Instant Green Super Moss…my latest purchase

PLEASE NOTE: My Meadow’s, 6″ Navi’s sweet “Funshine and Roses” set is ending this evening (Tuesday) on Ebay. If you want to take a look at it, you can click on the top picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

Thanks everyone, for your kind comments to Alba… She is so happy to have been a part of your lives and you made her feel so welcome and loved. It’s easy to do with her family… I can’t imagine how I’m going to say that final goodbye when they head out of town… I can’t think about that now… *sniff* *sniff*

She called me this afternoon and told me she had gotten a good pathology report from the doctor and something else was negative but I’ve forgotten what it was… She was quite excited and ready to forget that horrible day a while back. Me too!

I had a wonderful, wonderful time with my sisters this time. In fact it might have been our best visit in years. We spent time with my mom but when she was sleeping at night or napping we were together doing things. My sisters were able to stay in the same apartments where my mom had lived before, just in one that had been fixed up into a guest apartment. It was REALLY nice and they enjoyed it so much. The director said they could stay there anytime they came home. What an answer to prayer.

So now it’s “Post” time and I only have one thing new to show you… I saw this roll and thought it might come in handy on rainy days and even on days when it’s sunshiny but I don’t want to get down on my hands and knees to take pictures. It’s hard to find a place in my yard where the grass is cut short enough that my girls can stand in it without it being up to their hips.

It’s a roll of moss and will (hopefully) work well as grass for my girls. I found it at Hobby Lobby and used my 40% off coupon.

There are LOTS of ways you can use it…

It comes on a roll 18″ x 48″ so it’s big enough to use even your larger dolls with it. I haven’t used it yet, but just showing these pictures makes me pretty sure it will work…

I thought I’d give it a quick try and see what I thought… using Navi as my model…

Pretty cute, huh?

Pretty messy though….

I think I could use it outside by putting it on something higher up so you aren’t laying on your stomach taking those pictures… I guess we’ll see… I’ll experiment and let you know more what I think…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

6 thoughts on “Instant Green Super Moss…my latest purchase”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    So glad to hear the good news from Alba, as to her health, I mean. I’m sure she’s feeling so much better about the whole thing, too.

    I’m glad you had such a good visit with your sisters, and that there is a nice guest suite available for them when they come to visit. Makes life a little easier on all of you, I would think!!

    What a great find that moss is! Yes, I would imagine you could stretch it out on the end of a table, or perhaps on a tv tray or something like that, and position it in such a way that your yard, gazebo, trees, etc. form the backdrop, but pose the dolls on the flatter “grass”. Then position your camera in such a way as to make a realistic scene, and hopefully in such a way that you can stand or sit comfortably while you take the pictures!

    I would probably spread some plastic down before putting the moss down, so the shedding is easier to pick up. If you use something a little weightier than Saran Wrap, such as craft vinyl, that might work quite well. In fact, you might be able to roll the two up together, if you get a piece of vinyl the same size!

    And, of course, Navi looks adorable, posed on the “lawn”!!

  2. Glad to hear Alba’s in the clear. Now, after Sara’s graduation, it will be off for home. I suppose you can Skype and photos will be welcome. Won’t be the same though. I so wish them well.
    Interesting stuff, that moss. I’ve seen it a lot in Pinterest photos. I’m not so sure I would want it on my table though. Definitely should work for dolly photos as long as it doesn’t get on the lovely dresses or stuck in hair. I know what you mean about the natural grass being too long for good photos. Ours is a little sparse in the places I’d like to use for photos. Weeds here and there too. The moss should work well.
    Expecting a package on Thursday. Can’t wait. 🙂

  3. What a lot of good news you have for us today — Alba’s health, your sisters’ visit, your mother’s health, a place for your sisters to stay and a permanent invitation. It”s really nice for things to go smoothly for a while. I hope it stays that way for the week.

    I especially like the moss hat boxes, but I can see that it would get messy — good to know that. I think Charlotte’s idea is brilliant.

    Didn’t you love the Sara pictures, especially the last one. It’s so good to have the Net and email so that we don’t lose our friends. I’m not sure that it will be easy to find the corn pudding ingredients in Colombia. You’ll have to share several before the family leaves.

  4. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, how wonderful that you got to spend time with your sisters and your Mama. You truly had a blessed Mothers Day.
    We will continue to pray for Alba.

  5. Such sweet pictures of Sara. My, didn’t she turn into a lady before our eyes. Love her long hair, too. What wonderful news about Alba’s health as well. I’m sure you will still be able to keep in touch through emails and you could always invest in Skype.
    What a fun time you must have had with your sisters and it’s nice to know they have a place to stay when they visit in the future.
    The moss looks like a fun thing to use. We have plenty of the real stuff in the yard and I love it!

  6. Skype is free as is FaceTime. I first heard about Skype years ago when a friend’s son moved to Ireland for a job. I couldn’t believe these were free as phone calls are so expensive.

    Is it possible to find some artificial grass, maybe from a company that installs it or a small piece from Home Depot? Just a thought as the moss is so messy. I have some fluffy Easter grass that looks like green cotton candy that I use for grass in scenes sometimes.

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