“Report” from Lizard Guard…

My day was busy from the time I got up until now…it’s 10:50 Tuesday evening and I only stepped into my sewing room to gather up 2 pair of shoes to box up. YES… I sold TWO pair of shoes today! It’s funny, they were both alike… except the color…

First, this morning, these gold shoes, then the white ones this evening!

We were coming home from something this evening and I told my hubby I had NO IDEA what I was going to write about for my blog post tomorrow. He said, “well, I’ve got a story for you… it’s about Lizard Guard.” Remember him? He was the “Action Figure” I bought at the Goodwill a while back and his feet were the perfect size and shape for me to use as a shoe last to mold my leather shoes around for the 10″ Boneka dolls. My hubby broke his legs off, because I only needed his feet and the next morning I found him in our Holly bushes just outside the kitchen window. My hubby dubbed him “Lizard Guard” and said he was on guard to watch for lizards…

Well, my hubby said he saw 2 lizards this morning running across some bricks and decided he better talk to “Lizard Guard” and ask him what was going on. He said “Lizard Guard” was very defensive and said, “It really wasn’t his fault about the lizards running around… someone had taken his legs and he had no way to chase after them and make them go away.” The only thing he could do was frantically wave his arms, but the lizards ignored him because he was too high up in the bushes. I just laughed in the car…:o)

Well, I’m sorry, I know that’s not EVEN CLOSE to being dolly related, but it will have to do for today.

Take the day off and go play with your dolls! :o)

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on ““Report” from Lizard Guard…”

  1. JoAnne Beschell

    The shoes are adorable! I’m sure the people who bought them will be very pleased. Lizard guard is right, it’s very hard to guard against lizards when you are legless! LOL! What a funny story!

    1. Thanks JoAnne, for your kind compliments on my leather shoes. I was thinking maybe I wasn’t going to sell any…and then, boom! Two in one day!
      Maybe I should find another action figure whose feet don’t fit any of my dolls, but let Lizard Guard have them. :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. those shoes are painfully adorable ha ha ha
    Your hubbs is a sweetie. Perhaps instead of the bushes, he can plant him in the garden at lizard level.
    I hope you had a nice weekend.
    I have had the grand girls all week
    YAWN lots of running and playing

    1. Thanks Rosemary…
      Maybe you’re right…put Lizard Guard on the ground, so he can be at the same level as the lizards! So far, no one who has come over has seen him in the bushes… :o)
      I bet you’re pooped after chasing girls this week… Take a nap!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Too funny- Lizard guard appears to be very stoic in the bush. “Guarding against all,” he says ! Good story line. 😂

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I can’t believe I wrote a post about Lizard Guard… good grief!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    If our husbands should ever meet you and I, Jeanne, would probably spend the day laughing ourselves silly. The Lizard Guard story sounds like something my husband would come up with.

    Seeing all the beautiful Ellowyne dolls and attire, I’ve decided to go for it and get myself an Ellowyne. I found a lovely one for a good price on eBay. But she is not really that small. She’s 16″ and I’ve used some of her patterns for my 16″ rescue doll. And most of my new backdrops are for 16″ (rather than 18″ dolls) so they should be great for photographing Ellowyne.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Congratulations on your newest doll, Ellowyne. Make sure you send pictures when she arrives. We all want to meet her.
      Yes, it sounds like you and me AND our hubby’s would get along just fine! Even down to replacement knee stories! :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Looks like Jeanne’s Etsy shop is doing well. Those sold shoes are cute.
    Clouds today and some rain coming in tomorrow. Need to head up to the other house and check everything. We had a minor earthquake last evening. After the one in Taiwan, I told other person that we would probably have one here. You know, the Pacific rim. And, I was right. But, fortunately, only a 3.0, so no known damage. But, definitely shook up a lot from the comments on Nextdoor.

    1. HI Joy,
      Glad you are safe from the quake… stay safe…
      Well, I wouldn’t exactly say my Etsy shop was doing “well” but it’s okay. I do have lots to put in it, if I could just find some time…
      I’m going to the dr today to finally check on my thumb. I think it’s over due to be seen…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, those shoes are just darling! Any dolly would love a pair of them to make her feel special!

    George sure has an imagination, doesn’t he? Is that Lizard Guard still peeking out from the holly bush after all this time? Maybe he will scare off other critters you don’t want around, but hope it isn’t birds!

    I am slowly taking down the Easter displays, since they have been up for two weeks already. I do like to keep everything Easter up for the month of April, but Easter came too early this year, so I am thinking about what’s next. With all the outfits I have around here, there is no scarcity of what to wear!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      Yes, my hubby is my biggest dolly fan… always checking on what I’m making for them and putting in his two cents worth.
      I’m trying to decide what I’m making next… as soon as I can use some scissors… going to the dr today…it’s time…
      See you later, and thanks for the pictures…
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Linda, how about a birthday party? Unless, you want to do something with a Maypole? You’re so far ahead of me. I’m still trying to finish a St. Paddy’s Day dress and shirt, and an Easter dress too. Bad me.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Joy, I might do just that! Molly’s birthday is in April, so that would work out perfectly! May is too far away to think about, at least for me!

    1. Hi Joy,
      I had a few ladies email about Charlotte… but I saw her posting something on Facebook, so I know she’s okay… maybe she just took the day off! :o)
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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