Sometimes I don’t even need to ask to know something was wrong…

I wanted to get to your comments but my day was too busy. I think that’s a good thing considering my last few weeks.

I was busy, but most of it was sitting down stuff so I was “sort of” resting.

So my surprise for today is a pair of boots to go with the set… not just any boots, but a pair of gold metallic real leather boots!! It had been a while since doing a little “cobblering” but it came back to me.

So while the boots are cute and fun and could be used for lots of outfits…I wasn’t loving them with what I had already made…so I made a pair of “calf high” leggins…(there is no foot in them.)

It still wasn’t winning me over, so I stripped Freida down to her top and her boots and leggins and realized I liked that look the best…

…which got me to thinking, maybe I needed to start over…well, not completely over, but a new skirt for starters.

I think the white and coral print skirt was too light and airy looking to go with the fuzzy jacket. So I looked in my fabric stash and it took just a few minutes to find this fabric. It was a little more substantial in color and the boldness made it work better for me. I stood across my sewing room and evaluated it…and it won me over. It just needed to be a darker print… the print in the skirt fabric has a kind of lime color in it… It’s hard to tell in my pictures…

So here are some “new” pictures of the “new” set. I think I might save the first skirt for something more Springy…

So, what do you think…now that I’ve already done it?

I’m still not finished, but getting closer…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

36 thoughts on “Sometimes I don’t even need to ask to know something was wrong…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I have to say that, while I really LOVE that first skirt, the second one does look better with the jacket and boots. (And those boots–wow!!) I love the calf-high leggings, which look like boot socks, and add just the right touch of color.

    I hope when you do a top to go with that first skirt (maybe for Easter?) you would consider doing another white one like the one you have with this outfit. I love that style of blouse with a full skirt like that.

    Barbara, you are so welcome for the name research. It’s a hobby of mine, and some of my name books are getting pretty worn! I enjoyed reading how you and your sisters all got their names (and I love “Elizabethanna”–what an interesting and beautiful name!). I was named for my dad’s favorite grandma (Charlotte) and my mother (Louise); in fact, daddy named me! They had a boy’s name picked out, figuring their first baby would be a boy. Surprise!! When the hospital called to let him know he had a daughter (he was waiting at friends’ house), he just said, “That’s my Charlotte Louise”. Later I found out he really liked his sister’s middle name, Annette–and I already knew my mom had always wanted to name me Ann. I told them (this was long ago, of course), “you really should have Talked before I was born!” LOL

    Anne, glad to hear you got home safely from your trip. I’m looking forward to seeing some pictures, if/when you share them with Jeanne!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What pretty gold boots, Jeanne! Those thigh highs are just the thing when putting on shoes, so much easier than struggling to get the boots over the socks! So that part went well, and yes, I see the difference in the skirt pattern. The second one is more substantial and looks more wintery than the first. Perfect save! And you didn’t have to go out running around to find the right material in this freezing weather!

    As far as my name goes, I had no idea why I was named Linda. I never really asked about it and never really knew I had a middle name until first grade!! I always thought my name was Linda Rosie, (!) and remember telling my teacher that when I was in kindergarten!! I guess I was naming myself! Linda was getting popular around the time I was born, so I guess that was one of the reasons I got that name, but my “real” middle name, Ann, is a name that is on both sides of the family over and over and over! That’s also my mother’s name, so I guess that is why I have it. It is interesting to learn how everyone was named here!!

    And so, where did the name, Jeanne Marie come from??

    1. Linda, you mentioned that Lindas must think alike… make that Lindas with middle name Ann, and mother’s name Ann must think alike! (my mom was Anne)

      I was supposed to be Diane, but like Shara my name was stolen by my mom’s sister who gave birth to my cousin Diane three months before me.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Well, for goodness sakes, another Linda Ann! So nice to know you! Actually my mother’s real name is Anna, but she always used Ann, and I had no idea until years later! My youngest sister is Anne!

        1. Barbara….so sorry about your stepdaughter. Sympathy for the whole family.
          Jeanne your shoe/ boot skills are fantastic….do you have gold thread or did you paint it? The buyer will be thrilled because those gold shoes will go with everything! The darker skirt is better …but I did like the other one too
          My class in school had 8 Kathleen’s…some got to be called Kathy, then there was a Cathy,…but I l was always Kathleen an still am to family.☺️ Changed to Kathie in college

      2. Diane and Dana.. we were close!
        I thought I’d name my daughter Dana, and told MY best friend.. a few months later, she had a boy and guess what she named him! Yep!
        It just never was meant to be:) lol

      3. Barbara in SE Texas

        Funny how names bring back memories. When I was pregnant with Sean a friend of mine in choir was also pregnant. Our children were actually born the same day. Not knowing whether Sean was a boy or girl at first, we picked names for both. Sean Andrew if it was a boy and Seanna Nichole if it was a girl. I had the boy and my friend had a girl and guess what she named her – Shawna Nichole. She must have breathed a sigh of relief when I found out my baby was a boy because she liked that name so much when I told her that she hadn’t thought of picking another.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      This reminds me of a funny story about a friend’s daughter. Her name is Karen Renee but they always called her Renee. She had no idea her first name was Karen so when she started school and the teacher kept calling out the name Karen George, she didn’t answer. I guess she was wondering if there was another girl with her last name in the class. She was named after her Aunt Karen but her mom and dad liked Renee better.

      1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

        I was named after my mothers sister who died when she was 8 months old. I always hated my name, everyone I knew called Phyllis was at least a generation older than me (more difficult now I am old lol). I was always called Phyllis, never Phyl. When I was 13 we moved from Grantham in Lincolnshire to Huddersfield in Yorkshire and of course I had to go to a new school. When I came home after the first day Dad asked me what I had told them my name was. Obviously I had said Phyllis! He said “I thought you would have taken the opportunity to change your name”. It hadn’t occurred to me I could do that so when I first went to work I told them my name was Anne and I have been that ever since. I think if Mum and Dad hadn’t joined us here in New Zealand the whole family would have continued to call me Phyllis. My name became even more of a trial when a product came on the market called Phyllosan (not sure after all these years if I have spelt that right.) At my wedding in his speech my Dad said ” Derick will be ok when he gets to forty because ‘Phyllosan fortifies the over forties’!

        And mentioning my ex-husband, when he was posted to Singapore in 1971 he had to get a passport for the first time. He collected all his documents together including his birth certificate and sent them off. He later got a letter from the passport office to say his birth certificate did not match the name on the passport application form. He had always been known as Derick William but had been registered as William Derrick! He had no idea. He had to go to a solicitor and sign a form to say that he had always been known as Derick William.

        1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

          As a footnote (ignore me if I had already told you this) Sam’s oldest daughter Caitlyn has always been picky about her name. She first changed it to Caitlin but a year or so back started having gender issues and decided she wanted a gender neutral name. She has called herself Kai which is quite a popular name overseas. Fine but in Maori Kai means food! She thinks this is funny and has decided to find a new middle name (currently it is Rose) with the first letter F. Since their surname is Chalmers that means she will be KFC!

  3. Love the gold shoes and calf-high stockings!
    Such a beautiful ensemble that is evolving !💕

    I was supposed to be named Dana, but my mom’s good friend liked it too when mom shared the name, and since she was due 2 months before me, she “stole” my name when her baby was a girl.
    My birth name became “Sharon” as a last minute pick. It never felt quite right to me though, like it wasn’t who I was supposed to be. One day, when I was in my ‘30’s, I was doodling on a note pad and wrote “Shar” and “Dana”… I looked at them and added the “a” to “Shar”.. and there it was..”Shara”.. my real name and it felt like me. I announced to my parents and family that I was now Shara and not Sharon any more:) My middle name is also Ann, but that’s ok:)

  4. Yes, as much as I loved the first skirt, I see that this brighter fabric looks better with the jacket. And although I’m not big on metallics, the gold boots are adorable, especially with the anklet socks. This look is an all around win!

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Ah, changes are good. I think I would pare the former skirt with a demur little white blouse sporting a peter pan collar. Maybe tiny pink buttons to bring out the skirt colors and little pink flats. A pair of lace leggings underneath would be great. It would be perfect for Valentines Day. Really. 🙂
    The new skirt definitely brings the pieces together. I’ve never heard of calf high leggings unless they come all of the way down from the top. I like Charlotte’s boot socks term for them though. Maybe they are 1/2 boot socks? I think I would shorten the skirt since the boots and partial socks are hardly visible. I can tell that Freida really likes this outfit. Maybe she needs to be posed sitting on a chair so those adorable gold boots can be shown off. Now the poodle jacket fits in the picture as well. The whole outfit is so cute and with it on her.
    Dawn is due here today. Switching gears to the Asian motif. These girls are going to need something striking to wear. Any ideas?

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I was told that after trials and tribulations, my mother delivered a child. Me. She named me Joy. My mother told me that had she had another child, she would have named it Bliss. I have been happy with Joy. 🙂 My middle name is Joann (Jo ann) after my great grand mother Joanna and Aunt Joanne.

  6. Dorothy L near PGH PA

    We’re all pretty good as opinion givers so . , . I also liked the former skirt, too much pink in this new look for me. I like a little shorter skirt and not so full. As you said when you saw her in her jtop and boots it was a look that called to you. So maybe a little less skirt?

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the “new look”. Absolutely perfect.

    I was going to start my comment this morning asking for prayers for my oldest stepdaughter, Shana. We got a call from our granddaughter last evening that her mother had collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. They could not get a pulse. They would get her heart started and then it would stop. Finally they got her stabilized and she was going for an MRI. They suspected a blood clot. That was the way it was left when I went to bed last night. When I got up this morning David told me Amanda had texted him that Shana didn’t make it. She was 51. Ten years ago she adopted a little boy baby, and he is now without his mother. The blessing is that Shana and Xavier had been living with Amanda, her husband their three children so Xavier will have no other changes to his life while he is mourning the loss of his mother. He and Amanda’s oldest are the same age and like brothers already. So, instead of prayers for Shana’s recovery I must ask for a whole lot of prayers for everyone involved. Shana was not in the best of health and we feared something like this at some time, but that doesn’t make it any easier when it happens. David is handling it well. Sadly Shana wrote him off as a dad years ago. Her mother was a master at parental alienation, but we always hoped things would change. Dionne and I both kept in touch with Shana and we will miss her.

    Then I was looking on Facebook this morning and saw where one of my Facebook Friends just lost her oldest son at the end of December and before that a friend of David’s lost her son a few months ago. None of it had anything to do with COVID just all kinds of other things. So sad.

    1. Dear Barbara, So very sorry for your loss and how sad for David that things were never repaired through no fault of his own. Prayers for your family.

    2. Sally from Colorado

      Dear Barbara,
      What a shock and what a blow to the hearts of all your family. Of course we will pray for all of you. It is a true blessing, as you say, that young Xavier will be in the same home with the same people. I am so very sorry about this sad time for all of you.
      Hugs and prayers,

      1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

        Barbara, so very sorry for David and your loss. I will pray for the family, especially for Xavier, it must be tough losing a parent at such a young age. Just the possibility when Sam first told the children she had cancer caused problems for her children. So very sad

    3. So sorry to hear about your stepdaughter. I am praying you will all find comfort during this difficult time.

    4. Ingrid B in Western N Y

      Dear Barbara I’m so very sorry for your loss. May the love of God and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ bless and console you and your family,
      this day and evermore. Amen

    5. Charlotte Trayer

      Dear Barbara,

      I’m so sorry for your loss; will be praying for you and the entire family during this time, and especially young Xavier, as he adjusts to the loss of his mother. (I did see your post on FB but don’t remember if you said anything about him there.) At least he does have the rest of the family to support him; hopefully they will get some grief counseling for him, too. Ten is so young to lose your mom!

  8. Back for a minute.Pretty gold boots and nice footless crew socks. I love the scalloped edge on the socks.The new skirt is bright and vibrant. Groceries to put away so I have to go.

  9. Sally from Colorado

    What a switcheroo here, Jeanne. I figured boots, and the little boot toppers are great (that is what my English friend calls them.) I agree with those who suggest making the skirt a bit shorter to show off the foot cuteness. Looks like you’re having fun once again, Jeanne. 👍🥰

    Linda, I sure hope you shake that vertigo soon. I am so eager for your parents to see that place, but understand their hesitation until you are 100%. I am still pretty wary of this virus even though we are triple vaccinated. We lost a friend yesterday in his mid 60’s, triple vaccinated, but deeply compromised health. He had been fighting so many health issues and was making such progress. Sad, as with Barbara’s step daughter.

    Let’s wish Joy tons of luck getting her doll in today. I still have not heard from UPS about my Dawn. However, the new core boy should be available in March, according to Ed. He will look like Ed’s Francis doll of his anniversary set but with blondish hair, and because he will be a core doll, the wig is glued on and we don’t have to scramble to get one. Hurrah!

    Well, everyone, take care. It was a balmy 4 degrees here this morning. Got some snow yesterday so our ground is still white here in town, but the hills close by are bare in places.

    1. Ingrid B in Western N Y

      LOL I knew you meant me (smile) … I’m so sorry to hear of your dear friend. condolences.
      Funny side note on the house. The selling agent called our agent just to let us know a couple was viewing the house a second time. I know why she did that and I hate feeling pressed by sales people. Anyway that was a few days after we saw it and it’s still on the market. Hubby told me the other day that he couldn’t stand up straight in the basement … big deal in my book because my father is a collector of ” stuff ” The mans basement is full and I mean full of things. He thinks his electronics are valuable. I don’t have the heart to tell him his his Beta player or 8 track players are not collectable. Thank for the well wishes. I need all I can get!
      Take care dear friend : )

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Actually some 8 track players are very collectible and can bring in quite a bit. Should he have any early Apple computers or the original IBM, oh wow, worth a bundle. 🙂 Just coming from Joy the junk collector. 🙂

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    Sally, I’m fine! Are you thinking of Ingrid?
    And, Barbara, prayers for your family! Fifty-one is so young.

  11. Marilyn in Colorado

    I asked for fuzzy pink boots, burt I was being silly. Nevertheless, you came close, but much nicer. This is a charming outfit. You were right about the skirt, and the gold boots are wonderful. The whole outfit suits Freida’s lovely coloring. For the listing, how does it look on Sarah?

  12. Joy Lynne Carter

    I think you ‘nailed it’ Jeanne! Love the booties with ruffly sock tops showing! So glad you are feeling a bit better.

  13. Ingrid B in Western N Y

    Hi Jeanne
    The new skirt looks just right with the fuzzy jacket. Very cute add with the boots and boot socks. Hope you are still on the mend and feeling better and better with each day!

  14. Alina from Krakow, Poland

    Frieda looks beautiful in a new set. Fairy tale shoes, how do you do all of this? In Poland, many people die suddenly, just like the aforementioned Shana. Hard times lack of proper medical care.

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