You were right…it’s a new patriotic dress for Molly!

I guess you know me too well…or maybe Molly’s style too well. Either way, you got it right and Molly is the next model up for a new dress. In fact, I FINISHED it today and it’s already listed on Ebay! You can see it by clicking the picture on the right side bar, or you can click HERE. (June is quickly moving along, so I added a Buy It Now to my listing.)

Here are some pictures of the dresses I made a few years ago that I hinted at… It’s easier to see the details on these dresses than on the one I just finished. The lighting was better. I made 2 dresses and sold them together and called them “Sister’s Set.”

I wanted to get some outside pictures, but it was raining most of the day as I was sewing. When I finished with everything, it had stopped but it was very cloudy outside. It sort of made the white fabric glow. The outside pictures this time weren’t the greatest, but I included them in the listing anyway.

This auction includes the dress… which has a detachable belt cut on the bias to make it a little more interesting.

Molly likes the buttons I added to the bodice…

Underneath the dress is another surprise… a fun patriotic tulle slip!

I’m including a red and white polka dot ribbon for your doll’s hair.

…and I didn’t have one at the time of my listing, but Molly will get her very own flag, just her size, instead of the tiny little (Navi sized) flag that she is holding.

I can’t believe I got this done in one day…well, sort of… I did the bodice last night. :o)

Have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “You were right…it’s a new patriotic dress for Molly!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Very cute, Jeanne. Is the embellishment identical to the first tow, or did you vary it a bit? It’s a little hard to tell.

    I did get in the sewing room today, but mostly for ironing (yes, I still do that!), and then I removed the hems in a pair of slacks for myself; tomorrow I’ll try to get them at least pressed up and pinned, if not actually sewn. It depends on how much time I have.

    Happy weekend, everyone!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I tried to mimic the buttons on the bodice just like the first dresses I made. I think they are pretty close.
      I’m hoping to get in my sewing room again this evening. I like sewing in the evening… you too? I still iron too! :o)
      A happy weekend to you too…even though it’s already half over…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Yes. I like to sew in the evening, too.Now I’m on my computer in the evening a lot, but when I was younger and had a little boy, evenings were my times to sew!! The house was usually quiet, hubby watching TV, son asleep….got a lot done!

  2. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, Molly looks adorable. I love the stars that float on the top of the dress.

    Happy World Doll Day to you and the blog family!

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      I think Molly looks pretty sweet myself…and we won’t discuss how short of a time she got to wear this dress. I was shocked it sold so quickly, but the lady wanted it! :o) I was glad to oblige! :o)
      Happy World Doll Day to you! I’m hoping to spend some time in my sewing room with my dolls… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Wow, that was fast! Had to take a look at your photos on your already “sold” dress. Goody. The outdoor close up shots of the dress are sharp and clear, while the full shots do have a cloudy/muddy look. Why? Not sure. But, I do like the outdoor ones best. Just adds so much interest. Congrats.
    So what’s next?? We’ll probably be huddled indoors if the temp pans out as predicted. There was a high wind advisory last night and Pacific/Gas/Electric shut off power in some eastern hilly areas. Not good as it can take days to turn the power back on. Fortunately, we’re still on this morning.

    1. HI Joy,
      Yes it was fast… totally caught me off guard this morning…but I got over it pretty quickly. I was asked to mail the Colonial Charm dress today, because the winner was going to be out of town. As I was boxing it up, my phone dinged and the buyer of Molly’s dress happened. So I boxed it up and made a trip to the Post Office with both of them. YAY!!! Now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t make the blue checked one… hmmm…

      I hope your power stayed on…and you had a wonderful Saturday. I got up early and went to a yard sale with Rebecca. She found a few things but not me… it’s okay… I didn’t need anything.
      Thanks Joy,
      I LOVE that pink cowgirl dress and boots and hat on Stella May. She is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E as can be in it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Another Dorothy in Pa

    Another one sold before some of us even got to see the listing!! What I loved the most was the tuck sleeve detail, and the sweetheart neckline (I’ve yet to try one of those). She truly looks like an American sweetheart. Hope you can have another one listed quickly for those of us that missed out .☹️ Happy Dolly Day.

    1. Hello…another Dorothy in PA,
      Sorry it sold so fast. I had no idea it would… but the lady didn’t want to take a chance on someone else getting it. I like those tucks in the sleeves too… they make them look so cute and not quite so puffy! :o)
      I was debating about making the blue one because this one sold so quickly.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I love Molly’s new dress! It is dreamy! My dolls only have one patriotic dress. It’s a navy print trimmed with a red print. I saw some red, white, and blue fabric with stars yesterday. I managed to stay on my fabric diet and resist buying it. If I dig through my stash I’ll probably find suitable fabrics. Shopping my stash for over a year has hardly put a dent in it! I’ve been sewing some clothes for ME. I have a stack of vintage tablecloths that I’m using. I made a tunic, a skirt, and a summer top. I used a large white linen cloth to experiment with ice dyeing. It looked like a water color wash when done. I have cut out a maxi dress. All this linen is a new experience for me. I used a vintage print cotton tablecloth to make an apron for a cousin. It was pretty cute and my cousin really liked it.

    This weekend there a summer festival nearby. Today one activity is a flea market I will be going to. Who knows what I’ll find!

    1. I would certainly like to see your ME vintage tablecloth outfits and the apron too. Did you get any photos?

    2. HI Jillaurellia,
      I found myself fingering some patriotic fabric yesterday too…but like you, I resisted… I need to use up what I have first before I buy any more! (yea right!) :o)
      I’m with Joy, and we’d LOVE to see your outfits if you want to send me some pictures! We LOVE vintage things…
      Hope you found some fun things at the flea market… they usually have the best treasures! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What? Sold already?well, congratulations, Jeanne on a job well done! Molly looks adorable in that dress, and I wonder if the buyer also had a Molly for it. I myself, prefer Buy It Now on EBay over auctions. I guess when I see something I want,I don’t want to wait several days and worry that someone else would outbid me.

    Your pictures outside turned out really well, I think. You said it rained a lot yesterday. Gee, we had only a few sprinkles in the afternoon, but basically it was a sunny day. More rain is coming though tomorrow. Hope it doesn’t rain on the Blue’s parade!

    1. Hi Linda,
      The buyer of Molly’s dress bought it for her Maryellen and she hopes she’ll be the prettiest one in the parade! I bet she will be! That’s exactly what the lady told me…she liked it and didn’t want to miss out on it…

      It’s rained a lot today too… have you had rain? Kind of gloomy too, but very humid! Sticky as can be…
      I’m hoping to get in my sewing room tonight…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. My computer was down or blocked or the victim of phishing yesterday, but my nephew rescued it and me.
    Why not make the other patriotic dress? I’ll bet you are 3/4 done with right now? There’s plenty of time for someone to get it and a lot of interest here, so there might very well be on Ebay. That was one of my favorite sets to buy because it was so beautifully packed. (Jeanne sent the box to my goddaughter, but took pictures of the layers first.)
    I especially love the picture of Molly against the green leaves. That would sell anything.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Thanks for your comments.. I don’t have one half way started, but I was considering it… Would you think I should do another red one or the blue one this time?
      Sorry to hear about your computer woes… been there…done that…it’s no fun!
      Thanks Marilyn… I’ve got to get to bed… I have an early dentist appt in the morning…otherwise, I’d stay up sewing… Night!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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