How do your flowers grow?

I received a wonderful text from our Sofa Sister this morning. For a GREAT start to your Wednesday, read on…

Good morning my friends, and good news! I have my pathology results, and I am thankful to report that my endometrioid adenocarcinoma has NOT spread beyond the uterine lining, and I will NOT need radiation or chemo at this time. I will have a follow-up visit with the oncologist on July 9 when I will learn more details, and a schedule will be set for frequent exams. I continue to heal well from the surgery, and I am looking forward to working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist soon. I am beyond grateful for your kind thoughts and prayers of support. God bless you! 💕
“Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; give Him glorious praise!”
~Psalm 66:1

I rejoiced with _______ as soon as I read this! I hope you will too! :o)

My sisters and their hubby’s made it here Tuesday afternoon and we’ve had a great time already. Wednesday is the visitation and funeral of my aunt… I previously mentioned she was my “last” aunt, but I forgot to add “on my dad’s side.” I DO have another aunt, my mom’s sister, who is actually a subscriber to my blog… Hi Aunt Bonnie! :o)

I am going to share a few things about my aunt, but probably not until my sisters are gone… my time is too precious with them… and it will take me a little time to get my thoughts together.

Okay, now for Susette’s idea. Since my sister’s are here, and visiting with them is a priority to me, she suggested it might be fun if everyone who wanted to, could send me a few pictures of your garden, maybe your flowers that are blooming now, or even just some flowers you have picked and have in a vase. Maybe you have some place on your property that is particularly pretty… let’s just show some pretty colors and let June know that it’s just as important as May was! Maybe I can get your pictures all together and show them Friday!
Wasn’t the tea party pretty and didn’t that food look SO YUMMY?

I wasn’t in my sewing room to do any sewing, and I’m sure I won’t be tomorrow, so I thought I’d just show a few pictures from the archives of my dolls in pretty floral dresses! I’ll get back to sewing ASAP! :o)

Hope you enjoyed the dresses!
I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “How do your flowers grow?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, that is such Wonderful news from our sofa sister!! Thanking the Lord for His loving kindness.

    I’m glad your sisters and their hubbies arrived safely. I’m sure the other family members will be glad to see all of you. I only have one uncle (daddy’s youngest brother) left, and he turned 100 last week!! There was a big party for him on Saturday, and one of his daughters told me that another cousin (the oldest brother’s daughter) and I were the only two missing. 😔 In my case, I can’t leave Ron just now. And in the other cousin’s case, her husband had been not doing well, and just passed away Sunday, so I think she was where she needed to be, too.

    Well, I can send you some pictures of flowers, Jeanne, but I am definitely no gardener!! I have managed to kill more plants than I’ve helped. I saw a FB post one time about being that way, and that my house is “a place where plants go to make the transition to heaven” (or words to that effect)….Hahaha….

    Oh, the very first dress on Kirsten is my favorite! Love the positive/negative prints, and that bright pretty blue. Normally I’m not a “blue person”, but I just love that outfit. I also really like that last outfit, on Rozen.

    Dorothy, thanks for telling me how your club got Priscilla as your mascot. I’ve seen her on the club’s FB page, and often wondered. I’m glad she has a good home now!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, hello. Thanks for your nice words. I don’t have FB so I don’t see what is posted. The photos that will eventually end up on FB will be far better than mine as the photographer does an excellent job.

      We all love Priscilla. I will mention Emerick, the Regional doll, in another comment.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a relief to hear that our Sofa sister had the good outcome she did! Prayerws DO work! She will still be in my prayers as she goes through her therapy. Good health is the best thing you can ever have!

    Well, that display of flowery doll dresses is a feast for the eyes, Jeanne! i am so in love with the two Kirsten dresses, and especially that second one with the navy and cream colors. That apron is just plain gorgeous! After seeing so many doll dresses made by other seamstresses and then seeing what you have made, there is no comparison! You win hands down!

    I’ll send a few flower pictures, but they might not be what I see in the yard right now, since lots of things are still in the budding stage here.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I too am a fan of Kirsten’s dresses for the AG dolls. Might be fun to see something similar slimmed down to a Ruby Red size. 🙂
    Glad your sisters have arrived and that you have some time with them.
    Happy to hear the good news from our Sofa Sister.
    Most of the early flowers have bloomed for the year, but I’ll take a look. Another gloomy morning around here. But, it looks like the fog will lift at some point. 🙂
    Can’t believe that it is the middle of June, already and just try and find any 4th of July decorations. 🙂

  4. I did enjoy the dresses…especially the one with the Hankie skirt overlay. Fantastic!
    They were all favorites but the Hankie one really was my fav. Have fun…if funerals can be…but seeing all the relatives is always good.
    Will send some flower pics🌸
    Such great news from our Sofa Sister! So glad things are healing😉❤️

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing the update on one of our beloved Sofa Sisters. Prayers continue.

    I am so happy that your sisters are there to comfort you and each other.

    The dresses are lovely.

    No flowers to show. I will have to add non-gardener to my list of “nons” (laugh). I do like flowers, though. Yellow roses are my favorite.

  6. Praise the Lord for the great outcome for our Sofa Sister. I hope she continues to heal well and will be back with us soon.
    I also love Kirsten’s dresses. The first one is just darling with the two fabrics, the shoulder ruffles on the pinafore, and the sweet bonnet with the turned back flaps.
    The second Kirsten dress is very sweet. I love the apron and remember that one being made.
    Not many flowers blooming here. The early things are gone, unless I send prior to now photos. I also just ripped out most of the big back and side perennial beds that are in need of an overhaul after about 20 years. We’re waiting until the beginning of July to choose new plants as our garden store has their “Thank You” sale and everything is 20% off. Looking forward to seeing gardens as next to caring for animals, beautiful flowers, baking, books, and dolls are my favorite things.

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