Ten Ping said, “Baby, it’s COLD outside!”

And, I couldn’t agree more with her! It’s not just cold out, it’s windy and brutally cold if you are in the wind… which we were today, but I’ll tell you about that tomorrow! :o)

I had dental and Physical Therapy appointments back to back this morning…and while I was in the parking lot, my hubby called me and asked if I were coming home right away… I said, I could… He told me why, and I’ll share that with you tomorrow too! :o)

So for today… well, actually after dinner, this is what happened… Ten Ping said she was cold laying there in her sleeveless dress. I told her I knew a remedy for that…

Pantalettes! I had enough of a scrap left to make a pair in just a simple style… they just slide up her legs…

So I got the pantalettes finished, but Ten Ping said she was still cold…

I told her I had a remedy for that too…

…a cream colored wool felt jacket! I looked all through my green felts and had nothing in the right shade… one was too dark green and one was lighter green but too minty… So I went with cream and machine stitched around the edges in a green that matched the holly leaves. I was going to try and start the “embellishments” on it, but it was too dark, and I wanted to wait for the morning light to make sure I picked the right colors of embroidery floss or silk ribbon…

When you put it on her, just pull her arms to the back and slide it on.. no tugging or pulling this way…

Oh… and I changed her wig back to her bob… she does look cuter in it! (Linda) :o)

…and that’s as far as I got…

Well… I did “start” on something else, but didn’t get it finished, so I’m saving it for when I’m done…

So here are a few more pictures… and I hope to see you tomorrow… I have a miscellaneous group of pictures to share!

WELCOME BACK, Charlotte! It’s nice to see your comments again! You are better at ONE finger typing than I am with 10 fingers! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Ten Ping said, “Baby, it’s COLD outside!””

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you Jeanne, and everyone who welcomed me back. Yes, I am carefully staying at the left end of the sofa, I am back to hugging, too, but cautious, right-handed hugs!

    Ten Ping looks much more comfy now, in her nice warm jacket! I’m thinking there will be some lovely beadwork and/or embroidery added.

    I took a shower tonight! I had to have a little help from Ron–squeezing out shampoo, drying my right arm, and especially putting a loose, lightweight t-shirt and the the sling back over it, and jammie tops over that (buttoned with one hand sticking out). No bra for a while, and no setting my hair, but at least I’m “decent” as mom used to say! Feels really good, too!

    I realized I was more than 2 hours overdo for pain med when I finished That’s back on-board now, but I’m getting tired. Good night! (I did answer a couple of comments yesterday.)

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte, I just went back and read your comments to me from yesterday. Thanks for the suggestion about serging the edges of my fabric before prewashing. I don’t prewash for my doll clothes but I do for other things and I have a couple dresses to make for my granddaughter and will prewash the fabric. They’re t-shirt dresses because my daughter-in-law does not have an iron or ironing board so I can’t sew with cottons. My new serger is both an overlock and coverlock machine and I’m excited to try out the coverlock on her dresses.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Unbelievable that your daughter-in-law doesn’t have and iron or ironing board! Can’t live without mine!

        1. Barbara in SE Texas

          Same here. I’ve always liked to iron because I like to look neat. And my one aunt was a seamstress and used to say that your iron is as important to sewing as your sewing machine. Before I realized my daughter-in-law wouldn’t iron anything I used to make cute dresses for my granddaughter out of pretty cottons. She always came to church looking like she slept in her clothes so I just started making her things from knit fabric.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh good, Jeanne, to see Ten Ping back in her own “bob”! She looks like Ten Ping again! I also like the little patalettes that give her outfit a Chinese vibe. I am thinking her jacket will feature leaves and berries to darken or dress up the white of her jacket. I know you mentioned it was a cream color, but on my monitor it looks pretty white. Maybe even a couple of beads and leaves on each sleeve would be cute! That jacket is just what she needs in this brutally cold and windy weather we are having!

    Charlotte, so gald to hear from you again! You seem to be doing as well as can be expected, and I too think you type better with one hand than I can with two! I hope you and Ron are staying put for Thanksgiving!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Humm, I wonder how a bit of the waist sash green would look on the bottom of the pantalettes or on the bottom of the skirt? Or even just piping? I know once embroidered, the jacket will be the focal point, but it seems like something is needed to tie it all together. Just my humble opinion. Ten looks much happier in this wig, and I’m sure appreciated the warm jacket with your very cold weather.
    Very curious what the parking lot call was all about? Hope those chickens are keeping warm as well. 🙂

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    I think I’m still hearing Ten Ping fussing about being cold. She said something about her freezing feet. I think once that’s taken care of she will be totally comfy. I love her sweet little jacket. Looking forward to seeing the embellishments.

    Well I spent the afternoon with my new serger yesterday. Didn’t get any serging done but I think I’m good to go on that today. There is so much to learn and some of it is just where everything is located on the machine. I watched a tutorial and the woman said how wonderful it is that there are no tension dials on the front of the machine. She failed to mention there are dials, etc., all over the place and learning which is what is going to take a little while for instant recognition. Every time I did anything I had to look it up which takes time, but each time I learned something in addition to what I was looking up.

    One of the great things about the machine is you don’t have to stress over tensions. You can make adjustments if you need to for unusual instances, but it’s pretty much like my sewing/embroidery machine where you tell the machine what you want to do and it sets the tensions, etc. I love the air threading of the loopers, but I can’t believe I actually managed to snag the upper looper thread. It wrapped around the presser foot and I had to cut it free. My second try was perfect. I didn’t use my previous serger as much as I would have liked because threading it was a nuisance and I like to use matching thread. Yesterday I was setting up for a 3-thread narrow edging. I picked three colors of thread that matched the colors in the jumper I am making and can’t wait to see how it ends up looking.

    My machine also does what is called a wave stitch that creates a decorative edge. You can use it for edging or a narrow hem. You can use different colored threads and specialty threads and get some interesting results. I’m going to try it out on a doll dress pattern I have where the skirt has several ruffles. I have a tendency to pretty much use the basics on a machine but I know I’d better put forth a little more effort with this one because I’ve talked about having one like this for years and all it can do and I won’t hear the end of it if I don’t have something to show for the purchase. I wouldn’t mind taking a class and one is offered, problem is they are few and far between and I’ll probably know what I need to by the time one is available. Classes are great for getting over the intimidation factor but that also comes from using the machine without a class.

    You are now probably suffering from tmi, but I thought I’d give you some background in case I have a chance to share some of my results down the road..

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Very interesting info on the serger. Maybe someday one will find a home here. Did your machine come with free classes? I went to a class for my sewing machine, but eventually bought another, same maker, so didn’t feel the need to repeat what they were offering. However, what I really wanted was more help on using the embroidery part. They didn’t offer anything on that, so I’ve never taken the time to figure it out. Bad me.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Yes the classes are free, if you can find one to take. You can do it online but I just check out Youtube if I have a question I can’t figure out. My new serger is a Babylock Triumph but Husqvarna Viking (my sewing/embroidery machine) just came out with one similar that is very nice and less costly. I might have considered that one if it had come out earlier. If I lived closer I’d help you with your embroidery machine. I think you would love it once you gave it a whirl. I was a little intimated at first but if you take it in bite-size pieces before you know it you become comfortable with it. I think the Natterer girls have just arrived. I’ll open the box tomorrow. Right now I was more interested in getting it out-of-sight before hubby came up for supper. I told him the last three dolls were the end for awhile and now there are two more. I’ll just tell him they’re from Santa.

        1. Joy in northern CA

          Thanks for the lessons offer. Guess I’ll have to fly to Texas. 🙂
          My machine is a Babylock Accord.
          So, will you send pics of your new Natterer girls to show us? I’d love to see them. 🙂

          1. Barbara in SE Texas

            Great idea! I will do that – send pics of the girls that is. But you can fly to Texas for lessons too. I’m going to check out your machine. Babylock makes really great machines but they’ve always been beyond my price range for the embroidery machines. My new serger has been a huge splurge and I’ve never done that before.

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