
I think it’s a Civil War CRAFT Day… a Globe, a Map, a set of books, a book strap, AND A REMAKE of the Civil War hat!

How’s that for a title? Long enough for you? I have lots to show you today… This set is taking forever but my time has been limited the last few days… eventually it will all be done… I have one more piece to finish… a crinoline for the set and then I’ll be ready to […]

I think it’s a Civil War CRAFT Day… a Globe, a Map, a set of books, a book strap, AND A REMAKE of the Civil War hat! Read More »

I need your thoughts for ONE more design element on this Civil War dress…

First of all…thank you SO VERY MUCH for all the kind comments and compliments about my blog yesterday. I am very humbled by many of your thoughts. It was my 5th Anniversary oops… “Blogaversary” yesterday. Yep, my computer knows very well of the late night hours I have put in sometimes writing these posts the

I need your thoughts for ONE more design element on this Civil War dress… Read More »