Ahhhh, Spring!

Linda sent me some new pictures of her visit yesterday to the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis. She used “Ahhhh, Spring!” in the subject line of her email… I think you’ll know why when you see the pictures. If you live somewhere where it’s cold and dreary, I’m sure these pictures will cheer you up. They did me…and we had a beautiful day!!!

If you click on the pictures (which you REALLY should,) they will enlarge!

Thanks Linda, for brightening up someone’s day! Your pictures are just gorgeous!

Just in case you missed it, I had a post on Thursday, but my satellite must have lost connection, JUST as I hit the publish button, because even though it said on my end that it was Published, it really hadn’t. I didn’t catch it until 7:40 Thursday morning, and I know many of you read my blog way before then… and I didn’t want you to miss my surprise, so I’m adding the link below, just in case you did happen to miss seeing “her!” Now aren’t you curious?

Bailey has arrived…

Here’s just the tiniest hint…

I’ll see you soon…
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Ahhhh, Spring!”

  1. Well, thank you, dear Jeanne, for showing my pictures, and I too, hope it will give anyone a taste of things to come, wherever you live! We just love that place, and it never disappoints us when we go. It certainly would be fun to all meet there and walk around together, plus you can eat there too in a very nice restaurant!

    Your little Bailey is darling, those little toes are SO adorable!

    I was wondering why your blog showed up so late, but you answered that one! I thought to myself, oh no, another day without Jeanne, but you did come to the rescue, just a tad later than normal! Praying for you and your family, hugs too.

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Thanks to Linda for sharing her lovely pictures!! That is a beautiful place!!

    We’ve had a little spring out here in the Seattle area–flowering cherry trees are about done, forsythia is still looking nice, lilacs have about a month to go yet…..but tonight it is pouring rain, and it has been gray and icky all week. In other words, a normal Seattle spring.

    Hope your mom is doing well in her new place, Jeanne, and you and your siblings are taking care of yourselves as well as of her. My girlfriend Liz always reminds me, “oxygen mask!” in reference to what they tell you in the pre-flight emergency blurb, that in case of emergency, put your Own mask on first, before you try to help others. (You aren’t much help if you pass out from lack of oxygen, in other words!)

    So….”oxygen mask!!”

    P.S. the second LD dress is almost done now! Hope to get pictures taken soon!!

  3. Good morning Jeanne,

    What lovely photos Linda took… wow so pretty! I’m a bit jealous. It snowed here yesterday, nothing stuck around thankfully. I’m finally seeing daffodils, hyacinth and tulip leaves in my yard, we just need some .. ok lots of warm days to coax them into flower. My Forsythia are waiting patiently sadly not even a hint of yellow yet. Oh well spring in Western New York is never predictable lol. Ty for sharing your lovely photos Linda I really enjoyed them.

    Jeanne, I hope you are a able to find time to play with Bailey soon. Do you have a look you like? It really is hard picking a favorite, they are all so sweet. I had a weak moment a few days ago and ordered a SK mini Bailey she will visit Charlene for a face up and mani/pedi. I have a while to wait which gives me time to nail down her look.
    Charlotte I LOVE the “oxygen mask” thing … I think we can all use that reminder from it to time.
    Hugs and continued prayers

  4. Just returned from a week vacation in Savannah Georgia.. talk about a beautiful spring city?
    Linda, your photos are gorgeous!

    Jeannie.. those look like Twinkles toes.. did you get a Bailey for Navi’s sister?

    1. Oh, Shara, did you take any pictures of Savannah? That’s one of the places I’d love to visit! I love the South in the spring!

  5. Loved seeing Linda’s spring pictures. The flowers, oh my, how beautiful. The garden must be a treat to see during the seasons.
    Shara- Savannah, Georgia is one of my favorite cities to visit. I love the historical areas and the town squares.

    Jeanne, glad you found your little Bailey. She’s a nice size for a smaller doll. I’m sure she’ll have a new outfit soon!

  6. Thanks so much Linda. This looks like an incredibly beautiful place to visit. I’ve only been to Missouri once and that was to Branson. But I did notice this was off I-70. Some of our property in Kansas is off I-70. I think we need to plan a spring trip to Kansas and then hop on I-70 and head for the Botanical Gardens. Definitely worth a side trip.

    Now I understand why the blog notice never showed up in my e-mail. I keep the blog up and refresh and check it every day, so I didn’t even notice until I was clearing out some e-mail that the notice wasn’t there.

  7. Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing Linda’s photographs. They are lovely.
    They are “cheering us” along into the real Spring weather.

    If you have a moment, please take a look at my story on the ning site and let me know what you think. It is probably as close to blogging as I am going to get (laugh).

    1. I too would love to see your story, but I have nothing but trouble trying to navigate the ning site. Logically, there should be one place for recent new posts. Not posts under various topics of which few posts are made. And trying to figure out where to post and under what subject is arduous for me anyway. And how do you follow followups if you have not made the original post? How do you search to find old posts like yours? I’m sure some have it underhand, but not me. How do I find your story? I looked and did not see it. Thanks for any help.

      1. Dear Joy, I am sorry you are having difficulty. I will send you an email through ning.

  8. Linda’s photos are fantastic. Bee heaven!
    So excited to see that Hannah made the cut on the Meadow group. Adorable as a youngster and now too.
    Just got home from visiting grands and babysitting. A little tired since we were up at 4:30AM to drive through commuter traffic and arrive in time. Spent some time on the soccer field and had a nice lunch with youngest grand. Anyone installed a car seat lately? So many tricks with them now. They even have a secret button. Interesting.
    Have you tried any painting yet on Bailey? What kind of paint will you use? Eyelashes painted or glued?
    Hope things are going well.

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