Pick and choose what you’d like to read about….

Hi everyone,
I am still quite under the weather with this cruddy sinus infection so today’s post will be brought to you from “the archives”…aka… Previous Posts! I hope you’ll find something you haven’t read before and enjoy it.

Deliciously Decorated Doll Bodices


Just another pretty face…


My Big chance at fame from Diane Von Furstenberg…


A few water color illustrations from the past…


Why I take close up shots of my doll clothes…


Well, I’m done… hope you find something you enjoy reading about…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Pick and choose what you’d like to read about….”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I do hope and pray you will be feeling better soon, Jeanne! I get sinus infections from time to time, and they are no fun!!

    This post was actually a good one, as I got to read a couple of posts from before I knew about your blog! I especially enjoyed the ones about the doll bodices; I have started on two dresses for my Little Darlings right now, and am working on different ways to use trims–different fabrics but the same pattern. A couple of years ago (when I only had FIVE Little Darlings!), I challenged myself to do the same dress pattern for all five, using different fabrics, and different trims–and using the trims in different ways! I think I succeeded. Well, since then, I’ve added two more LDs, and of course They need dresses now, too!!

    All the dresses are in pastel pinks/lavenders but each a different print. These are their Easter dresses, by the way, so that means I am also going to have to crochet Easter baskets for Pearl and Mariko to go with their new dresses, since I did that for the other five, also!

    1. Seven Little Darlings!!! You must have done something really good in your life to be so fortunate. I love your idea of making the same pattern using different fabrics and trims. I do that a lot but never for so many. I would love to see pictures of your Little Darlings in all their Easter finery.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Hi Barbara, yes I am fortunate! I will try to take some pictures and send to Jeanne when I’m done. I’ve also smocked dresses for all of them–same pattern but different fabrics, and I just made up the smocking design as I went along. It’s such a tiny area to smock, you can’t do a lot, but each one is (I think!) different!

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      Well, I have my clothes on today so things might be looking up!!
      Oh yes, I agree with Barbara…we’d love to see all your Little Darlings in their pastel Easter dresses when you finish them!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Jeannie.. sinus infections are the pits:(! Feel better soon!! Hopefully since today is the first day of spring, warmer weather will benefit everyone ?
    Love the photos, especially the appliqué details on the olive jumper… gorgeous!

    Very excited to share with you that I’m one of the lucky people who bought Imani Wiggs during Kaye’s 50-doll speed dial lottery last Sunday!
    I’ve never had a doll with coffee tan coloruosnd it will be so much fun to see what colors are direction she will take me 🙂 You’ve always created such beautiful outfits for Addy that compliment her skintone.. you inspire me ❤️!!

    1. Shara,
      Thanks for your well wishes and your compliments on the pics today! I’m glad you enjoyed them.
      I don’t even know what Imani looks like so I’m going to have to Google her! Congratulations on adding her to your collection! Do you have to wait very long for her to arrive or will she be shipped out soon?
      Have fun and please let us see her when she arrives!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Oh, I do hope you are able to see a doctor and get some antibiotics if necessary. No reason to suffer if the infection is that bad.
    Here, it is raining. Only drooping spring flowers. And we’re running late. Good thing we’re retired. I’ll have to read everything later, but I did spot one of my favorite outfits. Love that red tam and cherries outfit. 🙂
    Oh, and why do your readers names have %20 after them now? Curious.
    Take care of yourself please.

    1. Hi Joy
      I’m not sure what the http//20% stuff is all about but I texted Sarah to see if she can fix it…nobody had said anything so I was thinking it was just something on my end… guess not.

      I am slightly better this morning so maybe I’m on the mend…

      I loved Isabelle in that set too… have fun doing whatever you are doing today!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. And why did Joy’s name not havve a %20 in front of it? Maybe it’s just a gift of the computer ghost. I’ll have to check to see if mine has one.
    And there’s the very DVF pattern like the dress everyone had. That’s a wonderful dress and would go anywhere at nearly any time. And your ad is charming.
    This is a wonderful post, Jeanne. Feel better quickly, spring is coming.
    Now t check on my %20

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why some names have the 20% and some don’t…I’ve texted Sarah to see if she can fix it…I dont have a clue what caused it.

      I need to check the pattern books the next time I’m at Joann’s or Hobby Lobby and see if Diane’s pattern is still in the books. I’m sure it is and just might the longest running pattern in history!!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Sorry you didn’t get a 20% beside your name.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Feel better Jeanne. I know several people with sinus crud too. I haven’t felt good lately myself.
    Enjoying the pictures you’re showing us. The handiwork on the green dress is beautiful!
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I’m being a slug today…as my hubby vacuums the floors :o(
      I’m glad you enjoyed the dresses I showed today and hope the crud stays away from you…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I am sorry you are feeling so poorly but I love your idea for keeping us entertained while you are under the weather, especially since I’m fairly new to the blog. I haven’t read everything yet, but I will. I love the detail on the green jumper. Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures.

    You asked me how I was coming along with the Easter outfits for my girls. Slower than I would like, but I did finish Jane’s (Londonberries Betsy McCall pattern). It came out cute. I think I will make it again at some point for Betsy herself. I haven’t decided exactly what I will make for Betsy for Easter this year. I have another Londonberries pattern that I’m thinking of using. I still have the sister dresses for Gracie (18″) and Camille (WW) to do, and Sofie is chomping at the bit for hers. She’s been pulling out fat quarters right and left trying to decide what she likes best. I hope she plans on putting it all back when she’s finished. Probably not. As soon as I’m finished here I will go in and hopefully finish Lauryce’s (H4H) dress today. It’s a Farm Cookies WW pattern and it is too cute.

    I took an afternoon and the next morning a couple days ago to dress all the girls who have Easter outfits so I have instant recognition of who does and who doesn’t have one. I really don’t want to leave anyone out. Cleo, my Paola Reina, should be here any day now and there is a dress ready and waiting for her. I’m still hoping to gather the girls all together for a group photo shoot. That should be fun, since they all want to participate, including the tiny ones I didn’t sew for. If it gets too cumbersome (so many sizes), I may do a few pictures. Time will tell.

    When I had my sinus infection a couple years ago I ended up going to the doctor for antibiotics. I waited to see if it would clear up, but it didn’t. I have allergies but never get sinus infections so I really didn’t know what I had. I was about to leave on vacation to Colorado and really didn’t wanted to go to that elevation with a sinus problem so I went to the doctor and it turned out to be a major sinus infection. My son’s cleared up with the Lavender essential oil.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      It didn’t take too much effort to put together the last couple of posts…no real work involved. Just some deciding and then some cutting and pasting.
      Sometimes I wish I just sewed for the dolls instead of sewing and selling my dresses…it would be so fun to see the girls all dressed up for all the holidays.
      Please do send me a picture of your Cleo when she arrives…I dont know how you decided on one. I love them all.
      I had decided if I wasn’t better this morning, I was going to see the dr, but since I was slightly better and it wasn’t the weekend just yet, I’d wait. I hope tomorrow is even better than today. That would be nice.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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