The Goodwill Bonnet…

Well, it’s not exactly a Goodwill bonnet, but it came from a dress from the Goodwill…so I just decided to call it that. This was the dress that I cut up to use the fabric… It still looks like a pretty dress from the front, but the back? Not so much…

Anyway I turned that dress fabric into this pretty bonnet. Rebecca loves it and told me she was SO glad I bought that dress.

I used the Keepers Dolly Duds pattern for this bonnet and even though it’s not finished yet, you can see how pretty it is with the dress. I told you the fabrics matched perfectly!

I made a row of ruched fabric to run down the middle of the bonnet and added some white lace just to the inside of it. I also lined it in that lime green silky fabric from the dress…

I still have the ties and the “embellishing” to do on it but don’t you like it? (I’m the one who’s glad I bought the dress!)

I hope to get to town to see if there are any buttons that go any better than the one I have. Then make the pantalettes, and hem the dress… A few things to go, but not too bad… it’ll be done before you know it! :o)

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “The Goodwill Bonnet…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That bonnet is lovely, Jeanne! Can’t wait to see the finished outfit!! Good luck on finding the right buttons–sometimes the “right” colors are “in”, and sometimes they aren’t!

    I had another thought for the name: Aquamarine Dream.

    Also, after I wrote last night, I remember years ago, being at the church (my dad was the pastor at the time) the morning before a wedding, and seeing all the attendants’ gowns hanging in the “bride’s room”; the color combination was aqua and lime green (just about exactly your colors here!); the maid of honor’s dress was aqua with lime green trim; the bridesmaids’ gowns were the green with aqua trim. I thought they were really pretty! I didn’t go to that wedding, so I have no idea what the flowers were like, just those gowns hanging in the room! That was probably close to 50 years ago–but then, I’ve always loved weddings, and seeing everyone’s gowns!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I’ll add that name to my list too…thanks!
      It sounds like that was a beautiful colorful wedding. I love these 2 colors together…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a sweet bonnet you have fashioned, Jeanne! Now I see so much better that the “draping” of earlier pictures was just that—draping!! I’m wondering how the tie will be tied, in the front or on the side. If in the center, it could possibly hide any pretty brooch you might have there on the dress. Maybe tying it on the side would be better?

    I have always loved aqua and greens, I guess you might say I like cool colors! Having said that, as I look around my own house, I see a lot of warm colors, especially in the kitchen, which does face the north. And to top it off, I have a RED bathroom!

    Have a wonderful time with your sisters and brother-in-laws!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      The bonnet will be tied on the side…
      I did find another “brooch” button that Cindy and I agreed on. It’s much more subtle.
      We used to have a house that had red linoleum with lavender bathroom pieces… ick!

      I am going to have a wonderful time with everyone!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Please say the pantalettes are going to be lime green! With aqua lace trim? And some lime green foliage on the bonnet with aqua lace rosettes. Oh boy! I’m really getting into this. Can’t wait to see the end product!

    1. Sorry, Julia, but the pantalettes will most likely be white with some lime green aqua trim…
      There will be some greenery kn the bonnet…you got that right… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Coming right along. Looks good. Here I was thinking that the eyelet would be a jacket or sash and the bonnet straw, but no, full lovely hat from that beautiful blue.
    And I was thinking of your sisters visiting which reminded me that it would be wonderful to see the home decor for summer. Wonder how your sis has decorated for the season? Inspiring. 🙂
    We’re supposed to hit the 90’s for the next couple of days, so heading out to water the yard before it is too hot out there. Hope your weekend is filled with wonderful memories.

    1. Thanks Joy,
      When I first saw the aqua fabric and the dress fabric, I thought of a jacket first, but wondered which doll era would work best. I quickly thought of a bonnet and the Civil War era won!!
      It would be a wonderful time for some summer pictures from Cindy and Deb…I’ll ask them if they have anything to share…

      We had a HUGE storm last evening and into the night. Our neighbor had a big tree uprooted in her yard and it fell on her house.
      Through the night we had the loudest thunder I think I have every heard. It went on and on till sometime after 5:00 this morning.
      We had rain showers most of the day till about 4:00 this afternoon.
      I plan to make some memories this weekend!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. You have storms in the summer and we have wildfires. Liking neither. So sorry about your neighbors house. Maybe you’ll get sleep tonight. 🙂

  5. I’m here early today. I’ve got to head out to mow in a bit. I’m waiting for things to dry out some. I’d love to put it off and sew, but we’re supposed to get rain sometime between now and Monday, so I need to get it out of the way before that.

    What an adorable bonnet! I can’t wait to see it finished. For some reason I tend to tie things on the side. I guess I just like the look. Everyone mentioning the color combination reminds me of years ago when the colors were aqua and avocado. I had a tablecloth with both colors and my appliances, including my washing machine, were avocado. Loved those colors. You’ve got me wanting to try some period clothing. I bought a couple patterns from Pixie Faire to give it a go. They are lovely patterns and I have a lot of fabric that would work well.

    I told you I was photographing yesterday. I noticed something interesting. I’ve seen many LD dolls in pictures and they always look so lovely. My dolls always seemed more subdued in person. Last evening I was looking at the pictures I took and zoomed in on Claire’s face. I was amazed! These dolls are incredibly photogenic. I need to redo one of my favorite pictures though. I hadn’t noticed that the end of the bow on the one shoulder of her dress looks like it’s up her nose. Close up it looks like she’s chewing on it. I was so caught up in posing her I missed that.

    Have a great time with you sisters. You really do a lot of fun things. Awaiting pictures.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      My hubby had to wait for our grass to dry out before he could mow too…
      This bonnet is going to be tied on the side… don’t want to hide my new “brooch!”

      Photographing dolls can be almost as time consuming as real children…you just don’t have to worry about the weather or bedtime with dolls.
      I’ll take pictures if we do anything picture worthy!!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. The bonnet is wonderful! It matches so well. I don’t know how you can create and then sew something like this bonnet. The gatherings in the middle add dimension to the bonnet and I love the green lining.
    I have a beach umbrella that is aqua with that same green edging. Love those colors.
    The dress is adorable- will you add that lovely pin to top it off? I’m crazy about the print.

    Enjoy your family visit, Jeanne and have a great weekend everyone!

    1. Hi Paula,
      I can’t wait to finish the bonnet and show it.
      I found some perfectly colored flowers!!
      Hobby Lobby had a pretty button that works much better…its simpler but looks great!
      I’ll get this done pretty quickly when my sisters are done visiting.
      I think it will be a very pretty set on any doll.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Really impressive bonnet! Such a pretty design! Leave it to you to look at that dress as if it was a bolt of fabric!
    They look perfect together.
    Have a great family weekend!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I think my mind is always looking for ideas for my doll dresses…and props too…can’t forget them!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the bonnet is adorable. I am always amazed at how people who sew can look at a piece of fabric (in this case a dress) and see a finished product.

    Happy sister time this weekend!

    I am off to the doll convention. I will check back in when I return next week.

    Save me a seat on the sofa. I will want to hear all about what happened while I was gone.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Hsve fun at the doll convention… I wish I could tag along with YOU this time! Have lots of fun! I will and I know you will too!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. The bonnet is truly amazing. So feminine and pretty. The lime green lining picks up the green of Rebecca hazel eyes. I, for one, want to see this on Caroline as well. Can’t wait to see the next addition to this set. I am also a fan of tying bonnets on the side.
    Have a wonderful time with your sisters this weekend.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I will try this on Caroline to see how she looks in it…I bet gorgeous!!
      You’re gonna love it cause it’s getting tied on the side!!!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Stunning bonnet, Jeanne! I just love your bonnets/head coverings of all sorts…this is especially nice that you saw a future in that dress/lining…just gorgeous!


    1. HI Becky,
      Not tomorrow, but hopefully Tuesday, I’ll have the bonnet all finished and can show it… I love the flowers I found for it… couldn’t have been more perfect in color!
      Thanks SO much,
      blessings, Jeanne

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