Are you a “Collar” lover?

I think I might be! I saw a woman in the Goodwill store a few weeks ago and she was very stylish in her smart black dress, leggings and cute lace up boots. She had her hair in one of those “romantic” styles where all the tendrils were falling around her face, but the back was sort of in this wrapped style where part of it was hanging down the back. She actually didn’t look like someone who would be shopping in Goodwill. She was VERY classy looking and was so adorable, but she looked out of place with all us “ordinary” people. (Maybe I was just having some self esteem issues that day! :o( ) Anyway, around her neck she has this most WONDERFUL lacy scarf or tie or collar… It was kind of wrapped around a few times I think. I wasn’t quite sure how it was added, but it was GORGEOUS… I know because I kept an eye on her and followed her down a few aisles, keeping one eye on her and one eye (pretending) to be looking at the racks of clothes. It was cream and soft looking and very lacy… old fashioned, yet very stylish, and just so pretty. I loved how she looked and I guess she made quite an impression on me because here I am, several weeks later, still remembering that lady and whatever it was that was around her neck.

SO… I thought instead of showing more “warm” doll clothing, I’d show you some of my favorite doll collars and neck “attire!” :o) There will always be more snow and I can show you some things to keep your dollies warm later on.

I looked through my archived pictures and only found this one dress for tiny 7 1/2″ Riley with a collar…

It seems like I made more collars for Bitty Bethany that were decorated with buttons, embroidered with silk ribbon and floss, and lace, than any other doll. I must have really enjoyed sewing them in her size… she was 11″ tall.

Wren was blessed to model a few dresses with pretty collars…This first one was one of my all time favorite dresses. When Wren modeled it, she was my first articulated doll and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She was so posable and we had a wonderful time taking pictures of it.

Well, I hope this was enough for today. I had company and my day has been long, so I think I’ll see if I can’t find some more “collar” pics and share the rest tomorrow.

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Are you a “Collar” lover?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Good to finally see your blog again–when I shut down my computer last night (maybe 2:30?) I still hadn’t received today’s blog. Then I read the comments tonight on it and discovered I wasn’t the only one who didn’t see it as early as usual, and that you’d had some satellite issues.

    My best friend in Flint and another friend in Niles (both, Mich.) reported they got about 10″ of snow yesterday. Out here in the Seattle area, it’ll be at least another month before we see any snowflakes, I’m sure–if then! Some winters we get no snow at all; other’s we might get a little here and a little there, totaling about a week or so at most. Once in a great while, we’ll get a taste of “real” winter, where the snow lasts longer than a few days, and is deeper than a couple of inches! Of course, with all the long steep hills out here, it’s probably just as well we don’t have 3-4 months of snow! If they cancel school for 2″ of the white stuff, can you imagine what they’d do if we had a winter like they have in the midwest?! LOL

    As to yesterday’s blog, my favorite outfit is the one with the feather boa trim, although I do like the little purple coat set, too.

    Tonight, I am loving all the wonderful collar ideas you’ve presented! For those of us who sew for our dolls, it’s a lot of inspiration!! I’m hard-pressed to choose a favorite. I love how you’ve used the handkerchief borders on some of them (Riley’s is my favorite, I think), but I also love seeing all your beautiful embroidery on the other collars.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      The cold weather has been playing havoc with my satellite. It’s running at a snail’s pace since this freezing weather hit.
      Katie’s black boa sets were so adorable on her. I really enjoyed making them.

      It’s funny how you remember things like pretty hankies…I remember the store I got Riley’s little pink daisy hankie and Bitty Bethany’s blue and white one. I loved Bitty’s so much and searched for several years for another one like it…to no avail.

      I’m glad you enjoyed them Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I completely missed yesterday’s post. I didn’t realize it until I read this one and you mentioned it. Shows how observant I am. HA.

    I loved all the corduroy yesterday and all the elaborate collars today.

    When my sister and I were in grade school, Mom made us dark green long sleeved A line dresses. They had white collars and cuffs that she embroidered on. Mine had a rose blossom in front with a curving leafed stem. These were big round collars. My sisters had a series of tiny bullion roses at the front. The collars and cuffs were removable so we could wear the dresses without them. I think my mom still has both sets in her cedar chest. If either one of us had a girl she would have given them to us. We both would have made dresses to put them on. We had boys, but I’m holding out hope for a granddaughter someday! Yes, I am a collar person. 😊

    1. Hi Julia,
      I hope you get that grand daughter some day so she can have her grandma make her a dress like the one “she” wore.
      If you can get pictures of the collar and cuffs you know we’d love to see them.
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I forgot to mention that the dresses were dark green corduroy! Your posts from yesterday and today brought back good memories.

  4. Nothing like a Goodwill stalker. 🙂 Wonderful description of the woman with the wrapped lace collar. I think I too looked for something similar some years back, but I can’t remember if I ever found one. I do have a few vintage collars that can be worn with a sweater or tshirt even. I’m not much of a neck wrap person, but what I tried to find was a lacy triangular sort of piece with ties long enough to hang down in the front. Guess I need the one drawn that you saw.
    The dresses on Bitty Bethany are so appealing. My favorite is the fall fabric with the red/white right behind. And then there is the lovely Wren. The girl who dazzles. I used to look for one, but gave up. Probably just as well since so many others have arrived instead.
    I think that Julia should borrow the green corduroy dresses and photograph them. I would love to see them.
    My newest Forever Friends from Ruby Red Galleria has arrived. She is very cute, and it looks like she can wear Wellie shoes. At least the ice skates as those are the only Wellie shoes around here. She is a great older sis to the LD’s and the tween Meadow kids. 🙂

    1. The green corduroy dresses are long gone. My mom just has the collars and cuffs. Those I might be able to get a picture of.

    2. Hi Joy,
      Oh dear…now I’m a stalker…
      Cindy texted me today, curious about that lacy collar/scarf. Then I called her and w talked more about it…sending pictures back and forth. I looked on Pinterest and googled but didn’t see anything like it…
      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing my dresses with collars. It’s always to look back at some dolls I used to sew for. Bitty was pretty popular… she had a strange head and her feet kind of turned out. I never really got very good pictures of her. But she always tried hard!! :o)

      Whenever you can take some pictures of your new Hanna please let us see her. I watched that video of the 3 girls and it was just adorable! I bet you are having fun with her.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I so love collars!! Of all types and sizes. That was one of my favorite things about Daisy Kingdom patterns. They did a lot with collars. You could actually buy pre-printed collars and add them to other outfits. I still have the matching doll collars since my daughter did not care about them. One thing I truly love about my modern sewing machine is the ability to keep the needle in the fabric when doing things like tiny round collars. They actually come out looking nice without a lot of frustration.

    I forgot to say how much I loved the warm-clothing pictures yesterday. The corduroy’s are my favorites but they’re all very nice. I couldn’t pick a favorite of today’s pictures but the pictures of Wren and the clothes she’s wearing are lovely. She is a beautiful doll – and poseable too. What’s not to like about that! Bitty Bethany’s frocks are really nice. I love the detachable collars.

    Since you are so good at illustrating, you should draw a picture of the woman at Goodwill. Your description makes me curiouser and curiouser.

    Glad Joy’s Hanna arrived safe and sound. I’ll be ordering my Fashion Friend today, but she probably won’t arrive for a few weeks. I’m thinking of making her a welcome home holiday dress.

    I found some Velcro especially made to hold on doll wigs so now Lolla Rose’s hair stays put. I was about to order another wig, but the place I was going to order from had this so I thought I’d try it first. Seems to work fine.

    Hope all goes well with your eye check-up today.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad you liked all the pictures of the collars too. I remember those Daisy Kingdom collars too and used some on little girls dresses years ago.
      I looked on Pinterest for something that lady in Goodwill was wearing but didn’t see anything like what she had on..I guess the search is on…
      I’m glad you finally found a way to hold on Lolla Rose’s wig.

      My eye appointment did go well…I have 20/20 vision in both eye now!!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Where did my comment go that I wrote earlier? Maybe I forgot to press “post comment”! I’ll never know, but I do love that first dress you made Jeanne! Really pretty! And the red and white checked dress with the removable collar, just darling! Well, they ALL are!

    I remember having dresses with those bib type collars, and I always had trouble with them while outside at recess! They kept blowing up in my face! But I do remember having some like that, although they weren’t removeable.

    It’s nice to hear that others here are getting new dolls and such. It makes things exciting, doesn’t it? While I think I am done buying dolls, I did splurge a bit and bought
    AG’s new Snow Queen Ballet outfit, from the Nutcracker. I’m thinking of having a Nutcracker scene for Christmas.

    I hope things go well at the eye doctor today for you.

    1. Hi Linda
      So glad you enjoyed seeing my collars today.
      When I was looking through my pictures, I just thought it would be fun to see some dolls that don’t get shown very often.
      I like it when ladies get new dolls on here too…we all get a first hand view and opinion of the doll… sometimes that’s good but sometimes it causes dolly fever!!! :o)
      I look forward to seeing your Nutcracker scene this Christmas.
      I have 20/2 vision, but he wants to see me again in a week…the pressure in my left eye was a little high. I’m seeing well now…still using lots of eye drops and sing that eye patch jut at night now.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Wren has always been a favorite doll, but I’ve never seen her on eBay, although I don’t need anymore dolls. She has the most natural-looking ball joints. Molly is just darling in the beautiful dress with the sweater to match and special collar, fingerless gloves and bonnet. Wow! What a lot of details! What a lot of inspiration in one post. Thanks.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I loved Wren too…everyone in a while I’ll get an inkling to look at Wren on Ebay. She is seldom on there now. She was very popular in her day.
      I was crazy about her when she arrived. I remember the day she arrived, my brother and sisters were here visiting my mom at her house. I took Wren in her box over to show everyone. I remember Bob taking her and wiggling her arms and legs, saying, “look st me…I can bend my legs”…and I just wanted to get her out of his hands so he didn’t break her… she was very much adored while I had her…
      Glad you enjoyed my pictures today..
      Blessings, Jeanne

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