How I “saved” American Girl, Addy’s, brown plaid dress from the trash can…

Someone got a new doll and I was first to see her… you can be second! :o)
Barbara was thrilled to show me her pictures of Amelia Dawn! She’s a new Little Darling, painted by Magalie…and is Evianna’s big sister!
Barbara said she usually tries to pick the same coloring for her “family” dolls but that doesn’t always ring true in real families, so she decided not to worry about that this time. Isn’t she the cutest?! (YES, she is Barbara! Congratulations!)

Okay, now back to my sewing dilemma… Really, I was that close to tossing this dress in the trash can…I had no real desire to finish it if it was flawed, but I was going to take the buttons off first… However, when I woke up this morning, I had a different idea… but I sort of used the ideas that Marla and Nan had suggested.

If you missed it yesterday, I got almost all the way done with “Molly’s” dress when I saw a flaw in it… right on the very front… It was a tiny little flap in the fabric that didn’t take the color as it was printed onto the white cotton. It happened to be in the brown part, not on the white stripes… and it was just a white dot in the fabric… right next to the black rick rack…

I still didn’t know what I was going to do, but I wasn’t going to just let it go…I was going to try something.

So this afternoon, after a dentist appointment, I decided I was going to take the mid-section band off, but leave the skirt attached to it. I had already serged my edges, so “that” was fun, picking all that out… then I had to remove that tiny row of vintage rick rack… and finally remove the skirt from the bodice. I felt like the band at the waist was a bit too wide so I cut off (from the top of the band) about 1/2″. I also regathered my bodice and made more of the gathers right under the bust area and not so much on the underarms area. This made it look better in my opinion.

Then I decided since it was all apart, I was going to run a second row of rick rack right over that flaw and then on the other side too. It became the design element of this dress. (Nan had suggested taking off the row of rick rack and moving it over the flaw…) The first row of rick rack was sewn up into the collar, but this new piece I added was just run up TO the edge under the collar and stitched in place.

I was finishing up the dress, hemming it by hand, when I spotted ANOTHER flaw where the print hadn’t taken in a spot… this one was on the side of the skirt, and I decided to try Marla’s idea of using a crayon. (I was thinking about what to do at the dentist, so I went to the Thrift shop here in town and bought a huge bag of Crayola crayons in a big zip lock bag.) The bag had lots of different colored brown-ish crayons in it and I thought surely there was one that might be close.

Okay, so here is the spot on the side…

I took my fingernail and got a tiny little speck of the crayon and laid it on the spot, then I used a piece of waxed paper and pressed over it with a hot iron. It melted in the spot… and was a pretty close match.

It actually dried lighter than the picture I took right after I did it. Here it is a little bit later…

So now, Addy is happy, I’m happier, and I hope you’ll be happy with the results too…

The dress is all finished now… buttons on the sleeves, snaps down the back, it’s hemmed by hand, and the spots are dealt with. All is well in my sewing room, for now! :o)

All is well in my sewing room, for now! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “How I “saved” American Girl, Addy’s, brown plaid dress from the trash can…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Barbara, what a darling doll! Well, she IS a Little Darling, so that makes sense! Her hair is going to be so easy to fix, none of those “overflowing” tresses to deal with! Such a sweet smile too! Perfect!

    I am so glad that Addy got the dress, Jeanne, and it turned out very well! I like what you did to the waistline too. I felt that one lone rickrack piece around it previously looked kind of lost! What a great save to fix the silight imperfections of the fabric, and no one will be the wiser, well, except us!

    I’m interested to see what comes next for this darling outfit! Slip, boots, hat? Only you can make it happen!!!

    1. Those little flaws totally would never bother me! It’s the inherent beauty of the fabric. Flaws and all!

      1. HI Judy,
        As sure an anything, if I didn’t correct something and sold it with an imperfection, that just might be the time I get a negative review on Ebay and I sure don’t want that… so I fixed it… it didn’t take “that” long and worked out best after all…
        The only fabrics I sew and leave the flaws are madras plaids…the slubs in the fabrics give that fabric character… at least to me they do!
        Thanks so much,
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Thanks Linda,
      It really does look nice on Addy, now that I have her all dressed in it… I guess the troubles of it became the best news for her!
      Yes, everyone will have to be hush, hush about the double row of rick rack hiding that white spot! :o)
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations, Barbara, on the beautiful addition to your dolly family! Amelia Dawn is just as sweet as can be; her short haircut is perfect on her, and I love her purple shoes!! Actually, she reminds me somewhat of my friend Susie, who, when I first met her was 19 and a newly-minted LPN (which, she told me, her dad had said stood for “Little pretty nurse”, which definitely fit her!!). That was over 50 years ago–and we’re still friends!!

    Jeanne, my first thought when I saw the dress was, “Oh, I like that much better!” The double row of rickrack, and the narrower waistband and redistributed gathers, too. Good save on the flaw on the skirt, also, although, frankly, it wouldn’t have bothered me there at all. I think you were wise, choosing Addy as the recipient; I don’t know about your Molly, but MY Molly much prefers red to any other color!! (I made her a lavender dress when I first got her, and she wore it once to please me, but reminded me, “mom, lavender isn’t my favorite color, it’s yours!” Now April Eleanor has that dress, and she loves it, as she loves all pastels!!)

    I (WE!! LOL) will be looking forward to the new Molly outfit in the works!

    1. Thanks so much Charlotte! I’m glad you like the new revised version of Addy’s dress better. Me too!
      I’m looking forward to the new dress for Molly too! I’ll get is started soon.
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    I want to see that dress on Kirsten too. Rickrack was invented in the mid 19th century in Europe and was produced here in the 1910s, so Addy’s was imported “waved braid.” Kirsten wouldn’t have worn it, but since Addy’s mother was a seamstress, she might have had access or recycled some.

    Amelia Dawn is lovely — Magalie does beautiful work. Congratulations, Barbara!

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Thanks for the link to the introduction of rick rack… or waved braid… I learned something today! I have half a drawer devoted to my vintage “waved braid” and need to use it more often… I think it works well on Addy’s dress… gives a few curves to Addy’s somewhat “geometric” dress…
      Thank you,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love Barbara’s new girl. So cute with that short haircut. 🙂
    I’m very glad the dress for Addie did not hit the recycle can. The two rows of rickrack are nice, especially, since the lone strand at the waist is no longer. For some reason, I thought it needed a second row at the waist, but now it looks super. I don’t think I would have tried the crayon method on the dress without trying a test on a fabric sample first. Maybe you did. Since it’s on the side, hopefully, it won’t reappear if the weather warms up.
    I had a very successful day yesterday and a close one as I was almost caught when my latest Gabriela arrived from Czechland. Pure luck that other person did not see the mailman carrying her box on his shoulder up the steps before depositing her under the mailbox. Other person was occupied for a moment crushing a dog biscuit box for recycling giving me a moment to step outside before him, shove the box towards the bench with my foot and grab the mail from the box. Then, he was absorbed with the mail as the tax bill arrived. 🙁 As he carried the bill to the office, I opened the door and gave a final shove to the box so it was hidden under the bench returning inside just as he reappeared from the office. He said he was going to drive down to the mailbox with a couple of bills as we wouldn’t have time to make the pick up if he didn’t. I said, “Good idea!” Off he went, and I immediately popped out the door, grabbed that dolly box, and was back inside in a flash. If I hadn’t gone back outside when other person was in the office and relocated the box, he would surely have seen it on his trip to the postbox. Whew! I had time to actually open the shipper box and pull out the doll box before his quick return. She is adorable. 🙂

    1. Love your latest dolly caper, Joy. Good thing you have a bench to hide things under. Gabriela is lovely. I saw her on the site at the time. You really need to share of photo of all your Rubies together sometime.

    2. HI Joy,
      I did try the crayon idea on a scrap first.. I wasn’t brave enough to try it on the dress without testing it first… the color was a pretty close match. I’ll have to keep that in mind for other things…

      Thank goodness for doggy biscuit boxes that needed crushing! :o)
      Another great dolly caper in the life of Joy! Sounds like you are getting better at getting those dolls inside without being noticed!
      Keep it up… I think…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Debbie in North Carolina

    Great fix for Addy’s dress. I think she looks perfect in that style and color. Like Charlotte, I think Molly’s color is red.

    Barbara, Amelia Dawn is a delight. I love those little outfits Magalie sends with her dolls, and shoes too! You will love that bobbed wig. I have one with short hair and she is a dream to dress. Thanks for sharing!

    1. HI Debbie,
      I already have a red plaid picked out for Molly! That was an easy job… I’m glad you like Addy’s dress too… I think it actually turned out better and looks nicer on Addy than I ever thought it would on Molly!
      Thanks Debbie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a great save on the dress, Jeanne. I definitely believe this is an Addy dress. She looks so charming in it. All the changes you made are wonderful.

    Thanks everyone for the lovely comments on my new dolly daughter Amelia Dawn. I adore her hairstyle too. With that impish smile on her face I just thought she needed short hair. Can’t wait to get her but I’m afraid I’ll be out of town when she arrives. Magalie put her in the mail today but we leave Monday. Sean and Jason will be here and they will retrieve anything off the porch and put it in the house.

    Right now the AT&T man is working on my new service. I have never liked our current service but where I live it was the only option for awhile. It didn’t make sense to change until AT&T got fiber optics out here and now they have. David has it as his shop and loves it. I’m sure I will too. Our current cable service is changing to streaming TV only now and our current cable subscription will expire 10/18. So I’m going with the Hulu bundle Sean and Dionne have. I will be actually paying less for the internet and TV and have more options. My current internet is expensive and the speed was too slow for the new streaming service. I would have had to upgrade that anyway. I’ve made a good choice and it’s going to actually save us money.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Thanks for your kind words on Addy’s new dress! I think it was meant for her from the start!
      Oh, there’s nothing worse than knowing a doll is going to be delivered when you aren’t at home… but thankfully, you have someone to get her off the porch! Just knowing she’ll be in good hands should ease your mind!
      Congratulations on getting the new higher speed internet… they are putting new internet in our whole town and have been digging up yards to put the wires in for months… unfortunately, it stops short of where we live. I did put my name on a list, so if they ever come this way, I’m already signed up for it… Hope yours goes in quickly! I hear fiber optics is wonderful!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Congratulations on your lovely doll, Barbara. Amelia Dawn is a sweet little thing and her short haircut is so cute. Those outfits Magalie makes are lovely. I remember the exquisite ones she made for AG dolls and shared on the doll board years ago.
    Marilyn beat me to it, but I was going to say that now that the dress is Addy’s you will have to call the rick rack waved crochet braid or waved lacet braid.
    Here’s a Civil War era doll with waved crochet braid or waved lacet braid trim on her sleeves.

    The dress looks wonderful on Addy. I wonder how it would look on Rebecca or your AGOT Nora if you still have her.

    1. Thanks for the picture of the rick rack (oops… waved crochet braid). I LOVE looking at old pictures of clothes from by gone days… wondering what little girl played with that doll and what her name might have been.
      I’m glad you like Addy’s dress on her now… I will have to try it on one of the other girls you mentioned to see…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Amelia Dawn is stunning. The wig is so perfect on her too. Love the red, love the style. There is something about that impish smile that makes her my favorite mold.
    She comes dressed? That is so nice…and such a cute outfit too! Magalie does a beautiful job. Glad Diannas dolls are still making us happy.
    Jeanne your “fix” was so usual. The double Rick rack is just perfect on the plaid. I especially love the inset waistband…liked it wide and like it now. And the accessories will be……?
    Thanks Dorothy for the history lesson on Rick Rack. I had no idea..just knew it was very old. I have always loved it and collected the tiny version in so many colors…now I just need to use it.😉

    1. HI Kathie,
      I wish I had been so “smart” from the beginning and noticed that flaw, but I guess it wasn’t that bad…at least something “could” be done to fix it.
      And the accessories are… you’ll have to wait till tomorrow… sorry!
      I have collected rick rack for years too and have way too much to use in my lifetime… but I keep it all in case I need a certain color…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thanks Nan,
      Thank you for the idea of moving the rick rack over… I was in town when I read your comment, but had already added the second row of rick rack. I just smiled when I read your comment. :o) Like minds think alike!
      Thanks so much for your kind compliments on the dress.
      Blessings, Jeanne

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