Freida in french braids…

I wish I had more to show you but this is what I’ve got for today. I wanted to smooth Freida’s hair out with a ceramic iron, but I also wanted to see what it looked like french braided too. Once I braided it in two long braids, I wanted to see her in something…so I found this white embroidered peasant top/body suit and put it on her. With her dark skin and black hair, she looked so pretty sitting there. We had a quick photo shoot but I never decided on what to put with it…

I also wanted to share this little 5″ x 5″ shadowbox Kristoffer gave me for Christmas. I have it in my sewing room! :o)

Sorry for the short post, but this was my day…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Freida in french braids…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Freida looks darling in French braids! You are so good with hair, Jeanne. That is definitely Not one of my talents, for sure! After I’d had my Molly (AG doll) for a while, her hair needed to be rebraided. I think I did each braid three times before they even looked halfway even! LOL I’ve gotten a bit better thru the ensuing years, but I think God really knew what He was doing when He gave us a boy!! I can do a side part and comb for a boy, but to do anything more for a girl…nope!

    Speaking of Freida, my latest information shows that she is now in the postal system from FedEx, and expected….in. a. few. hours.!!!!! I will keep you posted.

    Tonight I did email the Ruby Red company from which I bought her and let them know I was not best pleased with FedEx as their shipper (they sent her out on Jan. 3rd), and hoped they would change carriers in the future, or at least give us a choice. I copied and pasted the tracking history, showing that she spent four days in Mt. Juliet, TN, before heading west, and the last three days in Lynnwood (about 2-3 miles from me), as well as the rest of her travels.

    Thank you all for the birthday greetings for Ron; I will pass them along!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, Freida looks really cute in French braids! It keeps her hair neat and out of the way when you are highlighting a dress. I have never mastered French braids, so I am in awe of yours!

    You have a special son to know what to give you! He captured perfectly the things you do and are interested in. Something like that can never be bought and is such a treasure!

    Charlotte, so exciting to hear that your Freida is finally coming home today! I hope we hear good news tomorrow!

  3. Karen from Kentucky

    The white peasant suit would look very nice as a shirt. That was sweet of Kristoffer to give you that charming sewing shadowbox. It is very nice.

    Yesterday one of my two red hens was killed. I found her lying behind something leaning against the shed. Something punctured her neck really badly and hurt some skin nearby and left her lay. Would a raccoon do that during the day? She was so sweet and it is so sad she had to go this way. I could find no blood on the dogs. Usually they chase them for fun and then stop. The kids think it was Buttercup. So sad.

    1. Sorry to hear about your hen. Unfortunately, chickens must have lots of predators.
      If I didn’t live in suburban neighborhoods, I would love to have some chickens for pets. I see many videos of other people having them as pets and they have quite interesting personalities. So sad about Buttercup.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thanks, Paula. Yes, they are fun to watch. One would try to land on top of me sometimes. They listen to you talking to them and seem to talk back. Sometimes we see a hawk flying around here. At our old place, we saw a hawk attacking our chicken. That was after some went missing. Hopefully dogs would frighten a hawk away.

        1. Hawks can attack smaller birds and animals. They’re just doing their thing to survive.
          I once had a hawk fly about 4 feet above our little toy poodle. Then it saw me and glided away. I think it was just checking out our poodle. It’s possible it could have caused some havoc with our unsuspecting doggie.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Interesting shadow box from your son. Almost looks like a corn husk doll, but covered in fabric? Can’t tell from the picture. Looks vintage. Fun.
    Great job on the braids. The ceramic curling iron is what I was trying to think of yesterday. Looks like it will smooth out the wrinkles and curve the ends. How low of a setting should be used? Wouldn’t want to scorch the hair. I might have to look into getting one of those if it works on dolly hair. Wouldn’t use it on my own though. 🙂
    Glad to hear that Charlotte’s girl is out for delivery. Yay! Finally. 🙂 I’m sure she will receive a big welcome.
    So sorry about Karen’s chicken. I looked up daylight chicken predictors and it said it most likely is from dogs. Only other was from a hawk. Sad.
    I need to buy some RRFF size glasses. Both sun and for reading. I think a couple of the dollies failed their eye test. Anyone find any?

    1. Freida’s hair looks really nice with the French braids. It’ll be interesting to see what the ceramic iron can do. Freida is certainly a pretty doll. The Sydney I received the other day is a cute little younger sister. I think she may be a fun mischievous character for the other 3 RRFF girls. I also think some of my AMG furniture will work for staging with the RRFF dolls. Not that I’m giving up on my wonderful AMG’s.

      Kristopher’s gift to you really captures your interests. What a meaningful gift!

  5. Sally from Colorado

    Lovely braids, Jeanne, and that body suit looks a lot like Monkey Business! ❤️😁 Also, it is evident that your son knows you very well and found the perfect gift. It’s darling and truly belongs in the sewing room.

    Hope Ron had a lovely birthday and great that Freida should be there today, Charlotte. That was a long ride she got.

    Karen, I am so sorry about your hen. That is really sad.

    Got a few dolls dressed. Before long, I am going to have to do a total reorganization of clothes. I am wondering if my Sashapotomus AGFAT shoes will work on the Rubies…or well enough, at least. I no longer want to order shoes from Russia though they are so beautiful. Expensive and takes too long. Might be time for a Cottontail order. 😁

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I spent most of my day yesterday preparing to and then embroidering a train on a tee shirt for my Colorado grandson, Anderson. He loves trains but he says he’s outgrown the ones with a face (he’s four). It was very detailed and came out beautifully but didn’t leave me much energy for anything else so I’m commenting for yesterday and today. Today I will be doing a Stegosaurus. In addition to trains, he’s now into dinosaurs, but he’s not ready for the scary ones just yet so no T Rex.

    Charlotte, I’m so glad to hear Ron’s good news and hope that continues to prevail over the not-so-good. Wishing him a wonderful 89th birthday. Sure hope your Freida shows up today. I’m sure she’s tired of traveling and would love to arrive at her forever home.

    When it comes to doll hair, I’m a true coward. Unless I re-wig them, they’re stuck with the style they came with. Freida does look lovely and it’s nice you can change her hairstyle whenever you please.

    Karen, I am so sorry to hear about your little red hen. When my son raised chickens we had trouble with stray dogs getting at them. For awhile we didn’t have animal control and strays were traveling in packs and they were a terrible problem. They once managed to open the door to the chicken house. Unfortunately, these dogs didn’t stop harassing the chickens until they were dead. Now that we have animal control this problem has been greatly reduced. When I moved here I noticed that all the older houses in town had fences around them. I discovered they were to keep animals out of people’s yards and gardens back when Sealy was what I call an old-timey rural town.

    What a wonderful, thoughtful gift you received from Kristoffer. The shadowbox is precious. Last year for my birthday Sean and Dionne gave me an adorable treadle machine music box. It had all the moving parts. I could take a picture, but it really needs a video to get the full effect.

    Yesterday it was in the mid-70s here. Today it’s in the low 40s and very windy. I keep hearing we’ve got frozen precip in the forecast but no one’s sure on that.

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Barbara! Wow, a wild pack of dogs sounds like a nightmare! Glad it is better now.

  7. Freida looks darling in french braids. With he white peasant top she’s looking even more like a mini Josefina to me. Dolls with long hair are so much fun to try different styles on. I used to do french braids, inside out french braids, ropes, buns etc. on my daughter’s hair when she had it almost waist length for a few years. I don’t blame you for taking Freida’s hair down. My Milargros (fka Josefina) kept her meet braid for about two days. I’ve already down french braids on her and a few other fun things.

    Love the little cornhusk doll with the sewing machine is really sweet. Absolutely perfect for your sewing room.

    So very sorry to hear about Buttercup, Karen. That is so sad.

    I would appreciate prayers for my dear friend, Tina. She has Covid again or possibly Omicron. She works in a school setting with disabled kids and contracted it like the first time from a student. She’s tripled vaccinated and wears a mask every day. She has a lung problem ( She has never smoked) and is a little concerned naturally. Thank you!

  8. Hooray Charlotte! USPS might be better than Fed Ex. Hope she arrives today!
    Jeanne the two braids look tons better than the one big one. It was the only thing I wasn’t crazy about…it seemed like way too much hair in that one big braid. The way the hair swoops up to the top of her head before going in the braid is so pretty. It is hard to see the detail on dark hair isn’t it?
    I may get busy and open mine…she is still in her car…I’m enjoying that for awhile yet.
    So sorry about your chicken! My granddaughter has had several sets of chickens and a,one the group there are always a few that are pets. The last disaster was a fire…her Daddy had a heater suspended in mid air so nothing could touch it…but something happened.😵‍💫🤔🥲

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    Laura, I will pray for Tina, who does not deserve this trial. I hope she has the mild type and will recover soon.

    Jeanne, Freida looks beautiful and sweet in her new hair style. Her blouse does look like you are starting a Farmer’s Market outfit. If you made a pink outfit, it would work with the short sleeves for summer and Valentine’s Day. Stockings would add warmth for winter. Monkey Business included a jacket, which is certainly appropriate for the weather we are having. This morning the man who takes my blood sample every 2 weeks was limping. I asked if he’d slipped on the ice. He said, “Not yet.”

    I don’t know how many of your readers have purchased Corinne, but I did. The historical girls all have necklaces, so I try to find appropriate ones for my non-historicals. This morning I found and it looks like the smallest pendant, which is smaller than a dime, might work. The company will furnish you with a chain in any size you choose, and, as you can see, you can choose dark green, light green, or orchid. I’m going to give it a try.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Had to check out Corinne. Love the bluish tips on her dark hair. She is very pretty. 🙂

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