With all the Eclipse talk.. how about some Yellow and Black dresses…

I hope you get it. Yellow is for the sun and black is for when everything goes dark… I’m sure you got it. :o)

I really don’t have that many pictures of dresses made from yellow prints. I’m a “winter” according the the Color Me Beautiful lady, (I already knew I was…), so I don’t gravitate toward yellow fabrics that often. However I did find enough pictures to make a post for today. (which is much more interesting than showing you “What I Didn’t Get Finished” with my painting today.)

I tried to pick only dresses that featured yellow and black and I stuck to it… mostly… you’ll see…

First up is Riley in a dress I still remember the name I called it… “Scottish Sunshine.” It was my favorite yellow print EVER!

Now you’ll see how well I liked it… enough to make my very favorite Civil War dress for Addy…

Here is one dress, but Lian and Janie both got to model it, so I decided they each could show you their favorite pose…

This next dress on Addy isn’t “exactly” yellow, but it’s a gold and the little designs in the fabric “sort of” look like swirling suns… :o)

Molly is wearing a pair of yellow flannel pajamas…and while they don’t have any black (except the outline of the butterflies), IF you turn out the light and say good night to her, it will be “black!” ***sorry***

I might as well give you the update… we are now Banty-less… Yep, the 4 Banty chicks have been sold to a lady who picked them up this afternoon. My hubby did everything he could to get the bigger hens in the other pen to accept these new little gals and guy but they just wouldn’t. The Bantum’s were so afraid of the bigger hens, they just stayed in the back of the shed all day long and it was too hot to keep doing that. He tried letting them out in our yard, which was the reason he wanted them, but they were too afraid to venture even 6 feet away from the door of the pen. He tried… really he did, but it was silly to keep buying feed for them when it was clear it was never going to work.
So this afternoon he had me put an ad on Craigslist and the first lady who called drove 45 minutes to come and get them. She seemed nice and she and her hubby have a big chicken farm. I know they’ll be well cared for… So.. here’s one last shot of Little Bit, Curlie Belle, and the Red Cochin and the Mille Fleur rooster, (who never got a name…)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “With all the Eclipse talk.. how about some Yellow and Black dresses…”

  1. You must be feeling better. That’s excellent. I’m sorry about the chickens who had to leave, but I can see that it was a no choice. We enjoyed them while you had them.

    You are back to painting — that’s going to make your whole life nicer, and it was already pretty nice.
    I’ve never seen some of the yellow outfits, like the pajamas, which are very cute on Molly, and the sun swirls, with Addy’s pretty hat. Her yellow Civil War dress is one of my favorites and well as one of yours. It’s about time for a new Addy dress too, isn’t it?

    Maybe you really should make a solar eclipse celebration dress — perhaps something to go with Elizabeth’s sunny hair?

  2. Oh Jeanne, I’m sorry to hear you had to sell your Bantam chicks! But on the upside of that, less stress on them, and maybe they will be better egg layers. We had Bantams only, so they had no problems with other bigger guys. They really do have personality, don’t they?
    Loved the sunny yellow outfits! Addy looks especially lovely in that first dress she is pictured in, your favorite Civil War dress! And Molly looks so cute and perky in those yellow pj’s! Who would have trouble going to bed in those? Maybe you should have sewn yourself a pair like that to make you feel better when you were under the weather!
    Lian and Janie look so sweet in that dress! I love the contrast of the black and white check with the yellow.

    I went to the pop-up sale that AG had in St. Louis, yesterday and what an experience! We got there early, at least I thought so, but were given the ticket number 106, and had to wait 45 minutes to get in! Then, much to my dismay, they had hardly anything left that I could use! They were down to the last of the things, and had more Bitty Baby dolls then anything else. I did find one outfit, oh well. We also stopped by the AG store and I got two outfits, with my Ag Rewards. Between the one outfit I got at the pop-up and the store, I spent $21.00 on three outfits, so that wasn’t too bad.

  3. Your creativity continues to amaze me. What a darling post to tie in with the eclipse. Speaking of light, the funniest thing appeared on my Facebook Feed yesterday. It was some kind of light projection thing that made the ceiling look like a rippling blue ocean and had sounds of the ocean to go with it. How about projecting a plain white field onto your ceiling? Just kidding, but maybe not. I’m sure everything will come together beautifully. Take it easy, please.

    There has been a mourning dove nesting in the Staghorn Fern on the patio. It’s amazing how quickly the babies grow and are able to fly. They literally attack the mother bird when she comes back with food. It was fun to watch them. I can’t seem to get the bird to stop nesting there. At least she is clean and doesn’t make a mess of the patio. She carefully pecked at and fluffed the nest before leaving after they flew the coop so to speak. Glad your birds found a good home.

  4. Awww, I’m so sorry about the chickens but I’m glad they will have a more comfortable time of it in their new home.
    You may not care too much for yellow but yellow certainly likes you! All the dresses are just darling. For cuteness factor, the winner has to be Riley with the little Scotty dog, and for sophistication, I think Addy’s Civil War dress. All of them are winners though for their personality and workmanship.
    Hope you have a good day.
    Take care.

  5. Did a quick perusal of my closet and not a dab of yellow greeted my eyes. However, little Riley’s dress doesn’t hurt my eyes at all. Very cute.
    Glad you’re back up to warp speed and the continued quest to complete the painting and maybe the ceiling. 🙂
    Will miss the Banty news, but know it is difficult to introduce new girls/guy to a flock. Amazing isn’t it what Craigslist will bring.
    First day of school. Remembering all of those fresh expectant faces on those days prior.

  6. Happy Tuesday, Jeanne! So glad to learn you are on the mend and returning to your many activities. You have many strengths, but lying in bed isn’t one of them, and that’s a good thing! It’s reassuring to know it was a brief illness that sidelined you and that you have exciting plans in the works to rally you back to full health.

    How nice that your wall and flooring project is coming together for your birthday. What a special and long-lasting gift that will make! As an extra bonus, you are back gifting all of us with your wonderful blog. From painting, to chickens, to solar eclipse, to dolly fashion show, each day is a lovely surprise, and reading about it is a blessing. Thank you for sharing your creativity, your talents, your happenings, and your life. It is an honor and a privilege to be an “I dream of Jeanne Marie” reader!

    On that note, I must say that while I may have been absent from comments here recently, I have been with you and all your readers in spirit! Among other significant life events, I am in the process of moving, and time is limited. Too often lately, I am reading your post from my phone at 2:00 AM EST with only one eye open, but what a wonderful way to fall asleep! While many readers enjoy your blog with morning coffee, I have been enjoying your posts as a bedtime story. Whether it’s Joy’s trip to the coast, or Linda’s trip to the Botanical Gardens, or your trip to an antique mall, Jeanne, your posts have a very relaxing effect. Isn’t it nice to know your blog is so versatile?! ;o)

    I’m glad you like your inspiration board, too, and many thanks to everyone for all your sweet comments about it. You are all too kind. The board was almost a year in the making, but it was great fun to create! After a while, I hope you will take it apart and use it to collect ideas for future sewing projects, Jeanne. I’ll look forward seeing how you use some of the items in soon-to-be “Jeanne Marie Originals.”

    It may be a couple more weeks until I find time to comment regularly again, but until then, please know that your blog will continue to be a regular part of my bedtime routine! The storytelling, the pictures, the adventures–even the cliffhangers–I love it all, and I value every reader and every comment. As summer winds down, everyone take care, and best wishes in all your endeavors. I’ll be thinking (and dreaming) of you!

    1. Best of luck to you, Anne on your upcoming move! Your sweet comments are so welcome, and we will miss you, but know that you will be back soon. Have fun with turning your new house into a home!

  7. So sorry to hear you had to sell the Bantams, Little Bit was so cute.
    How well I remember that Color Me Beautiful book. I believe I had just turned 13 when it came out, the perfect age to be really concerned that you were looking your absolute best.
    I’m a cross between a summer and autumn as far as what I can wear. My hair is dark brunette , but has red highlights (touch of gray :-))and my eyes are a cross between Caroline’s and 1991 Felicity’s (no kidding) with a speck of brown in the very center, but I’m quite fair skinned. I can wear jewel off tones, rhubarb, periwinkle blue as well as moss green and gray and even a right shade of turquoise.
    Love all the dress, but, yes, Addy’s Civil War is my favorite with those perfectly placed black buttons.

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