~ EASTER EXCITEMENT ~ is now listed on Ebay…

Thanks for all the kind compliments on Molly’s new Easter dress set. It went together pretty quickly and when my hubby was working in the garage today, I was back at the computer, frantically trying with all my might to get the set listed. AND I DID! Yay! You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

I took some new pictures of her today and used them in the listing… A few ladies commented on how pretty the dress by itself was, and I did have a favorite dress picture…well, actually 2… but they are very similar…

So I worked on taking pictures, my Ebay listing, and getting dinner made… and now it’s time for bed… but I will leave you with something I managed to work on a few days ago… when I needed a few breaks from sewing… they aren’t finished, but close…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “~ EASTER EXCITEMENT ~ is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I see you already have one bid on Molly’s outfit, Jeanne! Congratulations on that, as well as on the good results of your last two auctions.

    Looks like Someone is getting new purple shoes!! Woohoo!! I’m thinking probably Ruby Red, as it looks like an AG foot next to her, for comparison. Of course, it Could be a Siblie, or one of your other dolls, but my guess is Rosen or one of the other Ruby Reds. And of course, purple shoes means there’s going to be a dress or other outfit to match!! Yay!! (Wish I could get you to make ME a pair of shoes out of that purple leather!! It’s so pretty!)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, can she get any cuter in those two new poses? That’s just the kind of outfit I would want as a girl! There is nothing about this outfit that I would change! I love thse cute little anklets, that perky hairbow/headband, and most of all the dress which probably makes Molly thinking that she is a pretty spring flower!
    The cape just rounds out a perfect spring outfit!

    Yes, I see a joint in the knee of the newest doll to get something from our favorite seamstress! Such pretty purple shoes! Can this be another Easter outfit for a RRFF?

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I’m liking this shoe style. It fits the foot in the vamp, I think it is called, and is perfect for spring and summer. Will the extensions from the sole stitching be trimmed narrower? Maybe that isn’t possible? Don’t know how you find time to work on all of the projects at your place, but they sure are entertaining for us. 🙂
    How about an Asian look outfit for the new RRFF mini Sara? Ten Ping size, or any cute little summer outfit since she isn’t due out until the end of April. I think lots will need a change in clothes for her. Maybe a tee shirt or blouse under a little jumper? or a pair of shorts and a crop top? How about a swimsuit? That would be so cute on Ten Ping as the model. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’m hoping Jeanne makes some more “Ten Ping” outfits so I can bid on them for Mini Sara. But in the meantime check out Sewsallday on Etsy. She has a wonderful Ten Ping pattern that has both an adorable pleated skirt with straps and a blouse and some Asian-look outfits. One of the patterns is for a lovely kimono. I don’t have a Ten Ping but I will have a Mini Sara so I’m getting prepared. I would love to find one for the shorts and crop top you mentioned but no luck so far. Sewsallday has one for dresses and a romper that is cute. I have that one. Jeanne probably doesn’t need a ready-made pattern but I sure do so I’ve been looking. I imagine there will eventually be clothes for her on Happily.com.

      1. Congrats on the current listing and the completed ones. Each adorable in their own way. This shoe pattern is a winner and love the color! Have you ever put shoes in your Etsy Store?

      2. Joy in northern CA

        Thanks Barbara for the reminder. I have some of those patterns from Sewsallday. I’ll have to search. I also have patterns for Ann Estelle/Patsy which can be reduced as well. Totally forgot about both. 🙂

  4. Molly’s outfit turned out so cute and I love her little pink bunny.
    Looks like a Ruby will be getting a new pair of pretty purple shoes and an Easter dress.
    Yep, Joy’s right the vamp of the shoes fits perfectly and I’ve seen little girl shoes that out outstitched like those. The point is to give more room in the toe box.

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