Guess which doll is getting the next dress?

This will start off with a few hints at the next doll’s dress. The fabric looks kind of dark in my pictures, but it’s actually a very pretty steel blue. I made a little bit of headway.

It’s been quite some time since I made this doll a new dress and I decided to get her on the cutting table and see what we could come up with. This is a pattern I drafted for her years ago…

Yep…it’s Nyssa’s turn now! She’s my Kaye Wiggs doll and she’s going to be beautiful in this dress. Can you guess how it will be finished?

I decided to give in and share the dress I made for Nyssa so many years ago. It was my first drafted pattern for her and this isn’t even MY Nyssa doll. A dear friend let me borrow hers until I could find one…

Okay, did anybody guess Nyssa’s new dress would look like this?

Well, that’s it for today…I’ve got things to do and places to go!!! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Guess which doll is getting the next dress?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, congrats on selling Caroline so quickly–and congrats to Paula for snapping her up! She’ll be a lovely addition to your collection!

    My guess is that Nissa’s dress will have a pleated skirt! I love pleated skirts!

    Part of our house’s exterior is primed now, and tonight we went and bought the “real” paint–a pretty, pale mint green! I think trim will be a bit darker. Stay tuned!

    1. My house is what’s called Austin Stone. I love the fact that upkeep is nearly non-existent, but it doesn’t leave much room for faΓ§ade creativity. The most we could do was put vinyl trim around the windows and doors (Colonial Blue) and added shutters, also Colonial Blue. That was years ago. It’s all held up well so no need to replace anything. So I’ll live vicariously through you. Please send pictures.

    2. Hi Charlotte ,
      I was happy Caroline sold so quickly too… she was lovely but didn’t work for me…

      Nyssa’s dress WILL have pleats…you were right.
      My aunt and uncle used to have a pale minty green house… i still remember it…on Billy Bryan street!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I was totally off on who the dress would be for, Jeanne, thinking it was for an AG doll! I think it will be perfect for a back to school dress, although it seems that today back to school is more like staying home!

    The color of the material makes her red hair pop, and I hope you make it almost exactly like the one you made before. That chair is just adorable, and perfect for her to set her books down on!

    My dolls are not ready for school yet, since they are busy with soccer, cheer, karate and ballet! We will get to school in a week or two even though schools around here are already in session, mostly virtual.

    1. While my grandkids are in Zoom school at the moment, hopefully back to in-person day after Labor Day, my dolly children will go back fully after Labor Day. I figured they could use their new laptops there just as well as home. Yes, I did buy three or four laptops from the Virtual Doll Convention. I really think the schools here in my rural county are open. I think I’m hearing school buses in the late afternoon but by the time I get to the window it’s gone. I know the Brenham, TX, schools are open as are many others.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, hello. The Virtual Doll Convention sold laptops? I did not see that advertised.

        Did you “attend” the convention. I had a great time watching the videos on YouTube.

    2. HI Linda,
      Little girls don’t wear dresses so much to school anymore, but I’ll still keep making them because I don’t think I’m the only one who loves to see little girls in dresses! :o)

      I’m going to try and replicate the dress as much as I can… hopefully it will look just as cute in blue as it does in green.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. The green dress made those green eyes stand out and the blue one is doing the same for Nyssa” I too love the green dress and would be happy to see the style repeated but I’ll bet I’ll like the changes you make too. I’m glad to see Nyssa modeling again.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’m hoping the blue one makes just as big of an impression as the green one did. I should look back and see who bought that green one. I have forgotten.
      I”m hoping to make it pretty much the same… might make the sleeves slightly shorter…
      I’m glad to see Nyssa out of the box too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. What a great pattern for Nyssa. The fabric is perfect for her. When in person school returns, everyone’s in their pajamas right now, she will be a star. Will she keep the red hair or another style for photos? I think she can wear many colors.
    Glad to hear Paula is going to be Caroline’s new mommy. She is a lovely doll.
    From the maps, it looked like the storm was going to fly right over your house, but think it changed course.
    Can’t wait to see your new hair color. Lightening up makes for a younger look. πŸ™‚ When that washes out, you might try dark streaking to blend the gray. Just a thought. I’ve also seen some very pretty colors lately, like soft pink and blue. You see it on dollies a lot too. Very popular. πŸ™‚
    And Happy Birthday tomorrow! πŸ™‚

    1. HI Joy,
      I hope the new blue dress turns out as nicely as the green one was. I always thought it was so flattering on Nyssa. I have 2 different red wigs and I’ll have to see which one I like best… but I’m thinking definitely the red color.
      The rain came here but it wasn’t terrible. It was raining this morning when we were leaving.
      My hair doesn’t look much different… I went from Hazelnut to Light Brown… it doesn’t last very long this lighter color until the gray starts coming back. I just can’t make up my mind about what to do… go gray…although my gray is kind of in streaks… not an all over gray… The gray frames my face and Deb likes it, but I think I look washed out…
      I just can’t tell. I already had the box of wash in color, so I used it… decided I’d turn 64 with a bit more color instead of gray this time.
      Thanks Joy,
      blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I thought it might be time for a Kaye Wiggs doll dress. I love the green dress you made! I like to see drop waist dresses on dolls. I am sure that the new dress will be lovely.

    Safe travels as you move around today.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Thanks for your compliments on the green dress for Nyssa. I like it too and it was MY pattern so I decided to use it again… Nyssa has long legs so a drop waist dress looks nice on her. I’m hoping to get a little more done on it tonight.
      We did do a little moving around today. I had a fun day! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I really love the Kaye Wiggs dolls. Hopefully some day I’ll find one to join the family. Nyssa always looks amazing in her clothes, she is so svelte. I love the fabric and can’t wait to see the finished dress. I’ve got a cute summer outfit lined up for my 16″ rescue doll. She has not had a new outfit in a while. For several years now her summer outfit has been a pair of floral jellies (female jams) and a matching halter top. She never complained but this summer she’s been overly effusive in complimenting all the new things I’ve made and I think that’s a hint that she wants something new herself.

    I’ve picked out the pattern and fabric for a back-to-school skirt and blouse for Chloe my Les Cheries. I recently made cute summer outfits for Cleo (my Paola Reina) and Chloe using two of the Adams-Harris patterns. I would definitely not advise anyone who hasn’t had a lot of sewing experience to try those. There are others far easier. I am a visual person and there are no pictures and sometimes I have to sit down with the instructions and my own knowledge and experience to figure out where to go. They always turn out really cute and the patterns really differ from the usual doll wearing attire, but they take me longer to complete because you have to make sure you don’t leave anything out along the way. The pants I made for Cleo were way too big around the waist and I couldn’t figure out why. So I looked at the pattern piece and realized there are huge darts in the back and they were left off the instructions so I had to go back and put them in.. I made myself a note that if I use the pattern again I need to remember the darts.

    So glad to see Caroline is going to Paula’s home. Sort of keeps her in the family. Hope we get to see her in pictures from time to time. I have no grandkid assignment today and anything that needs doing in the house can wait for another day, so, I’m off to sew.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I hope someday you find a Kaye Wiggs doll too. They really are beautifully sculpted dolls. I was so fortunate to get Nyssa. It’s funny how some dolls get all the attention. I keep Nyssa and Hope in their box so their resin finish doesn’t yellow in the lighting. I guess because I don’t see her on the shelf, I forget she’s down there in her box.
      I like the Adams-Harris patterns. I have never had one of them, but I love their illustrated pictures on the front. However complicated patterns aren’t fun… been there, done that!
      I hope you did find time to sew today…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Congratulations to Paula on her new lovely Caroline. She will definitely have many beautiful outfits to wear there. I, too, hope we get to see her sometime. No, Jeanne, I’m not disappointed that you sold Caroline. If a doll doesn’t work in your collection, she shouldn’t stay. Everybody has their own personal taste. I think I told you this before but, fter buying Felicity I was deciding on a third doll. Everyone commented on how lovely Elizabeth was, so I chose the prettiest one I could find. I had her just a few days and then returned her and chose Nellie instead whom I re-wigged.. Elizabeth just wasn’t one for me and I know she’s one of your favorites and that’s great. You’re definitely correct that fewer make less time between modeling so that’s good.
    Looking forward to seeing Nyssa’s dress. Very pretty so far. Storm’s hitting.. gotta go.

    1. HI Laura,
      I wanted to like Caroline, really I did… and I did like her, but she just wasn’t a doll I wanted to pick all the time… I like my dolls to be like that… I think if I just had Elizabeth, Felicity, Kirsten, Molly, Rebecca and Addy… I could survive with just them. But I have a few more… one less than a few days ago, and a few more on the chopping block, but that’s the way it works around here.
      Have we ever seen a picture of your dolls? I don’t think we have… I ‘d love to.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. One of my favorite style dresses. She is adorable in it and the blue will be sweet too. Could you make a pattern for theAG dolls like that? They would be sooooo cute in that style too.
    I’m trying
    In to make a dress for the new Grace doll that will be here soon. 16” body like Ellowyne. So far just have her underwear done.
    Have a good weekend!

    1. HI Kathie,
      Thanks so much for your compliments on a dress barely started. I’m going to try and get more done on it tomorrow.
      The AG’s would look good in this dress, wouldn’t they… just a bit skimmed in on the sides would give their boxy bodies some curve appeal.
      I hope you were able to get some more done on Grace’s dress today… It’s a lot different sewing for Ellowyne than it is the AG dolls, that’s for sure. Good going on the undies! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I’m not so keen on Nyssa, I always think she looks sulky (sorry). The green dress is gorgeous though. Looking forward to seeing her in blue.
    I am struggling a bit with the Pixie Faire pattern I am using to make the ‘Brighton’ outfit. The foundation skirt went fine but the overskirt just doesn’t do what it looks like it should do on the pattern. It seems way too big. I have a free day at the last, today so will have a good look at it this morning. Unfortunately my wifi doesn’t reach the workroom, tried an extender but it didn’t work so I have to print the patterns off. I might have a look on my laptop and see if the pictures are any clearer before I go out to work on it.

    1. Hi Anne,
      I know Nyssa isn’t to everyone’s liking, but I’m pretty crazy about her… her skin is so smooth (French resin and feels like glass.)
      I looked up the Brighton pattern to see which one you were talking about… and it is not one I am familiar with. Maybe someone will see your comments and give you some tips on finishing it. Nothing worse than a pattern you can’t figure out.
      Thanks Anne,
      blessings, Jeanne

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