A Snowy Adventure and a Sentimental Song…

Just a reminder… Patsy’s “Sweeter for Easter” dress set ends this evening (Saturday) on Ebay and I wouldn’t want anyone to miss it, so this is a friendly reminder! You can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE to see the auction.

If you read Joy’s adventures about the snowy trip they had to endure to rescue a grandson’s favorite stuffed animal… Here’s the “Rest of the story!” I’ve got pictures too…

I’ll add Joy’s comments again in case you missed this…

“Our 350 mile trip yesterday to retrieve a lost sheep was productive. We had to literally crawl into the cabin through the snow and over the beams to get down to the door. Way down there believe me. Like 10ft down. Interesting. So much snow, but was wonderful with a great crust and some fresh corn snow on top. Didn’t sink in at all hiking in and didn’t have to use the snowshoes. Once inside, it was below zero, but in the 30’s outside. Unfortunately, we had no power and a 1/2 dead flashlight, so trying to locate the lost sheep was interesting. We practically tore apart the bed where grand had slept looking for that mischievous sheep. Checked all around, under, inside, and under the eaves, but no sheep to be found.

Looked under more beds and behind them. No sheep sleeping in the piles of old rope or in boxes of spare parts or under piles of old skis and poles from the past. Finally checked under his parents bed and other than the plastic rowboat and oars, no sheep. There was a moment of elation when we thought he had been spotted, but it was only a pair of old balled up socks.

As we were about to give up, I happened to run my hand across the top of the bedspread and under the plastic cover of the parents bed. A lump was discovered. Not a pillow. Tore frantically under the blankets and sheets and there snuggled in a heap was Mommy sheep! Yay! Poor thing. Missing an ear and the other barely attached and quite love worn, but there just waiting for someone to retrieve her and reunite her with her buddy. So, we put the beds back together, put the sheep in a tote bag, made a note to bring more batteries, and after locking the door with no room to spare, climbed back up through the snow/ice over the outside beams and squeezed under the roof edge to sun and blue skies. Pretty good for 73 and almost 70 year olds eh? We took a few pictures to document the sheep rescue which we sent to daughter when we arrived back from the long journey. Apparently, grand had a huge grin on his face while he viewed the adventure. Today, we’ll figure out how to finish the last leg of the missing sheep’s journey home. Either U.S. Mail or another drive. Mommy sheep appears to like travel so it should be interesting.”

If you thought you had the images of what took place in your head, how about some pictures to see if you were correct… Here is the cabin from the front…Joy said they couldn’t get into the front door because snow was too deep and iced over. So, they had to crawl in through the side door on the right under the eaves and over the downward beams. I think they get the gold star today for being such great grandparents! Who agrees?

This was their first visit when Mommy Sheep was lost. Look at those grandkids watching their dad come in through the door “in a most unconventional way!”
They’ll never forget this…

Joy and her hubby went back to the cabin to find the lost “Mommy sheep” and take a look at how adorable… They HAD to find her…and they did!

Now that we have the mystery of the lost sheep solved… how about a song from my sister Deb…She and her hubby, Mike, are here visiting and I just found out she has a new song we can listen too…it’s only 57 seconds long but oh, so, enjoyable! She said it was an old favorite she was tinkering with. I hope you’ll take a minute to listen… turn your volume up! :o) Just click on the link below.

Gettin’ Sentimental

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “A Snowy Adventure and a Sentimental Song…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What an incredible rescue Joy and her husband made! I’m so glad they took pictures! I didn’t realize they had some grands with them at the time! For sure, they will remember this!!

    I enjoyed Deb’s piano piece, also–very pretty!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Wasn’t that some adventure??? I thought it was too great to not pass along since I received the pics to go along with the story!!

      Oh, I could listen to Deb play all day long!! Shes my favorite pianist!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh my goodness, what an experience! And to think our measly 11 inches of snow we had a month ago was something for the record books! What great grandparents Joy and her hubby are! I so enjoyed seeing the “real deal” and it sure brings the story to life!

    I have no idea where my comment from yesterday went, other than to think that maybe I didn’t click onto “Post Comment” yesterday, as I was gone just about all day and stopped at lunch time to write. It was a fun post and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the dolls that other readers have. It gets us to know each other better and to be able to distinguish who we are. That’s why I write first thing in the morning, otherwise it is a hit or miss thing!

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I know what you mean about all that snow
      ..I can’t imagine living there…guess I’m more of a 3x a year snowfall kind of gal…
      We’re in the car heading to St. Louis area for our own adventure…I’ll share maybe on Monday!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Hi Linda,
      I’m glad you liked Deb”s playing. She’s going to bring her piano back sometime in the summer and do a little mini concert where my mom lives. She’s so good as she can play just about anything anyone requests! It’ll be fun!
      Blessings Jeanne

  3. How nice of you Jeanne to show my long winded post again. I have to apologize for taking up so much space. The photo of the two grands at the cabin door looking at their father, not their grandfather, was taken on their trip to the cabin. We didn’t accompany them. That is when Mommy sheep was left behind. Then other person and I drove that long journey days later to try and find the lost sheep. The photo by gate is other person, grandfather, and Mommy sheep after the rescue.
    Mommy sheep was finally reunited yesterday with oldest grand. We ended up driving another hour and a half each way to deliver her home. She actually rode in the backseat strapped into a seat belt. When we arrived, grand came running and unbuckled the belt and grabbed his sheep. Didn’t let go of her the whole time we were there. 🙂
    We also were able to see the wonderful new fence and bathroom remodel worthy of Houzz. I wonder if the current tile/decorating choices will reek of the 2010’s someday like the 50’s tile that only came in a few choices? Interesting.
    Deb’s song is sensational. Loved it.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Joy, I was wondering how in the world your husband’s hair went from dark to light in such a short period of time!!! LOL

    2. Dear Joy, I love your story! I love the photos of “other person” also. What a great adventure you had. You definitely win the award of Grandparents of the Year!

    3. Hi Joy,
      I saw my mistake about the men and corrected it…I still can’t get over your story!! I’m glad you saved it too!! That’s a keeper for sure.

      I hope my bathroom doesn’t go out of style because I dont think we’ll be redoing it anytime soon.

      I’m glad you enjoyed Debs playing!!! Me too!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I simply love Joy’s story!! And enjoyed her pictures so much. The little sheep is just precious and I’m sure Joy’s grand was so happy to be reunited. What a wonderful effort by Grandparents to save a much loved friend.
    Joy, save the rescue story and pictures for your grand – it will mean so much when “Grand” is older and thank you for sharing this sweet story with us.

    Jeanne, Deb’s song is lovely. Thank you for sharing as well.

    1. Hi Paula,
      Now I have 2 really great stories to remember
      ..Joy’s and your Swiffer box story. If I ever have the blues…I’ll just pull them up and instantly I’ll feel better! I’m sure of it!
      Thanks for listening to Debs song
      I LOVE to hear her play!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I really enjoyed the story and pictures about the sheep, Joy. Thanks for sharing it along with the pictures. I found THE favorite, much repaired stuffed seal under the dining room table once after my family had left and called my son, so they turned around and came back for it. The little one was sitting there in his car seat, looking very smug and happy to get it back. Fortunately they hadn’t gone too far.

    I hope it’s okay, but I’ve already sent along the sheep story to my youngest grandchildren for them to read while on a ski trip with no books along. They sometimes have to wait for their parents to get ready or, frankly, stop sleeping late! They’re good at that while on vacation.

    I forgot to mention the dolls yesterday. They are really darling. What a wonderful talent to have, repainting doll faces. They are truly beautiful after they have been repainted. Can’t even tell they are the same dolls! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Susette,
      All grandmas must have stories of stuffed animals being lost and then found. I see yours was a lost seal…glad he was found too!!

      I’m getting a new Dumpling Meadow doll any day now but I have to paint her face as I ordered her blank. I can’t wait to see how she turns out.
      We are driving back from St
      Louis right now, so maybe she’ll be waiting for me when we get home!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing Joy’s story. It was so funny and so touching at the same time.
    I was not able to open the link to hear the song. I think it is connected to Facebook, which I don’t have. I am sure it is lovely.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I’m glad you enjoyed Joy’s adventures…350 miles is a LONG way to drive…
      I will see if there is some other way to get a link from Deb. So you can hear it…it’s fun…
      Blessings Jeanne

  7. I loved Joy’s story so much that I forwarded Jeanne’s email link to friends.
    If you can find another sheep like this one, get it and save it. About 30 years ago, my nephew loved his brother’s stuffed eagle, which was kept safely high out of his reach. The younger nephew would take me by the finger into his brother’s room and point to the eagle and shudder with longing. Eventually I found a smaller version and gave it to him for Christmas. He was so thrilled that he made chicken noises — there were no words that expressed how wonderful it was to finally have his own eagle. 30 years later I found a similar one and sent it to my nephew and his wife as a shower present for their baby-to-be. His mother gave it to him to open, and as soon as he saw it, my super-cool nephew began telling his wife about his eagle.
    Someday the sheep’s boy will be happy to have a sheep for his own child.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Story #3 that I can add to my list..
      I might have to think hard and make sure I haven’t missed anyone…
      I love how the eagle just kept going and going…memories!!
      Thanks for sharing!
      We are driving home from our trip to St. Louis in the dark…about 1 1/2 hours to go…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Wonderful idea Marilyn. I’ll have to do a sheep hunt not herd. 🙂 Although, not so sure other person would be happy to have yet another box arrive here. 🙂

  8. Even with only one ear, or maybe especially with one ear, the sheep is so cute in the snow, waiting to go home.

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