A little bit gold and a little bit velvet…

The dress set I made for 10″ Patsy Tonner and Friends or 11″ My Meadow Dumplings, called “Golden Touch,” ends this evening (Tuesday) on Ebay. You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

If you happened to miss Monday’s post, you might want to read it first… A Very Special Auction.

For this “new” dress, I had to figure out what pattern I used. By process of elimination I found it. I also looked back in my records and discovered my original dress was made on November 14, 2009…ten years ago!

I found a piece of sheer fabric I can use for the ruffles around the neck and the hem, and also the sleeves. I even gathered them up. I’d almost like to find something softer to use… this is a bit stiff. What do you think if I used this very delicate fabric like in this Regency dress? (Also modeled by Elizabeth?) It wouldn’t be as sheer but it would be a bit softer looking. I have more of this fabric. It’s one of my all time favorite delicate fabrics and it has 3 rows of silver threads running through it. It’s like a tissue…

Okay, so imagine these sleeves and ruffles with the black velvet…any opinions?

Now, to my pictures of what I’ve gotten (or NOT gotten) done on it. You are REALLY going to have to use your imagination on this pinned on version.

I took these pictures before I even had the idea to use a different fabric.

The black velvet is called a Windowpane Velvet and is super super super soft! It’s very fluid and moveable. It is almost like a burnout fabric made of little 1/2″ squares. I over exposed this first picture so you can see what I mean…

This is what it actually looks like…

This is with my hand underneath…

…and here is our “lovely” model trying to make sense of what I did to her…

See, I told you you’d have to really use your imagination on this one…

Okay, so I’m open for suggestions… not changing it too much but maybe making it even better than it was before. :o)

See you tonight or tomorrow! *wink* *wink*
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “A little bit gold and a little bit velvet…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I love the lace you’ve chosen, Jeanne–so delicate and feminine! However, if you are thinking it’s a little stiff for what you want, it might behoove you to spend a little time seeing if you can find something that feels more like what you want before you cut this out.

    Long sheer sleeves might be a good option for this dress–since it’s a winter dress (when else would you wear velvet?!) long sleeves would be appropriate. Otherwise, it all looks good, and I’m sure will do very well in your auction coming up!

    1. Your comment on winter being the only time to wear velvet made me laugh. I live in Texas but I’m a Yankee born and bred. I got married on January 19, 1980, so having my attendants wearing velvet seemed like a lovely idea. And they did look lovely. Problem was in Houston in January there’s no telling what the weather will be. That day the temp was 80 degrees. One of the hottest days on record for that date.

      1. Hi Barbara,
        That is too funny about your velvet dresses being worn on the hottest day of the year! Who would have guessed?
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      I might do a little more digging in my stash to see if I see something else to use. I would head to town to look but I unfortunately got the crud Rebecca and my hubby had. Perfect…just in time for Thanksgiving!!
      Thanks for your thoughts…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I love that embroidered fabric with silver threads. I like the idea long sleeves too.

    Our weather forecast is full on winter later today. It better be over by Thursday!

    1. Hi Julia,
      That white fabric is incredibly beautiful. I bought some somewhere and made that regency dress from it. Then I began searching for it online and spent a few years looking. One night I was looking again and lo and behold it appeared. I was so thrilled!!!

      Enjoy your snowy weather…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. What a nice idea to honor our Dear Friend Marilyn. I know she will approve of the fabrics you’ve chosen. I was looking for some gathered 1/2” lace at the big fabric store yesterday and none was to be found. I couldn’t believe it. And no sheers with small patterns. It’s a good thing to have your stash on hand. I’m sure the dress will be wonderful. Thanks for fulfilling this wish.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I know what you mean…laces are hard to find… if I did go to town, I’d probably be better off going to the Goodwill and looking at white blouses for something to use.
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Definitely vote for the embroidered white fabric. It’s going to be look wonderful and I’m sure she’ll be so happy after waiting ten years!! Now that’s a waiting list. LOL

    1. Thanks your giving your opinion, Dorothy,
      I’m still trying to decide what to do…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I think this white semi-sheer fabric will work wonderfully, Jeanne! Two people have mentioned long sleeves, and I will add maybe 3/4 sleeves, still puffy and pretty!

    I love the black velvet with the windowpane pattern! Just so elegant and perfect for a dress for the holidays, and beyond!

    Funny thing though, that first picture of Elizabeth with the material wrapped around her just to see what it might look like, well, for a moment there I thought that was the finished dress!! I thought for a second, Jeanne must have had a stroke!!😂

    Onward to Thanksgiving! It looks like Marilyn will be looking out at a beautiful scene full of snowflakes there in Colorado! Good thing my son and family are not coming home now, since he lives in Denver! We are counting on Christmas to be a better traveling time, but who knows?

    1. Hi Linda,
      I might cut out one sleeve from the embroidered fabric and gather it up to see what it might look like…
      I know whatever I pick, it will work well with that gorgeous velvet. This fabric is so soft and lightweight to the touch.
      I laughed out loud when you saw the picture of the pieces pinned on Elizabeth and thought it was a work in progress… then when you said you thought I’d had a stroke…I laughed even harder!!:o)
      So is it just going to be you and your hubby for Thanksgiving?
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. No, Jeanne, I am having my neighbor over for dinner, she will be 102 years young in
        February! Then we go to our daughters for dessert and games with all her family,

  6. Well, the dress is going to be beautiful! I’m sure a dolly will be thrilled.
    Making artichoke dip and broccoli casserole so have a few more things to pick up. Busy time of the year.
    We’re due for actual rain later today. Can’t wait. 🙂

    1. Artichoke dip and broccoli casserole! Two of my favorites. What time is dinner? I want to make sure I have plenty of time to get there. Glad you are getting some rain.

    2. Hi Joy,
      Sounds like you have a plan for Thanksgiving and are getting it done!! I got hit with the crud so I’m moving s bit slow today…
      Your dip and casserole sound wonderful. Are you going to your daughters house?
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Oh, the crud. Great timing eh? Well, hopefully you’ll feel better by Thursday and if not, do a quick order from Safeway and have someone pick up dinner. 🙂
        And yes, we are going to see the grands. It’s nice because we all bring something so it isn’t too big of a chore. Son in law’s parents will be there too. They are lots of fun.

  7. I love the combination you have chosen. Like the idea of the long sleeves too
    It will be beautiful!
    Bracing for snow today…maybe enough that the drive will need shoveling…this year we lined up a person to do it. I’ve had too many days watching out the window to make sure
    hubby isn’t going to drop over from shoveling!
    Jeanne you would be proud of my Christmas Swap dress. I have learned so many tricks from you and they made this dress so pretty! This year is a star theme and found awesome fabric with the right size stars…and I made a necklace like you did and attached it at the shoulders. That is a great idea. Maybe after the swap is over I’ll take pics…for now it is …..secret😉

    1. HI Kathie,
      I just noticed 2 more comments so I had to answer them before going to bed.
      Well, the short sleeves won out…at least for now… I’m not finished yet, but almost wish I had used the embroidered fabric…it would have been 10 times easier to sew! But I didn’t… but I’m not done yet… it might be quicker to start completely from scratch!
      Yes, Please do send us pictures of your dress when your swap mate gets the dress. I can’t wait to see it!
      Snow? I’m still hoping we return to Fall a little while longer. Fat chance of that though…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Whatever you do this dress will be lovely. The fabric alone is exquisite. I can picture it with short, 3/4 length and long sleeves and they all look wonderful. The fabric lends itself to all those.

    I finished Bella’s dress yesterday. She wanted simple but elegant. It’s red crushed velour with a red lace fabric peplum (lengthened the skirt but forgot to lengthen the peplum, duh, but it still looks okay). I’ll be glad when someone comes out with FF patterns. I’m not really a good pattern adjuster. Too much to think about. I was going to put a red bow with a rose at the neckline but she vetoed the idea. The simple neckline does look lovely on her. She has a beautiful neck. I will start Gracie’s dress today. The pattern has a ton of possibilities and as many pieces.

    It’s been warm and humid here the past two days but rain and cooler weather are on the way with the possibility of another freeze next week. Thanksgiving Day was supposed to be lovely but now they say we could have rain. Makes me wish we were staying home.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Congratulations on getting some sewing done.
      I bet Bella is just thrilled.
      I hope you’ve found some time to work on Gracie’s dress today and hope you figured out which look you want for her.
      It is rainy here today…I’m staying in because I got the cough and cold Rebecca and my hubby had. I’m pretty miserable so staying I is perfect for me…I hope I get better soon!!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Two weeks before my concert David came down with some kind of virus. It only lasted a couple days but then he followed it with a nasty cold. He had been working out in a cold rain. I was panicking because I could not get sick. So I used my sinus rinse and sprayed my throat a bunch. I escaped the crud. I was afraid I’d get it once the pressure was off, but thankfully I didn’t.

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