You didn’t think I was going to forget the American Girl dolls, did you?

I was hoping to get this coat for the American Girl dolls finished, but it didn’t happen…however, I did get a great headstart on it…

I had this Snow Leopard faux fur that’s soft and very pretty! The coat pattern has a collar and will be double breasted.

What held me up were the buttons…I didn’t have the right ones. I tried quite a few but wasn’t feeling any of them. The ones you see in my pictures are just pinned on… I was trying to figure out what color looked best…

I have a dental appointment tomorrow so I’m going to swing by Hobby Lobby and see what I can find to get it finished.

There is a separate bodice on this coat, but it’s hard to see…and then a flared skirt. I’ve made this coat before and when it’s all done, it’s very flattering.

I had it originally on Nellie but it wasn’t looking that great on her. I switched it to Chrissa, and her winter coloring makes it look better. It’s not hemmed yet… in case you were wondering! :o)

I have a few other ideas up my sleeve, but you’ll have to stay tuned for what’s next…:o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “You didn’t think I was going to forget the American Girl dolls, did you?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That fur is Gorgeous, Jeanne!! Really elegant, too.

    Of the two buttons you show, definitely the “pearl” with the silver edge, but I think it should be a little smaller. The black one is just too dark, in my opinion.

    Congrats on both auctions–both coats are doing Very well!!

    Linda–snow doesn’t intimidate me at all–I LOVE it!! And yes, the lights are so pretty, twinkling and sparkling on the snow!

    In answer to Joy, I do have a picture that I took yesterday afternoon of the snow (we got about 6″), and I’ll try to get it on my computer and on its way to you before I go to bed tonight. Our current temperature (according to the computer weather screen) is 19°–which is Extremely cold for our area! I tried calling our neighbor boy (he mows our lawn) to have him shovel, but had to leave a message, and haven’t heard back. Not sure if he’s out of town or not.

    So, I guess in the morning I’ll try to brush off my car some, and maybe push some of the snow away from the back of my car, so at least I can get back up into my driveway again!! I’d like to get to the p.o. and library, and should stop at the grocery store, as well. I see on our town’s web site that the main roads are plowed and/or sanded now, so driving should be okay. (Hey, I grew up in Upper Michigan–a little snow doesn’t scare me!! LOL)

    They are anticipating a few more days of cold, and possibly a little more snow, too, before we get back to our normal “drippy dreary days”.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I was sure you wouldn’t be leaving the American Girls out, Jeanne! They get just as cold as the others!😊. I love the looks of this coat, and yes, it looks very nice on the darker haired dolls. I feel the same as Charlotte, about the buttons. The pearl centered ones work better with this cost, than the stark black. However, it depends on what kind of occasion she will be wearing this coat. Is it her “Sunday best” or something for casual? The buttons can make all the difference with that. You mentioned it was double breasted, does that mean a double row of buttons?

    Is a hat or a muff in the works? I think a pretty muff on a black cord would look good! The kind of fur hat you have been making will look darling with this too! So many things to think about, but for sure you will do it just right!

    Looks like we will be having a rainy day today, so it is just perfect for staying in and sewing!

    Careful out there, Charlotte!

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    Linda’s right about the hat — the hats you’ve been making are very becoming. I suppose the hat style really depends on the collar. As for the buttons, it depends on what you find. The black buttons and collar worked very well on Sarah’s coat.

    I really like the pearl buttons because they are so pretty. If you have only one, it might make a nice pin for an Addy-era dress or even a Samantha one.

    You have definitely chosen the perfect doll for this coat.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love this fur. Pretty color and looks so nice on Chrissa. If you have any left over, I think it would look great as a short jacket on a RRFF girl. 🙂 Maybe pared with leggings or jeans.
    Very cold here this morning, and it is just getting light. I wanted to have the hummingbird feeder full, but was afraid it would freeze last night so a bit ago, I went out to add some more and in the almost dark, there were the hummers. So I quickly refilled it.. They really need that energy in the cold weather.
    No rain here for a few days, but very cold. Hope we get some sun to warm things up. 🙂

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the coat is lovely. I am sure you will find just the right buttons.

    I am excited for sister-time for you. I always like to hear your stories afterward.

  6. Sally from Colorado

    Jeanne, good luck on the auctions; the sets are adorable and should do very well. I have to say, the fur on your AG doll is my favorite for looks so far. No doubt you will find the perfect buttons. Very happy for you that the sisters are coming and hope the weather holds for traveling. Very, very sorry to hear about George’s knee. That is a bummer, but maybe this time will be pure magic. I sure hope so. I just dodged a bullet with my shoulder that I had a total reverse replacement done twice last December and was on antibiotics for 9 months. Had a horrible flare up of pain two weeks ago, but my lab tests were all good. We are on a watch…hoping to not have to have it all done again because of a possible infection. So all my best to George. This isn’t fun stuff.

    Barbara, my goodness; happy birthday, dear lady. May the celebrations continue and be fun. And all the best luck on the Wren auction. Hope she heads to TX soon. Also good news about David’s increased mobility and less pain. Progress is glorious.

    Charlotte and Joy…very cold weather in your parts. Stay safe, well, and warm. Joy, I love your suggestion to Jeanne about a faux fur jacket, jeans, etc for a RR. Great thinking!

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      This is my favorite coat also! The black and white fur is beautiful with Carissa’s dark hair. Many dolls will be warm this winter thanks to Jeanne. I am sorry to hear that George will need another knee surgery. I know he likes to be active.

      Sally I am glad to hear your test results were good. I hope you continue to mend and do not need another shoulder surgery. There are still a few boxes. We cleaned up enough to host a small family gathering and celebrate Christmas. Now the momentum has been interrupted and this train is at a dead stop. I did find a solution to what I refer to as “the memory boxes”. These are a collection of plastic containers full of cards, photos, and/or travel memorabilia. I walked around them for 5 weeks. Last night the solution revealed itself. I am going to adopt this approach with the remaining boxes-let them speak to me. 😂

      Northern Lights arrived last week but where is RRFF Alice?

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Hi, Debbie.
        It’s getting late and surely you are in bed being two hours ahead of me. You found a solution to memory boxes? Oh, please, please share! Very happy to hear you were able to have a small Christmas gathering. Yay!

        So, congratulations on Northern Lights! Are you really pleased with her? She looks so pretty with the blue eyes. Marianella arrived here, cute as can be in her very curly short pale blonde wig. Actually, I have had a large number of these dolls rolling in lately. Been very, very naughty.

        As for Alice, I did manage to get in touch with Samantha because I had never received an invoice for the balance. Turns out it went to junk and I never saw it. According to an official FB post, the dolls were supposed to be taken off the ship on December 20. It was going to take the US RR team one to two weeks to get the dolls from there to the warehouse for Samantha who will be sending them out. If all this is so, the dolls should be with her next week. Alice sure is a doll that “got lost in the shuffle!”

        Whereabouts in NC are you? Our oldest son graduated from UNC-CH. Very pretty state.

        Please do share your memory box solution because I have too much of that that I bought out from NH, and might very well be sending the same boxes unpacked back to NH in another few years. Save me! 😖😬🤩

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