I asked…you answered…I delivered…

I’m glad you were ALL in agreement about extending the white placket down onto the peplum. That made things much easier for me to know what to do! And you were all in agreement about removing the lace from around the bottom of the skirt. That was the second best thing you could
have all agreed on.

Now it was all up to me to carry out your wishes…AND I DID!

Here is the dress before…

…and here it is finished…added trim on the bodice and removed lace on the skirt…

I also added one more button to the inside on each sleeve…

I “may” take that bottom button off and sort of curve the white trim just a tiny bit..it seems a bit too straight across to me…then sew the button back on…

One last closeup…

I wasn’t crazy about the way it fit on my dolls before…it was too long in the torso, it looked too boxy, the peplum was crooked, the lace was too long and uneven, those squares on the peplum weren’t positioned right, (and I DO see what several ladies mentioned about the 2 darker squares above maybe could have been positioned down the rows below in the peplum, but I’m not taking it off again…) and that lace really didn’t do anything for the skirt. After ALL that redo, I am finally very happy with it… Lots to do to get it ready to list…

Thanks for all your help, everyone!
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “I asked…you answered…I delivered…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It turned out beautifully, Jeanne! But I do see what you mean about the bottom of that trim being just a tad bit too square. Might not bother people, but I (like you) would notice something like that!

    Will try to get pictures sent to you in a day or two–of the things I made for our new great-nephew. Haven’t seen any pictures of him in/on any of the things I made….yet. But we’ll see.

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I’m so glad you like how things ended up!
      Hope you are enjoying your Saturday!
      Can’t wait to see your pics!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Everything is just about perfect as perfect can be, Jeanne! My first thoughts were when you showed the dress on Eden, that she looked like a little schoolteacher! Maybe it could be a back-to-school dress for her? She could be carrying some books and wearing a cute little hat. This IS back to school time anyway, so what better timing?

    1. HI Linda,
      You guessed it… Eden is Gettysburg’s latest schoolmarm! Wait till you see what I found for props!
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. The ladies’ suggestions and your work to amend the outfit have proved to yield a very beautiful garment thus far, Jeanne. Can’t wait to see what else is done to make this another superior example of your workmanship. It’s amazing already!


    1. Thank you so much Becky!
      My hubby came in my sewing room last night and saw Eden standing on the cutting table and he even commented how pretty this dress was. Of course, blue happens to be his favorite color… :o)
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thank you Rosemary,
      I hope you are right about the selling quickly! That would be wonderful… just in time for school! Thank you for your kind words.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. It’s beautiful! Love it.
    I agree with Linda, that Eden definitely reminds me of a schoolmarm. Maybe she needs to stand by a world globe with a pointer? or in front of a map. She looks like she would be an excellent teacher. 🙂
    We enjoyed the fair yesterday but it was pretty hot. The flower show was quite amazing but indoors where it was cooler. Each vignette fully decorated with exquisite flowers, ponds, and waterfalls. I saw the funniest fountain that had metal realistic crows that each dumped water into a pond from their beaks. I’d love to have one of those. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      Yes, all the girls on the dolly shelf have been chanting… Eden is a schoolmarm….Eden is a schoolmarm. Poor thing… but I bought her something today and the girls have hushed up.

      I’m glad you had a nice time at the fair… I used to love to go to one around here… but haven’t gone in years…The fountain sounds as cute as can be!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I agree with the rounding of the trim at the bottom of the peplum. What a beautiful dress it has turned out to be. Can’t wait to see what accessories you choose.

    I’m off this morning to my grandson’s 9th birthday party. Seems like only yesterday that he was born. I remember distinctly when his dad was his age. Where does the time go…

    1. HI Barbara,
      I’m hoping to get to that trim in just a little bit… my hubby is out doing the trim work with the push mower… I might sneak in some sewing time while he’s outside.
      I hope you had a wonderful time at the birthday party.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Linda and Joy hit it on5he head. She should be a teacher! Perfect timing too!
    Everything looks all “put together” now.
    Will be interesting to se3 what else you come up with!

    1. HI Kathie,
      Eden IS going to be a teacher… I’ll have to see about getting her some students! :o)
      I’m hoping this one turns out cute…as far as the props go… we’ll see…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. The bodice is just gorgeous. I love it. We are seeing it two different ways, though. You, Charlotte and Barbara see the white placket as a trim only. I see it as like a front opening blouse or shirt (or even a jacket) and a shirt placket would end exactly like this one does. It’s all in the way in which you *see* it. : ) Love and hugs, Ali

    1. HI Ali,
      And if this were truly Civil War times… you would be correct…the bodice would open down the front and not just be decorative!
      Nice to have your thoughts on this… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

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