dorothy sent me some pictures of her girls at some tea rooms that she visits. I hope you’ll enjoy her dolls as they were dressed up in “Tea-Time” dresses! I’ll let Dorothy do the talking…

The first photo shows my doll Safiah (red stripes) and my friend Julie’s doll Marie taking tea in Winston-Salem, NC during the Madame Alexander Doll Club convention last June.

The second photo shows Charlotte Noelle (Little Darling), with teapots, at my favorite tearoom, Sweet Remembrances.

The third photo show Jill (Tonner – My Imagination) at a Downton Abbey tea at Sweet Remembrances.

Oooooo…I love the looks of Sweet Remembrances Tea Room and Jill looks adorable in her Downton Abbey dress!

Dorothy told me she should send more pictures from the Elegant Tea at the end of the month.

Well, that’s it for today… a few dolly pictures… Thank YOU so much Dorothy!

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “The After Christmas post…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Jeanne, I’m not at all surprised–it seems those smaller bones/parts of the body take longer to heal than the “big stuff” sometimes!! As the saying goes, time can be the best healer sometimes–time, and not trying to do more than you should before you should!

    I’m sorry to hear your mom’s not doing too well, Jeanne. It’s good that you and your siblings can all be together to celebrate her birthday; I hope she has a good day that day, so you will have more happy memories for your memory bank. Those will be really important some day.

    I want to thank everyone for the lovely comments you added after my post yesterday, and also for all the prayers for Ron and me. I had tears in my eyes; you are all so dear. Yes, the surgeon will be in to see him early in the morning–they will have to call me, as I don’t do well in the early morning even in the best of times, and I am rather sleep-deprived at the moment (9-1/2 hours in the last 48). LOL They think Ron’s surgery will be later in the morning or maybe early afternoon. As surgeries go, it’s relatively minor–takes a half hour or so, and is done under mild sedation and a local anesthetic. They make a slit in the chest wall and put the pacemaker (about the size of a half dollar, but a little thicker) in it and attach the leads. If all goes well, he should be home on Friday.

    Well, no new dolls specifically for Christmas, but in the last month I’ve gotten Bella (Fashion Friends) and Leneda (from the Leeann doll line ), so maybe those count?! Merry Christmas to me from me!!

    Oh, Dorothy, your dolls are lovely!! Safia’s dress is so interesting, the way the striped fabric is also used for trim. It looks like they cut the fabric on the bias and sewed it across the vertical stripes. I would love to use that idea myself sometime, but I find that working on stripes that narrow tends to make my eyeballs bounce around in my head!! LOL I like stripes but have to be so careful working on them–too narrow, or too big a contrast, and I’m in real trouble!!

    Jill looks simply elegant in her gown–and again, another way to use stripes.

    Of course, I have to say my favorite is Charlotte Noelle!! She looks so sweet, posed with the teapots, and I just love her dress!!

    I’m looking forward to further pictures, Dorothy!!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I’ve hear that sometimes it’s almost better to break a bone rather than sprain it…this is getting a little old to say the least. I’m so used to just doing what I want…that hasn’t been happening! Oh well…more time, I guess.

      I pray your hubby’s surgery went well and better days are ahead.

      I’m glad you enjoyed Dorothy’s doll pictures…I loved seeing he dolls in their dresses and the settings they were in.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Good morning, Jeanne and everyone! I think I missed yesterday, it was so full of, well, Christmas !Never ending last preparations, church, coming home to make a ham dinner, finish decorating the cupcakes, and on and on! Then the kids coming over and then my mind gets kind of fuzzy! LOL

    Charlotte, I certainly will be praying for you and Ron, and hope everything goes smoothly and that you get some sleep! That might be the best Christmas present of all!

    Dorothy, your doll pictures are wonderful! The first picture, well, I thought those dolls looked familiar, and lo and behold, I have a bunch of MA dolls!! They are so sweet! Charlotte Noelle’s dress certainly does have a matching teacup! And the downtown Abby scene is so elegant!

    I am so sorry to hear your mother is not doing well, Jeanne, so perhaps this birthday party can put a bright spot in her life and yours. Take care, and don’t push yourself! We will always be here for you!

    1. Hi Linda,
      The only Christmas decoration I had out was the little nutcracker you sent me. It took me only 30 seconds to put him away. The way things are happening with my mom right now, I’m glad I don’t have a lot to mess with. I can just do my normal routine.
      It’s actually not going to be a party. I’m going to try and make some mini cupcakes for the residents where she’s at. Then we will just visit with her.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Wish that you were healing faster. Were you ever able to have more x-rays taken to see if something was broken? If not, perhaps that is in order.

    Sorry about your mom. I’m sure seeing all of her children will do wonders though.

    Glad to hear that the pacemaker operation is a short one. Be thinking of you Charlotte and hubby too.

    Dorothy’s girls are so fashionable. Love the outfits and the tea accessories.

    We had a fun day yesterday seeing the grands enjoying the Christmas rush. You will laugh, but we had a great dinner of Chinese food take out, kind of like in the Christmas Story movie. After all of the excitement it was very nice not to cook, and it was delicious. We did have the fresh fruit plate I brought with the family recipe topping. Youngest grand who is four had his first kiwi and loved it.

    Target has their after Xmas sales starting. Hope to check it out for anything dolly sized.

    No cooking today. Chinese food leftovers. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      My doctor was going to be out until the first week of January…I’m holding out to see her…my wrist and thumb actually seem to be slower at healing than my foot. My foot and ankle still swell but my wrist and thumb still hurt!! Time…time…time, I guess.
      We had a sort of unconventional Christmas dinner…chicken and Dumpling soup! Along with a tenderloin, corn casserole for Kristoffer, mostly, green beans, mashed potatoes and a chocolate cheesecake.
      We enjoyed it as much as I’m sure you did your Chinese food! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Charlotte, I hope your husband is doing well and that he can come home soon. I’ll be thinking if you both and hope to hear how things are going.
    Jeanne, this has probably been the most unusual Christmas for you yet- not being able to do all the hundreds of things you normally do. But there’s peace sometimes in having to alter your schedule in order to heal. The same goes for Charlotte and Ron. I hope all of you find those quiet but sweet moments.
    I’m sorry to hear about your mom as well. I hope she feels better soon.

    Dorothy’s pictures are absolutely adorable. What fun she must have had being at those places. Her dolls are dressed so cute. Love those tea cups and tea pots. I don’t collect tea pots but I have several special ones. One set is from the Queen Mary ship.
    I got no new dolls this year but I did get doll accessories! My sons got me the bakery set for Mary Ellen’s Seaside Cafe, which I already have. And they also got Mary Ellen’s school desk for me. I can’t wait to see it all when we get home next spring. We did Christmas via Face time!!

    Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!🎄

    1. Hi Paula,
      This most certainly has been an unusual time in my life. Too many things happening, my fall and not being able to do what I normally, my mom’s decline, Christmas in the middle of it all, and not being able to use my thumb for sewing…things have defonitely been all messed up…
      Your new dolly accessories sound so fun! I bet you can’t wait to play!!
      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing Dorothy’s dolls. We all did!
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I’ll be praying for your husband Charlotte, that everything goes well
    I’m so sorry that your mom is not doing well, Jeanne. I’m sure a birthday party will cheer her up. By all means, take time off to enjoy being with her and your siblings.
    No new dolls or gifts here for Christmas, My kitties were well indulged with new toys though! My mom had cataract surgery Friday, and I have been so busy, so just the small tree up this year without all the antique and special ornaments. I missed it, but just couldn’t do it all. Hopefully, next year. We were in the 50s for Christmas and almost 60 today. No complaints her though.
    Dorothy, the pictures of the dolls in the tearoom are wonderful. I love Jill’s Downton Abbey outfit. I think Sweet Remembrance has been featured a few times in Tea Time magazine which I subscribe to.
    Hope you hand begins to heal more quickly, Jeanne. I’m sure it must be frustrating.

    1. Hi Laura,
      Actually when I mentioned a celebration for my moms 85th birthday, I just meant some cupcakes and time spent with her. She doesn’t even know it’s her birthday. I cant wait to see my brother and sisters.

      It sounds like your Christmas was as simple
      as ours. We gave to our kids and that was all. My hubby sent out about 10 Christmas cards. I didn’t send a single card…except the one I sent to Marilyn’s sister with her money in it.

      I’m hoping 2020 starts out a little better.
      I hope your mom’s eye surgery went well too.
      Thanks Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Sounds like everyone made themselves a good Christmas. As happens every so often our best plans get shoved aside for more important things…like pacemakers , and sore ankles, and a Mom not doing so well…but as we go along we make do and have a good time with what is happening. If it was all perfect it would be so boring 🙂 I got lovely outfits from my friend for Christmas and my to fit a Little Darling and a coat and Hat for a Bleuette! My Bella is my Christmas present to myself …she’s so sweet!
    Prayers and good thoughts for everyone to ring in the New Year. Doesn’t 2020 just sound like it will be a good year? I sure hope so for all of you!

    1. Hi Kathie
      Your optimistic comments were just what I needed to hear!! Thank you SO much. When I feel sad the next few days, I’ll just come back and read what you shared. Sometimes hard things are for the best.
      Thank you Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne and blog family, thanks for your kind words about my dolls. They all love to take tea just like their Mama. Their outfits were made by friends or purchased online, as I do not sew.

    Dear Jeanne, I am continuing to pray for healing and strength for you and your family.

  8. Hi Jeanne,
    I’m so sorry you’re still laid up, you must be anxious to get back to normal, Continued prayers for a complete healing. I’m so very sorry to hear your sweet Mama had a fall. I will add her to my prayer list. I’ve been MIA again. I went to my doctors, ten days later I’m done with my antibiotics and once again I’m sick, it’s going on 3 months now ugg! I feel a visit to the doctors during flu season is like playing “Russian Roulette”, hand sanitizer just doesn’t cut it. I’ve been so behind, I finally finished decorating for Christmas on Christmas eve. LOL Today finds me being a couch potato and I’m loving it! You know how I love a post filled with photos. Thanks so much for sharing. There are some very talented ladies here and you know how much I love your work. It was such a treat!
    A while back I mentioned I ordered a Ruby red fashion friends doll and an outfit from FAO Schwarz. The other day I received an email and a refund, seems the outfit I ordered with my doll wasn’t available due to a system error at their warehouse. Needless to say I was disappointed. On the bright side my Sara ended up costing me just $86.00 with free shipping.

    Almost forgot, I have a new (to me) dolly. She’s a sweet little 8″ Dianna Effner Heartstring. She’s a cutie, she has red hair and came naked as a jay bird. I guess I’ll get busy and sew a little something for her.
    Hugs and Happy Holidays to everyone!

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      Sometimes maybe we all get setbacks to slow us down…I’ve certainly had to slow down. My foot is still too swollen to wear a shoe… someday it’ll happen. I hope you get over your sickness or of these days too. You have been sick far too long!!
      Congrats on your new Sara doll…sorry about the outfit not arriving, but you can’t beat that price for her!!
      And congrats too, on your new Heartstrings doll. Does she have a name yet? If you get a chance, please send us a picture of her…
      Thank you, Ingrid,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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