How about something “old” and “new” at the same time?

I’ve been having fun going through my newly loaded pictures on the computer. I scroll down and down and down and when a new picture pops up, it’s an amazing feeling to see it again… sort of like an old friend. I’ve found quite a few and don’t think I’ve found them all yet, but there will be plenty to share with you in the coming days. Some I’m saving for Valentine’s Day… :o)

I saw this one of Molly and thought I’d let it be the first “old” “new” picture I showed you. This was from April 2007 and it was being modeled by my first Molly doll. I hope you enjoy seeing it, I think for the very first time… I didn’t have it in my Media Library on my website, so I think it will be brand new to all of you.

Even back eleven years ago, I was doing “storylines” for my doll dresses listed on Ebay. Here is the exact wording of the storyline for this dress set…

Molly was still in shock!! She had won the Geography contest by knowing all the capitals of the states in the United States. She won this wonderful puzzle as her prize!! She could hardly wait to get home and show her family. Mother would be so proud of her!!

Doesn’t Molly look pretty in this vibrant blue?

Well, I hope you enjoyed this first “retrieved” picture…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “How about something “old” and “new” at the same time?”

  1. Of course, you had to start with my favorite……Molly! What an adorable little outfit she has on! It looks like something I would have worn to school! I remember having to memorize and be able to spell all the states and their capitols in the 4th grade too, and the state California tripped me up! I couldn’t figure out if it was ia or just plain a at the end! It must have been nerves for me, but I will never forget that one, and I felt completely stupid at the end of that day!
    I love the strips going this way and that, the cute puffed sleeves, and the buttons going down the front, so 40’s looking! I will say, my mother would never let me go to school wearing white shoes, but I did have red sandals like that, which we wore with socks. What a fun memory for me, and I guess many others from way back!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I knew you’d love seeing Molly in this dress. I’m glad you enjoyed seeing it! :o)
      I always LOVED Geography and just for the record…CALIFORN-IA!
      Thanks so much Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I could have worn that style at any time through 6th grade. Then off to Catholic school, where we had the dullest uniforms of all time: blue A line skirts, white blouses, little red bows, and red and white beanies to wear to church. They must have been inexpensive, they had no other virtue.
    We studied Colorado in 4th grade, US history in 5th, and world history in 6th and somehow managed not to study states and their capitals ever. Lucky Molly, with her pretty crisp blue and white stripes and her sure knowledge of the locations of all the states. Where did you find that tiny puzzle? The person who won that auction must have really enjoyed the puzzle as well as the dress. Maybe it’s time for Molly to have a new blue dress. We often think of Molly in red, but I don’t know if there’s any color she can’t wear.
    Congratulations on your newly loaded pictures. I’m looking forward to seeing lots more of them.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I’ve seen some school uniforms too, that were so awful…I don’t see how they could be liked by anyone.
      I used to love memorizing the states and their capitals…I guess that’s why I came up with that storyline. I have no idea where I found the puzzle…just had it in my stash I suppose.

      Molly just might need a new blue dress! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what fun! I love how you played with the stripes in Molly’s dress!!

    But….wouldn’t She have been surprised (in 1944) to see Alaska and Hawaii as states?! They were still territories until 1959 and 1960, respectively!

      1. Hi Charlotte,
        It’s funny that you caught that about Alaska and Hawaii not being states when Molly was a little girl. I didn’t catch that back then.
        Thanks Charlotte,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Molly has a delightful outfit. I love that color on her. Everything looks so crisp and sharp.
    She looked so appropriate against the backdrop. Your story fit all the pieces together in such a relatable way.
    Hope you have a good day!
    Take care –

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I’m so glad you enjoyed seeing Molly in this blue and white dress. She needs a new blue dress again, just as Marilyn suggested.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Love that dress and all of the details. Even the stitching on the buttons is perfect and aligned with the diagonal seam. Please make another of those but for the smaller set. Love it.
    My second and third graders over the years knew the names of all of the states because we sang them to the tune of Yankee Doodle most every morning. I even had a student come back one time and say he did well on some advanced test because he remembered the states. Can’t you just picture a high school student singing to himself and remembering. 🙂
    Any plans for New Years? Not much happening here.

    1. Hi Joy,
      You’re right, this style would look pretty cute on the Little Darlings or even Patsy…hmmmm.
      I think I’ve heard that song learning the states, but I’ve forgotten….I’m going to have to Google it.
      Thanks, Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Hi Jeanne,

    Yeah for archives! What fun to see Molly so sprightly dressed on the day of the geography test! She’s very perky in that pretty dress/outfit you created for her. It’s fun to read the comments of those a bit older who would recall a dress like that.

    As children in our family, we learned the name of the state capitals from a game we had at home-aptly called: Game of State Capitals. That’s how I learned them. I can still see the small, round, yellow cardboard pieces which had the capital names on them that we had to match to the state where they belonged. Ah, don’t know if it’s alright or not to post this, but here’s a photo of it:
    It’s easily found if a link is not allowed.

    Thanks for the fun, Jeanne!

    1. Hi Becky,
      THANK YOU for the link to the Game! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that, but I would have LOVED it!! It would be interesting to see how many I could do right now without any studying! :o)
      Thanks for your sweet compliments on Molly’s dress. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. That style and the fabric and the color all make a great dress. Perfect for Molly…and yes that style would be cute today too! It will be fun to see all the “new/old” pictures you’ll find.keep digging!

  8. Hi Kathie,
    Happy Birthday!! I know it was yesterday, but you can never get too many birthday wishes!!!
    That’s ALL I want to do…is dig!!! :o)
    Thanks so much,
    Blessings, Jeanne

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