Who is ready to see flowers from all across the United States?

Today, I am very excited to share these pictures from SO MANY of my readers! Susette was the one who suggested it might be fun to see the flowers and gardens from the readers of my blog. What a great idea she had and today we will get to see what is blooming (or possibly) HAS bloomed already from one coast to the other! Let’s get started!

Since Susette first mentioned this, I’m letting her go first! She lives in California!

The fountain reminds me of my grandchildren, Krish and Riya. Taken before the garden cleanup.

Iris and papyrus.

(That Iris is BEAUTIFUL, Susette!)

Overgrown fairy gardens

Purple Shamrocks, Castle and Dad’s Workshop

One of about 40 Orchid plants. They grow outdoors year round here. Stay blooming for about two months in February and March.

My favorite color orchid.


An Angel Trumpet tree that I gave to a friend after it outgrew my patio. (WOW! WOW! WOW!… that Angel Trumpet is exceptional! Thanks for a great idea, Susette!)

Next up showing off her flowers is Charlotte! She lives out in Washington State!

“I’m not much of a gardener. However, my azalea and my lilac bush are both wonderful bloomers (I didn’t plant either one, so I can’t take the credit).” Charlotte

Picture 1–Azalea last year. Every year it gets a little bigger!!

Picture 2–closeup of the lilac. Sadly, the last few years it’s suffered a couple of injuries. One year, we had an unusual amount of snow and one of the trunks broke off (there are about 2 or 3 trunks that have come up together) which took out the big chunk that hung over the driveway. Then last year we had some ice and another branch broke off. However, we have noticed some growth where the first break was, so we’re hoping it will come back again. The rest of the lilac seems to be fine.

(I can ALMOST smell those Lilac clusters, Charlotte!) Ummmm!

Picture 3–The one house plant I’ve had fairly good luck with is my orchid–it bloomed for several years. It hasn’t bloomed for the last couple of years, though. Today I did see a new leaf coming, and another little aerial root has started, too. So, maybe next year I’ll have flowers again. We shall see.

Next up is Linda G. from Minnesota!
Wonderful news from the Sofa Sister with surgery. Will continue to pray for healing.
Dorothy, I so enjoyed the World Doll Day tea party! Only did those kind of things with the granddaughters. Other adult collectors sound like fun!
Linda, I always enjoy your dolly scenes. Wish we could “play together!”
Jeanne, I’m sorry about your aunt’s passing. We too are losing the generation before us. It’s sobering. May you find comfort in your time with your sisters. Waiting to see the completion of the daring outfit for Ten Ping’s 4th of July. I like the changes you last did.
Here are some garden/flower photos from my husband’s efforts. I so appreciate his work that I get to enjoy. Peonies are just finishing, these photos were from a week ago. The plants are all from his mother and grandmother! I love to bring these in and make arrangements of them. Amazing flowers!

(What a beautiful flower garden, Linda… I bet it smells divine when those Peonies are blooming!) :o)

Next showing off her flowers is Kathie, from Nebraska!

The bright orange one was my Dads favorite.. Montezuma from Jackson Perkins years ago.

This is Fever Few.. a foible one…I’ve heard used by Native Indians as medicine🤔 love them mixed in a bouquet.

This is a Wood Peony… blooms early May. (I LOVE Peonies… but my hubby mowed our bushes down… I’m guessing by mistake!) :o(

My mom planted this in the early 70’s …I think from Jackson Perkins..sorry don’t know the name…large size bloom and tall bush.

Kathie also sent this picture…These are NOT mine… wish they were… so pretty😉

Next, we have some flowers from Linda in St. Louis, Missouri!

Jeanne, here are three pictures from my yard. Of course, only the clematis one is from this year. Most are not blooming yet.

So the first one is my clematis, that comes up every year. Believe it or not, more flowers blossomed on it after this was taken!

Second one is my azalea bush and a few other flowers I have in the back of the house. Unfortunately, we had a cold snap in December, so the azalea did not bloom this year.

Third picture is one of my Stargazer lilies, that will be blooming in a few weeks. They are my favorite lily, and I hope the deer don’t get to them!

Poor Elaine, in Colorado, had this to report…

Sorry to report to you Jeanne that I lost all my pretty rose blooms in all my garden areas due to heavy Monsoon Rains about 2 weeks worth non stop and to finish it off we had here in El Paso County and other places Heavy Hail stones that knocked the leaves off the trees and the blooms off the plants. I still have to wait till it all dries before I can sweep up the mess on our patio. It looks like a war zone. So you won’t see any photos from me that is for sure. Love Elaine

(Sorry to hear about your bad weather knocking out all your flowers, Elaine… hopefully something will have survived and you’ll see color in your yard soon!)

Now, let’s move onto Ohio and see what Laura has in her garden!

Hi Jeanne,

Some of these have already bloomed, but I pulled the photos off my phone.

My new woodland garden that has basically just my fairy and little boy reading statues. My ferns and bleeding hearts are restarting. The blue purple flowers by the fairy are Spiderwort which I love. I have a white one of these elsewhere.

Then my true Solomon’s Seal in bloom and then with raindrops on it. So pretty!

My violets are called “Freckles” They are white with little purple freckles all over them. They have even spread into the grass.

Wood hyacinths or Harebells bloomed a while ago.

Wild Columbine is blooming now.

Thank you Laura… what pretty flowers you have!

Now we move on to Kentucky, where Karen lives… she sent these pictures!

Dear Jeanne,

Here are some flower pictures. The lillies were picked by Avila from our yard and she was giving them to me.

(Those Lilies are gorgeous, Karen!)

The clovers were also from her.

We were at our friend’s house and we did a May Crowning of Mary with her.

Let’s move on to Joy in California!

My chewed rhododendron and columbine. (Your Rhododendron and mine look like twins!)

My single rose, a favorite.

Iris and my thornless rose. 🙂

Last up showing her flowers is Sissy, from Georgia!

Here are some of my Camellias from 2022 winter. Also the Gloriosa Lilies that are growing in our yard now.
Those lilies are called the Pentecost Flower because they bloom at Pentecost and resemble the flames
that were the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples. I like to wear one to church on that day.
Hugs, Sissy

(I LOVE these Camellias flowers, Sissy! They look too perfect to be real! )

Here is a better one I found of the Gloriosa Lilies, I tied them up on our lamp post. (How beautiful!!!)

Well, that concludes the flowers from the all across the United States! I hope you enjoyed looking at them.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Who is ready to see flowers from all across the United States?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Such beautiful flowers, everyone!! My favorites (other than lilacs, which have always been #1 in my book, since childhood!) are the orchids, iris, bleeding hearts and camellias. Karen I loved seeing the pictures of your daughters, too!! Thanks for sharing everyone!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    This is so much fun to see what everyone has growing in their gardens! I see a lot of green thumbs here! I also loved seeing Karen’s girls and their sweet “gifts”! In this day and age of so many differences among us, it is heartwarming to see what connects us, and how beautiful it is!
    I have no favorites here, I love them all!

  3. Karen from Kentucky

    Such beautiful flowers, everyone! It is fun to visit each place! So peaceful.

    1. Kathie in Omaha

      The flowers from California are so different and beautiful. 40 Orchids? I can’t even imagine. I’m having flower ent for sure😉💕
      That was such a treat! Thank you. Great suggestion Jeanne.🫶

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, this was a feast for the eyes! The Sofa Sisters are such talented gardeners. I enjoyed seeing their yards also.

    Karen’s photos of children were so sweet.

    Susette had a wonderful idea. I love that there are ways to connect the Sisters as we share life her on the sofa.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Great idea Susette, and thanks Jeanne for all of your work putting this together.
    Can’t believe how Karen’s girls keep growing. Loved seeing them. 🙂
    Thanks everyone for sharing your stunning photos. So envious of the meticulous gardens. 🙂

    1. What a great idea, Susette, seeing all the beautiful flowers, and plants, from across the country in our Sofa Sisters’ yards. And Jeanne, thanks for showing them.
      I must remember to take pictures of our flowers when in bloom to add to this group next time.
      Karen, it was nice to see your girls. We got a peek of the baby too!

      What a fun treat today!

  6. Susette from Southern California

    As you noted, Joy, the idea was to give Jeanne an easy day but forgot about all the work of putting together the post! Thanks, Jeanne. Lovely iris, Joy.

    I loved seeing all the roses, peonies and azaleas, plants I don’t grow, and Laura’s tiny forest floor flowers. The pictures of Karen’s pretty big and little girls was the best.

    Charlotte, that’s a prize winning orchid. Sissy, the camellias are beautiful! Where did you find the caladium plate and candlesticks? Are they Fitz and Floyd? The lamppost is very picturesque. Beautiful roses and peonies, Kathie. Linda G., what a perfect peony garden and nice big lawn. Linda from St. Louis, your clematis is amazing! Beautiful azalea and lilies too.

    Thanks to everyone who shared their flowers 💐🌺🪴☘️🥀 today and to Jeanne for putting the blog post together.

    1. Susette, the Caladium bowl and candlesticks are my creation. I made hand made ceramics for many years, did craft shows. I made these with real caladiums rolled onto the clay to get the design. Showing the flowers was a wonderful idea!

      1. Susette from Southern California

        What a wonderful idea to carry out in ceramics. I’m in awe of your creativity. I made ceramic pieces but using mold at a military craft shop one year. Giant pumpkin and 12 cups! Thanks for sharing.

        1. Susette, I would love to see your ceramic pumpkins. It sounds like quite a job! What a great idea for Halloween and Thanksgiving.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Such beautiful pictures every one of them. I’m with Charlotte on Lilacs being my favorite. Unfortunately I can’t grow them here. Loved seeing the pictures of Karen’s girls.

    The only thing I can show from my own garden is my beautiful crepe myrtle but it just started blooming. But I missed a golden opportunity here lately. A few weeks ago the Prickly Pear at our Dairy Queen was in full bloom. I’d never seen one like that before. It had bright yellow flowers and a ton of them. I noticed the other day there were a few new blooms so I will take a picture at lunch today if there are more but I may have missed the main blooming season. It was a sight to see.

  8. Doreen J Crabtree

    Karen’s daughters are so lovely. She always has them dressed so nicely and girly….they look adorable.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    Kathy of Kathy Anne Designs just finished the dress pattern for Mini Sara and is it every adorable. It’s under Misc. patterns at KathyAnneDesigns.

  10. Gorgeous flowers, everyone! It was so nice to see all the different choices across the country. I love lilacs also, Charlotte, but my bush needs to be replaced from some hail and storm damage. So nice to see your girls, Karen. Those caladium candlesticks and plate are fascinating, Sissy. I like that they mimic natural plants.
    Your thornless rose is lovely, Joy.
    Is it a Zephirine Drouhin? My two have just begun to bloom.
    This was a wonderful ides, Susette, as it’s another thing we have in common. Love your little fairy houses sprinkled about.

  11. Thank you, Laura, I made these and many many more handmade ceramics years ago. I used real leaves rolled into the clay for the designs. We did a lot of craft shoes in those days.

  12. Showing flowers was a wonderful idea! I loved seeing them all, especially ones that don’t grow here on the GA coast.

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