A purse for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends… Rozen thinks it’s hers!

Rozen thinks this new purse belongs to her and will be hers forever and ever… We had a talk. She wasn’t happy. I told her there would be more… She smiled. All seems to be well. For now!

I had the right color of leather in my stash and couldn’t believe it! It matches her new dress perfectly… but it looks slightly more blue in my pictures than it really is. It’s a pretty teal or dark turquoise color.

I thought I had taken some pictures as I was making it, but I guess I was dreaming… there were none when I went to upload them except these two. Rats!

Oh well, it won’t make any difference…

Someone gave me an Amazon gift card and I found some tiny 4mm rivets and the tool used to set them, so I “invested” in some silver and antique brass rivets.

Here is what I came up with… yep, same pattern, but every time you use a new color it looks like a completely different purse. At least I think so…

Rozen said it was just what she was hoping for…

My new rivets worked well, but my leather was slighter thicker than I anticipated on, so I had to shave off some of the backside of the leather where the rivet posts went through. I used a knife and a sanding stick. You can kind of see where the backside of the flap has been roughed up a bit where the rivet is.

This is what the edges of the purse look like before you put an edge sealer on them and burnish them… kind of ugly, right?

Here are a few more pictures of the purse… (Sorry this was all I got done today…)

I did modify the pattern piece that determines the “thickness” of the purse and made this purse more narrow…

Here’s one more of the purse when it was finished… It was brushed with water on the inside and stuffed with paper towel pieces to shape it. As it dries it will hold this same shape…

Now Rozen wants some new shoes to match her purse! :o)

I’ll (hopefully) see you here tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “A purse for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends… Rozen thinks it’s hers!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Rozen’s purse is just lovely, Jeanne, and the perfect accessory for that dress!

    I was reading your comments on yesterday’s blog, and you said that George had given away his Old German Owls. Maybe once he’s thru his knee surgery and well on the road to recovery he could get a couple more, just so he has some again? Since he loved them so much….

    Keeping you both in prayer.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I thought maybe he might get some more Old German Owls, but he was so heartbroken, I don’t think he wants to go through that again. I knew he really liked them, but didn’t know quite how much.

      Thank you Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Darling purse, Jeanne! Just what Rozen needs for her shopping trip! I can’t get over how perfectly the blue of the purse matches the blues in the dress! You are an expert in leathercrafting and matching colors!

    I will be thinking of you today, and prayers for George. He is the bravest man I know, going through so much! You are the perfect partner for him, and I know the two of you together can weather anything! Love to both!

  3. Hi Linda,
    I just love Rozen’s new purse too! It’s fun learning new things!!
    Thank you Linda… we both appreciate them.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Looks like Rozen is all set for a trip to the penny candy store. They must still have those somewhere?
    So sorry about the German Owls. Guess I shouldn’t have brought it up. At least they went to a good home, but very sad. 🙁
    I’m sure the Watch check will go well. Technology is so amazing now. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy ,
      I’m not sure if you can get candy for a penny anymore. We did go to an Amish discount grocery store the other day and saw some candy bars and health bars for ten cents. It was a neat store…you never know what you’ll find…
      It was a sad time for him, but I think he’s okay now… he’s got his hens and Reuben.
      He’s probably about ready for recovery. I’m waiting to talk with the doctor.
      Thanks Joy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. The purse would be darling even if you made it for every single dress. The color is such a great match too. Rosen is a cheerful looking girl and awesome model.
    Sitting in the hospital waiting room is always nerve wracking. Will he stay overnight? I hear sometimes they send you home same day🥴😵‍💫now. Saying 🙏🏻 For George and you. Your job as the ice patrol is full time for awhile. Hope this one heals correctly and fast.

    1. Hi Kathie,
      We actually just got home a little bit ago. This wasn’t his knee replacement…it’s in June.. this was a followup for the Watchman procedure he had done a month and a half ago.

      His Watchman implant has all healed inside his heart and he was taken off the blood thinner. He will go on Plavix for 3 months and then just a baby aspirin after that.
      He is a bit groggy still and has a sore throat, but is happy to be done with today.

      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the purse is so pretty. I can see why Rozen did not want to part with it.

    Purses, shoes, hats, undergarments, outfits. You truly can dress the entire doll!

    Prayers continue for you and your husband.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy,
      I’m trying to figure out how to organize the “groups” of things I make for the dolls… hat stuff, leather shoe and purse stuff, slip stuff, wig stuff, thigh high stuff, etc…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. The purse is lovely, Jeanne, and I’m sure Rozen is happy.
    I’m be praying and think of you both today. I hope George’s surgery goes well.
    I’ll have to go back and read about the German Owls. I’m sorry he had to let them go. they were so pretty.

  8. Thanks Laura,
    We are home now and I’ll be playing nurse (or at least helper) for the rest of the day.
    He just asked for mashed potatoes for his sore throat. So I guess I better go.
    Thanks for your compliments on Rozen’s purse…
    Blessings, Jeanne

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