I guess I might need to lengthen my jacket pattern from now on… I have made it before, but it was mostly on the smaller dolls, so maybe Rose, being a teenager, made a difference…
It doesn’t matter… revising the jacket as it was, solved another problem. I was searching for a ribbon or trim to fill in the space between the jacket bottom and the waistline seam. I really wasn’t finding anything in my stash and just didn’t want to use a ribbon… too boring…
So this is what I did…
I made a ruffled peplum and added it to the bottom of the jacket. The ruffle is long enough to come down to the waistline seam and I think it looks pretty flattering on Rose. Hope you do too!
I had to hand stitch it on very carefully because I wasn’t about to pick out my stitches from the tulle…
Using some apple green embroidery floss, I braided ties for the front and tied them into a bow that dangles down…
The peplum continues around the back as well…
I also made a slip to hold her dress out just a bit…
Here’s her “laying down” shot for today… :o)
I couldn’t resist trying this red wig on her…You know, red heads usually love the color green…. The wig is called Kana Wild and is just that… a bit wild but I think her coloring looks great in it.
I’m working on something else, but wasn’t finished, so I’ll show it tomorrow, hopefully!
See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne
I love the peplum you added to the jacket–it’s just perfect, and looks so nice with the ruffled sleeves!!
Well, yes, that red wig Is a little “wild” but very cute! I think I still prefer her in her brown wig (even though I usually tend to go for the redheaded dolls).
I’m still catching up on sleep, but I did get my bags unpacked and put away, and the laundry done today. Also went to see Ron. As of Sunday there are 6 cases–mild ones–of Covid among the 183 residents, so they have closed down the dining room (meals are taken to the residents), but other things are still as usual. I was talking to the head nurse today, and she said they have a very good track record with Covid so I’m really not worried. Also, I noticed as I was leaving today, they were going around testing ALL the residents. They are staying right on top of things, which I appreciate! (No, I haven’t gotten any calls about the result; I assume I would if it were positive.)
That ruffle DID dress up the jacket, Jeanne, and with the tied bow, it really gives it a special look! I was fine with the jacket before, but this makes it a wow!
As for that red wig, it seems a big garish to me, and I much prefer the dark brown wig for Rose. i do love red hair, but a richer, darker red than this one. To each her own!!
Am wondering how you liked the Doll Expo, Charlotte, and do you have pictures?
It’s nice to hear that Ron is being taken care of and they are on top of the Covid outbreak, little as it is.
The peplum jacket is perfect for the dress, it is so cute Jeanne.
I am so glad to hear that Ron is doing fine Charlotte. How nice you attended the Doll Expo, I hope you had an amazing and fun time.
Love the ruffle on the jacket bottom. Still a short looking stylish jacket but my OCD thanks you! LOL. The red wig is so cute but the color takes the attention from this outfit. I think that wig would look great with a navy blue sailor theme outfit, with reddish-orange ribbon trim. Rose’s coloring is fine on my iPad, but some RRFF dolls are really really pale. Some eye colors and skin tones used together seem odd to me.
I really like how Jeanne, filled in the gap with the ruffle. Looks so nice. I did look at lots of photos of boleros, shrugs, cropped jackets etc. yesterday, and I only found one short one. The dress however, had a wide belt that filled in the space. I’m sure there are others out there, but I couldn’t fine them. Lots of cropped jackets, but mostly to the waist. I think I need to become more fashion wise since my wardrobe is mostly Columbia and Levis.

Looks like a day without rain. Hopefully, it will give the ground some time to dry out. Our lawn, what’s left of it, is like a meadow bog. Need boots out there.
I love peplums and this one looks great. I was fine with the other style but you have to think of what would appeal to the most people for bidding purposes. Can’t wait to see what else your adding to this cute outfit.
Jeanne, I may be the only one but I love the red wig on Rose. It’s color really enhances her face. It looks natural in her. This green print is adorable and so is her jacket. The jacket has more detail too.
Rose shows this outfit off wonderfully.