Thanks for a successful Online American Girl Yard Sale…

I truly appreciate those of you who bought outfits from me. I hope your girls will be pleased with what you picked out for them… (or… maybe “they” picked them out???) Anyway, I have a few less things in tubs around here and mentioned that I was just about done with the doll clothes. Then I discovered the tub with the “unbranded” doll outfits in it and remembered they still need to be sold.

So my question is, do you want to have another online yard sale where you bid against each other again, or would you like to see pictures of the outfits, let me know in the comments or an email which outfits you’d like to be entered into a drawing for. I’d give you a price for things… maybe put things at $5.00 again but I’d make it worth $5.00 and you could decide if you wanted to be entered for a drawing for that particular lot. Then when the time is up, say I run it for a day again, or maybe 2 days, I would put all the names who wanted that particular lot in a hat and draw out a name… They would be the winner, pay the $5.00 and that would be theirs… Does that make sense?

OR… do you want me to sew something for one of my dolls? If so, who? :o)

So here is a tub full of some 18″ doll clothes, and there are a few that are AG, but I didn’t get them listed…

I know you were probably expecting more today, but I was busy sorting and making sure everyone got what they wanted and then boxed up…
I really need to get to bed tonight before midnight! :o)

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “Thanks for a successful Online American Girl Yard Sale…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, Jeanne, I think that, since you haven’t sewn anything for a while (and you are like me, in that you really do Want to be sewing at least part of the time!), maybe you should sew something first, and then in a week or two, do another auction or sale, whichever way you want to do it. That would be my thought, anyway.

    Gigi is still proudly waving her little flag in front of my Annalee 4th of July figures. I may have a hard time getting her to take this outfit off and change into something else! Even though pink is her favorite color, she just Loves that hat!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Me too wanting to see you sew something again! It just isn ‘t a Jeanne Marie blog without an outfit to see coming together! I think the auction was fun, but maybe take a break from it and do it in another month or so, when people are more inclined to be thinking about Christmas and donating things for charities. Second hand doll clothes are always a good item for that.

    As for who, it looks like RRFF are what is popular now, and you have several to think about!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Excellent idea, Linda–the Christmas and donating to charities, etc. Sounds like a win to me!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    I guess I’d like to see both new sewing and a sale. For the sale, I like the pictures one day, and then emailing you with anything in which we were interested and then the drawing. For sewing, the Ruby Reds need active summer outfits and swim suits, and especially outfits for the boys. For the girl swim suits, I love the simple cotton ones from the 50’s. Skirted, ruffled, with a simple top. Please hurry. The girls here want to go swimming. 🙂

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I echo Charlotte, Linda, and Joy who have commented before me. Why not take a break from the AG sale for a while, make something for the RRFF doll, and make that something a swimsuit?

    Here is that latest news in the Doll World. The Virtual Doll Convention (VDC) is having a program from Friday, August 26 to Sunday, August 28. It is all online, of course. I am placing the weblink here in case you and/or the Sofa Sisters are interested. I have attended VDC programs in the past and they are fun and informative.

    Happy Monday to all!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks so much for the link. I too have attended online VDC programs in the past and they were a lot of fun.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I echo Charlotte, Linda and Joy. I keep planning to make everyone bathing suits but somehow that hasn’t risen to the top of my sewing to-do list even though I have tons of fabric for making them. I also have a pattern for an oval pool made with PVC. I’m thinking of maybe putting Skyy onto making that. He loves putting Legos together and the pool is much easier than that. If I get the pool finished maybe I’ll get around to making swimming suits. I sure don’t want to see my girls in the pool wearing their regular clothes and they will do that if they don’t have an alternative.

    Speaking of swimming in regular clothes, that reminds me of a funny story from the past. When my daughter was about 8 we went to visit my family in Delaware and then on to Bethlehem, PA, to visit some of my mother’s old friends. One of them had a big above-ground swimming pool. The kids asked if they could put on their bathing suits and their dad said, no, we would not be there that long. Mom and I knew that was a bad choice and sure enough before long Andrea came in dripping wet. She “fell” in the pool. The pool that is 4 ft. high. Hmm… Well we got her changed and that evening David and I took her clothes to the motel laundry room to wash and dry them. Her shorts were heavy denim and it took forever and a whole lot of quarters to get them dry. They were still somewhat damp when we went back to the room but we had run out of quarters.

    Yesterday it was 105 here. Right now at about 11 a.m. it is 91 with a high expected today of 103. Funny thing is that with all these high temps the humidity has been very low. It’s more like where David grew up in Kansas. We’re thankful though because we can at least breathe and it’s not “air you can wear” as we usually have in the summer here.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I’ve seen that PVC pool pattern. There is also a pool pattern and instructions on RubyRedToys. I’m going to try that one for the RRFF kids. It is made from cardboard and scrapbook paper and I think one sheet of foam board. They also have a lounge chair pattern made from popsicle sticks. Maybe Skyy would be interested in making those as well. 🙂

  6. Debbie in North Carolina

    I love the idea presented here about pictures for the yard sale one day with the opportunity to buy on the next. For sewing I was thinking Christmas in July because I am just so tired of summer already! We finally got a good rainfall Saturday with a couple of days of below 80 degrees. Back to heat advisory by Wednesday.

    Laura, I did comment on your post on Saturday about your AG collection. : – )

  7. Kind of late in the day to comment but it seems most like to be able to watch you create something beautiful for whichever lucky doll is chosen. Me too If any of you ladies have an Asian AG doll on your wish list I have one will be for sale. Jeanne helped me ID her …as an American Girl #4 Girl of Today. Her marking on back of her neck is Pleasant Company, 749/76

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Kathie, I have that doll (#4 G of T), her name is AbbyRose, and I LOVE her! After I bought her, three of my doll friends (who had seen mine) ordered one, also, she is so beautiful!! If you saw the picture Jeanne had up the other day of the two dolls in “treat seats” at AG Place, the one in the clown out fit was Abby.

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