Ten Ping’s in the spotlight again…

Don’t forget… if you (or your dolls) need a pretty dress for Easter, I have one ending on Ebay this evening. It’s an Edwardian dress style for possibly Samantha or Nellie, or just your favorite doll. If you want to check it out, click on the picture at the right side bar (the “watermelon” colored dress) or you can click HERE.

I also managed to get Ten Ping’s dress set listed on Ebay too… WOW.. I have 3 auctions on there at ONE time! Woohoo! I wanted you to see the new “outside” pictures I took. They give you a better idea of how pretty the pink fabric is. If you want to see the listing, click on her picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE to see it.

Here’s just one sweet outdoor picture…my hubby helped me set up a stool so I didn’t have to bend all the way down to the ground and then found a green cloth in his stash that he said, “looks like grass!”

..okay…one more…inside the gazebo…

Marilyn thought Ten Ping’s ne Pink Easter dress was pretty, but wondered if it was the prettiest one I have ever made for her. I was wondering the same thing and when she suggested a slide show so you could give your opinions on her past dresses, I thought that sounded like fun.

So today I’ll take you on a journey of Ten Ping’s life on the dolly shelf…or I guess life in front of the camera!

This was the day she arrived at my house… she was tinier than I expected. I used to sew for Riley, by Helen Kish, and Ten Ping was just about her size…1/2″ taller.

I made a few dresses for her and enjoyed making them for her… I never really minded sewing for these tiny little girls… I still had some of my patterns from Riley and I was able to use them…

Every time I got an Asian doll, I made their debut dress from this fabric. Here’s Ten Ping’s.

Then she was sent away to Lana Dobb’s to have her face repainted. She was a little too orange to suit me. I was going to do her faceup myself, but when I called Lana and asked her what colors I should use and what size paint brush, she offered to paint her for me.

This was a comparison picture of Ten Ping when Lana sent me her proof picture… I was SO anxious to receive her back home…

I’m only finding this purple dress since her makeover… surely I must be wrong??? Surely I’ve made her another one… Oh wait, I just remembered it… the aqua one…

Some of her slips were almost as pretty as the dresses, so I’ll show you a few of those too! :o)

Well, I hope you enjoyed that slideshow of Ten Ping’s life on the runway! She is such a joy to own!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Ten Ping’s in the spotlight again…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, her new outfit turned out just beautifully!! I think it might be my favorite one yet!!

    You know, Jeanne, YOU are the one who got me into Ten Ping in the first place!! I saw your doll, and then had to look up Ruby Red Galleria, and one thing led to another, and before you know it, Ten Ping had come home to me!! And, one of your outfits (the pale pink sleeveless dress) for her, too!

    It was so much fun to see all the other dresses you’ve made for her since you got her–I didn’t realize you had done so many! I especially love the polka dot dress with the bright pink “fuzzy” sweater and hat, although those last two are especially pretty, I think. I don’t know, though, this most recent one just might be my favorite of them all!!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I’m so glad you like it! I certainly didn’t want to disappoint you since you picked Pink for her! She really is a little cutie and I’ve seen quite a few dolls for sale on Ebay! She comes up fairly often… there are about 15 different editions… mostly just different hairstyles and clothing.
      I loved that little pink sleeveless dress. It was so simple but so adorable on her… with those pantalettes too! :o)

      I’m having a hard time deciding which one is my favorite too… I’m pretty partial to the purple and the aqua and black one, but the one that always come to my mind is the brown one with the bits of coral handwork… I LOVED that one on her.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh Jeanne, Ten Ping just gets the sweetest little outfits! You must have super tiny fingers to be able to navigate those tiny stiches and extreme patience to do it! She looks perfectly darling in everything you made for her, but I do like that pink sleeveless dress in the slideshow. However, THIS pink dress is my absolute favorite!

    The one of her in glasses makes me smile! How studious she looks! Just think , if you still had all her outfits, how much fun it would be to change her every now and then! To me, that’s where the fun of doll collecting is, changing their clothes to give them new looks! However, after having 9 dolls to change, things get out of hand pretty quickly! Tell me about it!

    Well, this warmer weather is giving me spring fever here, and now today, wind! At least we didn’t get much of that Cyclone Bomb type of weather! My son in Denver sure had it, and a power outage lasting 7 hours yesterday! Good thing they have a fireplace!

    1. HI Linda,
      I’m glad you like my newest pink dress and I hope someone else feels the same way too…enough to buy it! Thank you for your very kind words about all her dresses I’ve made. I know when she first came I was pretty obsessed about sewing for her… She was a novelty little thing and I just couldn’t get enough of her.

      We got lots of rain and today I was in Hobby Lobby and the power went off… everyone had to leave and when I got outside and headed to my next stop… the power was out all on the east side of town… all the stores were closed up and some had the workers waiting outside for the power to come back on. I came home empty handed… boo hoo!
      Thanks Linda,
      blessings, Jeanne

  3. Very sweet dress for Ten Ping. Loved looking at her previous outfits too. I’d forgotten about the bob wig. I really like that too. A more modern look for another dress. Congrats on all the great sewing you have accomplished recently.

    Our 350 mile trip yesterday to retrieve a lost sheep was productive. We had to literally crawl into the cabin through the snow and over the beams to get down to the door. Way down there believe me. Like 10ft down. Interesting. So much snow, but was wonderful with a great crust and some fresh corn snow on top. Didn’t sink in at all hiking in and didn’t have to use the snowshoes. Once inside, it was below zero, but in the 30’s outside. Unfortunately, we had no power and a 1/2 dead flashlight, so trying to locate the lost sheep was interesting. We practically tore apart the bed where grand had slept looking for that mischievous sheep. Checked all around, under, inside, and under the eaves, but no sheep to be found. Looked under more beds and behind them. No sheep sleeping in the piles of of old rope or in boxes of spare parts or under piles of old skis and poles from the past. Finally checked under his parents bed and other than the plastic rowboat and oars, no sheep. There was a moment of elation when we thought he had been spotted, but it was only a pair of old balled up socks. 🙁 As we were about to give up, I happened to run my hand across the top of the bedspread and under the plastic cover of the parents bed. A lump was discovered. Not a pillow. Tore frantically under the blankets and sheets and there snuggled in a heap was Mommy sheep! Yay! Poor thing. Missing an ear and the other barely attached and quite love worn, but there just waiting for someone to retrieve her and reunite her with her buddy. So, we put the beds back together, put the sheep in a tote bag, made a note to bring more batteries, and after locking the door with no room to spare, climbed back up through the snow/ice over the outside beams and squeezed under the roof edge to sun and blue skies. Pretty good for 73 and almost 70 year olds eh? We took a few pictures to document the sheep rescue which we sent to daughter when we arrived back from the long journey. Apparently, grand had a huge grin on his face while he viewed the adventure. Today, we’ll figure out how to finish the last leg of the missing sheep’s journey home. Either U.S. Mail or another drive. Mommy sheep appears to like travel so it should be interesting.

    1. Joy, oh my goodness what an adventure. When I first begin reading, I though you were looking for an actual sheep. I must have missed the beginning of the story. Wow, that was fun and for a great cause, a grandchild’s smile.

    2. So glad you found the missing sheep. I know she was hoping every day that someone would show up to rescue her. Lucky for her it wasn’t shearing season or she would not have had her warm woolen coat to keep her warm.

    3. HI Joy,
      I really like Ten Ping’s Bob wig too, and almost used it but thought her long mohair wig was a bit more “romantic!” :o) I need to get a few more wigs for her and have some other options when I need them.
      I can’t believe your adventures yesterday…all for the love of a lost Mommy sheep for your sweetest grandson. I bet he is so happy to be reunited with her. What a true adventure you had. I might have to share your pictures on Saturday’s post…along with this story again… then everyone will see what you are talking about. What great grandparents you both are! 350 miles is a long way to travel for a stuffed animal… but we all know how special little ones can get attached to them. I give you the biggest gold star I can find! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I’d love to see those pictures, too, Joy! I’m so glad you found the lost sheep!! (When I was a little girl, I had “Lambi-pie”; still have her, in fact, packed away in the basement.)

  4. A friend in Denver says her son’s school is closed again today, but I don’t think we’re expecting more snow. We got only 2 inches but we were luckier than others in the area. There was a white out at the time I should have been driving home from an appointment. Appointments were being cancelled as if that’s why they had been made.
    Looking back at Ten Ping’s outfits, there isn’t one I wouldn’t be happy to have. She’s lovely in that crisp early navy blue one. Charlotte’s pink dress is a winner. The crane tunic is a favorite. By the end of the day, every one of them will have been chosen as someone’s favorite. The new pink one will be at the top of the list for lots of us. If I were choosing pictures, though, the ones of Ten Ping in aqua, sitting at the vanity, may be my absolute favorites.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’m so glad you are safe in all the stormy weather you had. Everyone seems to be having adventures. We had winds today like crazy… 40 something mile an hour winds and I was in Hobby Lobby when the power went out. They made everyone come to the front of the store and we were escorted out…without our goods. When I got outside and headed to my next stop, they were all closed down… the power outage had hit the whole east side of town and nothing was open…. Walmart, Best Buy, Applebees, Dicks, Joann’s, TJ MAXX… so I had to turn around and come home… boo hoo… but at least we didn’t have snow… just really strong winds. I was out shopping for George’s birthday… so I had to go to plan B!
      Thanks for your kind thoughts about Ten Ping’s past dress sets…and a few pant sets! She is such fun to sew for… even though she’s about as big as a minute! I love her in that aqua set sitting at the vanity too… it’s one of my favorites!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dear Jeanne, it has been fairly nice here in Central PA. I think that Phil, our groundhog, was right, good weather until the Spring. If he is wrong, well, I know where he lives (laugh).

    Ten Ping is quite a little lady. She can hold her own among the big girls.

    1. Dorothy, I’m afraid to say that your Phil was very wrong for us living in St. Louis! This winter has been pretty bad as far as winters go! He needs to retire! 🙂

    2. HI Dorothy,
      Well, I’m glad you are enjoying your weather in PA. Somebody can take this wind from us, I’ll be glad to give it to them… It’s supposed to calm down about 8pm tonight! YAY!
      Yes, Ten Ping is tiny, but she’s got a thing for modeling and loves doing it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Ten Ping is one of my favorite small dolls, and I keep thinking of getting her. I gave up on the Little Darling dolls when I realize I have so many wonderful dolls already. Sometimes, I hardly have time to play with them.
    A lot of that wishful thinking for Ten Ping and the Littke Darlings are the clothes made by you, Jeanne. The outfits are just too adorable. Ten Ping looks so cute sitting there in the bench. She’s just a cutie in her sweet pink outfit.

    I think Joy’s story is so precious about the lost sheep of her grand. I’m glad she found it. My grown up sons have their little stuffed friends stored away carefully in a bin of keepsakes. I so get it.

    1. HI Paula,
      What kind comments you shared about Ten Ping… Thank you! She is a fun little doll to have and I just mentioned to someone above, she can be found on Ebay fairly often… for a pretty reasonable price.
      I know what you mean about sometimes not having time to play with all your dolls. I’m the same way when it comes to sewing for them…sometimes I almost wish I only had a few dolls and then I could rotate them more often…

      I’m glad Joy found her grandson’s sheep too… I bet he will be thrilled when he sees it again.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I loved all of Ten Ping’s outfits, but, aside from the new dress, I think if I had to pick one it would be the black (navy?) dress with the flowers and the blue gingham trim. I love the red hat. My second is the black with the apricot rosebuds and the apricot jacket. I seem to like dark fabrics with flowers, although I always seem to be making my dolls summer clothes and don’t use them much. After those two choices, or three if you count the new dress, I love them all.

    We escaped the bomb cyclone here. They were predicting it for yesterday, but the storm moved just enough north that we got rain and a little wind but thankfully nothing else. But my daughter lives in Loveland, CO, and I know Denver got a lot of wind so I’ll be checking in with her. I know my friend in Pueblo got a lot of wind from these storms. We have farm property in Kansas (where my hubby is from) and hopefully this all went north of our property. We have not heard from either of our farmers that there is a problem. Hope everyone stays safe.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I’ve always been partial to darker colored fabrics for dresses too.. In fact, when I sold little girls dresses at my local Farmer’s Market, the black and navy dresses always sold out first.

      I’m glad you missed the cyclone…or rather, it missed you! We got our fair share of wind last night along with the rain… and today the wind was super strong… I saw 2 telephone poles in town that that leaning way over…and the power was out on the east side of town.
      Such is the weather in March and April.
      I hope your farm wasn’t damaged by the wind and rain… Pretty soon it will be Spring!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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