Some sweet pajamas and a bit of snow…

I hope Charlotte makes it to her birthday dinner tonight and Debbie has pizza by the fireplace….or maybe something a little more exciting! Happy birthday ladies! We wish you many, many more!!

Somehow I missed this picture from Sissy… but I wanted to share it…

This was her email to me…

Hi Jeanne,
Still following, but life has been crazy. We are now in the North GA mountains relaxing and expecting snow, which is a novelty for us, living on the GA coast.

About the photo, we visited my older son and his family on Long island in August. My granddaughter was 9 at the time. She loves going through my phone and looking at photos. She saw one of my other 2 granddaughters when they were much younger (they are in their 20’s now) wearing robes and pj’s with matching outfits for their American Girl dolls. She said, “Sissy Granny, will you make some for me?” Of course I said yes and took her measurements.

Her 10th birthday was December 7th. When the package arrived, my son said she raced to dress her doll, then tried it on. The next morning he sent me a video of her in it dancing around and saying, “I want to wear it to school!” She wears it all the time at night now. The fabric for the pj’s was the softest fleece I have ever felt inside and out. The robe is a heavier fleece. I got both at Joann’s. He finally sent me a still photo. Hope you like it.


What a couple of cuties, Sissy! I love the colors too! I bet she’s still wearing it every chance she gets! Maybe they’ll have a pajama day at school and she can wear it there after all!

We had snow flurries throughout the day, but it didn’t amount to anything, as you can see from my “gazebo” picture…

I worked at the Food Pantry today for the first time since the end of December. I was pooped when I got home but I don’t think I overdid it… however, my hubby had some (easy) things he needed some help with, so I never made it into my sewing room.

We were discussing the weather last night and he asked me if I was going to make any more furry doll coats? I told him if it snowed I might… and then it snowed today…. hmmmm… :o)

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Some sweet pajamas and a bit of snow…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    So this is the big day for Charlotte and Debbie! Happy Birthday to the two of you! Let’s hope your wishes come true when you blow out those birthday candles…..if you still do that!

    Sissy’s granddaughter is darling, and what adorable outfits for both the big doll and the little doll! Such a pretty little girl, and it’s so refreshing to see a girl and a doll together! You did an excellent job on those robes and pj’s, Sissy!

    Your yard looks about like what ours did yesterday, Jeanne. I was wishing for more, maybe two inches or so, but we have more on the horizon next week. Maybe those coats will be just the thing to make once again!

    1. HI Linda,
      Yes, Sissy nailed the outfits for her grandaughter and her doll too! Very sweet!

      My hubby just reminded me that we will most likely get more snow this coming Thursday… Looks like I should make a coat now and save it until there is some snow on the ground to take pictures!
      Thanks Linda… (for the get well card too… that was sweet!) :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes, and a happy birthday to Debbie, whose birthday is today (the 29th)!

    I need to clarify something: When I read this blog, it’s one of the last things I do before I go to bed, so my “today” is your “yesterday”! So, MY birthday was actually TODAY (the 28th–yes, it’s after 2 a.m., but I haven’t been to bed yet!), and I did have a nice, if uneventful, day. My best friend (since 1952–first grade!) called me as I was finishing my lunch. We do email every day, but it was good to hear her voice. She’s back in Michigan, so it’s been almost 5 years since I last saw her. And Ron and I went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner tonight.

    Ron’s hip is feeling much more comfortable, thanks. My back is also somewhat better, but I am doing physical therapy for it (again). Some of you may recall my mentioning back in 2020, my terrible fall (my husband fell into me, knocking me flat on my back), and a recent MRI showed that I do have an “old” fracture (probably from that fall) of my L4 vertebra, which may be part of my problem, but partly I think it’s just getting older and muscle tone is diminishing, so then things hurt. I might have some of those Salon Pas patches on hand (purchased, I think, when Ron was having trouble with his hip last year) that Kathie mentioned, so will have to try that. Thanks for the idea.

    Paula, for right now, I’m keeping Freida’s name. Have to see what I think as I get to “know” her a little more. I may just add a middle name, but haven’t had time to research that yet!

    Barbara, I’m glad your back sorted itself out so easily!

    Sissy, I love the picture of your granddaughter and her doll in their matching jammies and robes! She may outgrow hers, but she’ll always have her doll’s outfit to remember! It sounds like it was a huge hit with her!

    No snow here, Jeanne! But we might need raincoats soon! 😉

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Happy birthday Charlotte for the day before yesterday. You must read the blog about when I get them which is about 1 or 2 am but the day after Jeanne writes. I always check them in the morning while I am having my coffee. It was my eldest’s 55th birthday on 27th.

    2. HI Charlotte,
      When I “write” my blog post, I do it the night before and then publish it at 1:00am the next morning… so when I talk in my post about today, I’m referring to yesterday too! I wish I could get up at 6:00 each morning and write a fresh post for that day, but that’s not going to happen… there’s always too many things that can go wrong… pictures not loading, etc… at least when I do it at night, I have a few hours to get it right!

      Well, Congratulations “yesterday” on your birthday! What a fun thing to do… email your best friend every day!

      I hope if you don’t need the rain, you can pass it on to Joy… she needs it!
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Aw, Sissy, your grand is just the cutest! Such a nice grandmother making her outfit and one for her AG. Love it.
    Beautiful winter look at Jeanne’s. Do you have lights on the gazebo? It would look like a winter wonderland with sparkly fairy lights. They could be on all year as they would look fun in the summer too. Maybe you have them already?
    Glad Jeanne is feeling better as it sounds like George has something big in mind. Like finishing the floor? Now that is big. Hope you don’t do too much though until you feel completely better. Don’t want a relapse.
    We’ll be watching the big game on Sunday along with lots of others from CA. 49ers vs Rams 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      No, we don’t have lights on the gazebo… I think we decorated it one time with lights for a bridal shower I had out there… It would be kind of neat to see the lights on there… might have to do some fluttering of the eyelashes! :o)

      We plan on doing the floor… we just have his office to do… and then the trim… but it’s going to be a bear as he doesn’t want to take everything out of there… there are file cabinets, a huge desk, the washer and dryer and much more… he wants to just move them around and work around them. we’ll see…

      We are going to watch the games tomorrow… that Bengals/Chiefs game last week was probably the best game I have ever watched… and the most exciting part took place in the last 2 minutes! :o)

      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Glad the birthday girls celebrated🎂
    Sissy…what a beautiful granddaughter! She looks so comfy in her robe and slippers. That fleece is so pretty. I know my fleece robe is the first thing I run for when it is really cold.
    It is supposed to be mid 50’s here today so going to try and cut down some last of the season veggies remains. Maybe put together a seed order. Nothing like looking thru the Seed Catalog to bring on thoughts of Spring.
    Jeanne…don’t start over doing..that last bit of floor can wait!😉

    1. HI Kathie,
      I agree about fleece robes… AND fleece “anything” is nice too!

      My hubby likes to look through the seed catalogs too… and the chicken hatchery catalogs…

      I’m going to take it pretty slow when we start on the floor… It’s only about 8 x 10 but it’s still just as much work, with all the up and down, so I plan to take it easy…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Sissy’s granddaughter is the cutest and the matching robes and jammies for her and her doll are wonderful. I know our kids around here have PJ day at school every now and then. If they have it where she lives she’s got something wonderful to wear. It appears she’s over the moon about the matching ensembles.

    I would settle for even a skiff of snow every now and then. It would look nice but not be a problem for getting around. I just don’t want a recurrence of last February when we had snow, freezing cold, no heat and no water.

    1. HI Barbara,
      You sound like me… you’d like to have the snow for a short period of time… no ice, no sleet, no slick spots, and no slush for me… I like it white for about 2 days, then I’m ready for it to be gone…
      There is another system coming our way Thursday, I think… maybe you’ll get a little bit from it… :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. So glad to hear you had a lovely birthday, Charlotte and I hope Debbie did as well.

    Your granddaughter is just lovely, Sissy, and I’m sure she was absolutely thrilled with her warm PJs and robe sets.Wonderful that she’s still into dolls.

    We still have about four inches inches of snow on the ground and it’s piled higher in places. The snowplows have dug us out, but we’re expecting more.

    1. HI Laura,
      I like to see young girls with their dolls too… it just seems “right” to me!

      I hope you are enjoying the snow… if not, send some to Barbara… she wants a little bit!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Sounds like Charlotte enjoyed her birthday yesterday and hope Debbie enjoys hers today! Happy Birthday girls!
    Sissy, your granddaughter looks like an AMG doll herself! Shes so pretty. As someone said, she’ll grow out of her pj’s some day but her Dollie won’t. It’ll be a nice keepsake then.

    Such a pretty picture of your gazebo, Jeanne. The snow makes it picture perfect.

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I’m hoping we get enough snow this coming week to take a nice picture of it with it being all covered in white. There’s only been a few winters in the 18 years we’ve been here that we didn’t get enough snow for that to happen.

      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Happy birthday for yesterday Debbie. Enjoy your pizza.
    No snow here summer seems to have decided to make a proper appearance, not before time!

    Love the pictures of your granddaughter Sissy. the robe is lovely and looks very warm and cosy, just right for the cold nights.

    Jeanne I echo everyone else’s comments don’t overdo it. No more relapses

    Ashley had her first jab yesterday. She was a bit grumpy about it because she had to leave a birthday party and she has another party today. Getting them all in before school goes back on Tuesday. Ashley starts a new school, what you would call ‘middle school or junior high and we call intermediate. She’ll be there for two years (years 7 and 8) then goes to high school. How time flies. She is my youngest granddaughter.

    Love your photo of the gazebo, your garden is really lovely even at this time of year. Stay warm everyone, I might have to use the A/C this week lol

    1. HI Anne,
      It seems weird for you to be talking about using your AC and we are dealing with snow and ice on the roads…

      I hope Ashley has an easy transition to her new school… that can be scary for a middle schooler!

      I won’t overdo it… I won’t let myself! :o)
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Susette from Southern California

    I couldn’t resist commenting on Sissy’s beautiful pajama set for her beautiful granddaughter and her doll. . Lovely! 🥰

    1. HI Susette,
      Just like you when you sewed for Riya… and her doll! Memories! :o)
      Thanks for popping in!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Sally from Colorado

    Oh, Sissy, how that wonderful photo warmed my heart. Just beat and to think you made those sets. One super cool grandmother. Seriously, this phot should be on the cover of an AG catalog! Thanks for sharing.
    Love your gazebo, Jeanne. Take it easy, though. It doesn’t have to be “full speed ahead!”

    1. HI Sally,
      Yes, that picture of Sissy’s granddaughter and dolly COULD and WOULD make a great picture on the front of an AG catalog! They should have a showcase board where people can post pictures of things they have made for kids and grandkids! It would be fun to see all the things made!
      Hope you are doing okay Sally!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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