All you have to provide is the “dolly dress” underneath…

I have been busy today… I decided I don’t have enough time to make any more Christmas things for the dolls, but I CAN make a coat and things to go with it. So I turned my thoughts to FUR! (AND MY SEWING ROOM IS A DISASTER… FUR IS EVERYWHERE!) Faux fur that is!

My Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll, Stella, was chosen to be the model and she did a great job! I used the pattern I made Sara’s purple and black coat from, only this time, instead of corduroy, I used the softest and most plush fur I have in my stash. I bought it last year as a remnant and finally decided it was time to bring it out. If you know what chinchilla fur feels like, well, it’s like that! Here you go…

It is a princess line coat and the seams are all serged on the inside but it is left unlined.

There is a little stand collar in black featherwale corduroy, but it’s hardly noticeable.

The buttons on the front are vintage glass buttons… there are snaps underneath to hold the coat closed.

Stella’s hat was a new design for me. I just attached a piece of black ruffled velvet ribbon to both sides of the hat and then added a satin bow to one side. It’s easy to put on… just hook it under her chin and slide it on… easy peasy.

Underneath the coat is a pair of my silver thigh highs… along with those gray Ultrasuede shoes I made a while back…

My plan is to get this listed on Ebay, but I’m not sure I’ll make it today, as I have a lot going on… but I’ll try. I hope you’ll be watching for it.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

34 thoughts on “All you have to provide is the “dolly dress” underneath…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh wow oh wow oh wow…..

    Excuse me while I get a mop–lots of “drool” around here!

    That coat is FABULOUS!!!! And that style of hat is Exactly the style I wore in the late 1950s; I had one that was a knitted hat–really, just a headband style like that–which tied under my chin. I liked it because it kept my ears warm without messing up my hair too much. Of course, if it was really snowing hard, I had to wear a hat that covered my hair all around, so it wouldn’t get wet, but I really liked this style best!

    I’ve been having an issue with Paypal, so I haven’t bid on things lately. I really need to call them, but it takes a bit of time, and I don’t want to be doing it when I have to leave in five minutes, or something like that. Guess I’d better get it sorted out in a hurry now!

    Sally, in reference to your comment yesterday, yes Ron is a treasure! (Usually, anyway!! 😂🤣😂) He really tries very hard to do/get things that please me. When I was working for a doll shop, we did a “wish list” file that customers (both adults And children) could fill out with dolls or other items they’d like to have. I filled one out, too, and he actually did go in and buy me a doll I wanted one year! I wish we still had a doll store around here!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      We used to calll those hats “cuddle caps” and I loved them. One year my aunt and uncle got me a matching hat and mittens set. I liked them for the same reason you did. Kept my ears warm but left my hair alone.

    2. Wow! Thanks for that great first comment on Stella’s new coat set. I’m glad you like it! :o)
      I think it looks so adorable framing Stella’s face… even if she is bit bigger than who you see these hats on most of the time. Rebecca had one like that with pink pom poms on the ends… she LOVED it!

      Yep, you have a few days before any bidding will begin… or rather will end!

      I should do a wish list for myself for my hubby. He struggles with what to get me most of the time… but he does okay for the most part!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Another WOW from me, Jeanne! I can’t believe how you can turn a piece of material into something so beautiful so quickly! That is an adorable coat and even if it isn’t lined, looks so warm and cozy! The vintage buttons are beautiful! That is wonderful that you have included thigh highs and shoes! This is just what we need at this time of the year!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      It’s fun to make little girl things for dolls… I have the BEST JOB ever! It’s fun to do what you love!
      I hope it’s just what someone needs for a “belated” Christmas gift! :o)
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    I just happened to think after writing this, that when I do have my dolls on display with coats on, they are rarely wearing anything other than underwear under their coats! Shhhh, don’t tell! 😌 Why bother, getting the dresses wrinkled, and even making the coats too tight to button or close, when they are just on display? Lots of coats are hard to get on with anything underneath as it is!

    1. HI Linda,
      Your “secret” of nudie dollies under their coats is safe with me! I won’t tell a soul!!
      Thanks so much! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Susette from Southern California

    Love every bit of this outfit! The buttons are perfect in scale for the little doll. Another winner! Is that Perihelia? I used to get all dressed up decades ago when I went to the opera with a good friend. Love fox fur and feathers. Can no longer even think about wearing them, especially in Los Angeles! I’ve been accused of killing Muppets to make my clothes, but that’s not true! Ha, ha.

    Please don’t be trying to do too much, Jeanne, and rest up this weekend.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I so wish you had a photo to share of one of your fur and feathers opera outfits. Definitely got a laugh about killing Muppets. You are too funny. 🙂

    2. HI Susette,
      Thanks for your kind compliments on this coat set. It’s Stella doing the modeling… but she’s a bit like Perihelia! I love redheads!!! :o)

      I can just imagine how dressed up you and your friend were. The opera used to be the epitome of high fashion dressing. I bet you both were knockouts! :o)

      I had the morning to myself as my hubby had to go in to the church and meet with a guy about the furnace… I actually got the coat listed on Ebay, worked at the Food Pantry, and now I’m back home again, but my hubby is still gone. So I’m doing comments… next is something for dinner and then I’ll relax…

      I haven’t looked at your pictures yet, but I saw you sent me something… thanks… I’ll use it! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Stella certainly looks warm and toasty in her lovely coat. I personally cannot sew that stuff at all. Jams my machine and me too. Always sniffling afterwards. Cheers to you and a great winter outfit. Definitely could use it this morning here in CA. Frost everywhere. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      This fur is everywhere…really it is… but the niceness of it, makes it worth it…
      When I read your comment, the word Frost caught my attention… hence the title… Frosty Fur!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Joy,
      It was your Frost comment that got my attention and a little later today the name came to me… Frosty Fur! Yep, you never know when I’m going to be inspired by something you write! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    That’s almost as cute as the coat you made for Julie to travel in. I hope that remembering Julie’s coat helped inspire this one.

    The stockings are perfect with the coat, and the touches of black are just the accents the outfit needs. Keep coats like this in mind for the next 2 months, unless you end up like Joy, sniffing as a result.

    It’s coat weather here — 34 degrees. My nephew has apparently sent something perishable, and my sister warned me to watch for it. I asked if cold would ruin it. She said no, but heat might. I don’t think that will be a problem.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I still remember the story of Julie traveling around in that fur coat of hers WITH SANDALS too! :o)

      Rebecca was the one who suggested wintery things for a few weeks, then turn to Valentine’s Day stuff… I like making coats, but this one was pretty fun to see happen so quickly. If it wasn’t for the mess, I’d make another one… and who knows, maybe I still will! :o)

      I hope whatever is coming your way is delicious! Sounds like it will be… I’m guessing fruit! :o)

      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Sally from Colorado

    Dear Jeanne,
    Bravo! Outstanding coat, jar, shoes and stockings. Stella is going to resent taking this off, so be sure to have something cozy ready for her when it has to come off.
    Barbara, I read your reply last night. All my best wishes are coming your way because that plate of yours is WAY too full for this time of year on top of David’s double whammy. Hope the PT is going well and he is in good humor. That is always a huge help.
    Charlotte, I hope that order is in for Freida. Ron would love for you to have her.
    A cold day here…hubby gone skiing…what a perfect day it would be if a doll were to arrive. Nope. Looks like Monday. Fingers crossed the skiing will be great and beckon him back Monday.😆😬
    Meanwhile,I am baking for us and friends today and tomorrow. Have a good one, and Jeanne, catch a little rest. But again, this coat set is the oyster’s ice skates. 🥰

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I read your comment from yesterday just a little while ago. You mentioned a Fairy Godmother. I loved it!! Just what I need. Maybe even two. One to take care of David since he keeps adding things to my nursing to-do list. The biggest problem now is that he is tired of being stuck at the house but he has no choice since obviously he can’t be on his feet too long at a time. PT was good this morning. He’ll only have two days next week because of Christmas Eve. He could have had three but he still can’t do consecutive days so Monday and Wednesday it is. Thanks for the empathy and for letting me rant. And I hope your husband returns to the slopes on Monday to make way for the arrival of your new family member.

    2. HI Sally,
      Glad you cleared things up as to what the “jar” was… hat! Stella has enjoyed today as we took more pictures this morning and then we had the listing on Ebay to get working on… It’s going on Ebay this evening.

      I’m hoping Charlotte gets Freida too… I placed my preorder too… My hubby doesn’t know it yet, but he just her for me for Christmas. He’ll be thrilled that he doesn’t have to shop for me! :o)

      I need to get the vacuum out to clean my sewing room… this fur is everywhere and it’s floating around so a broom and dustpan won’t cut it this time.
      Thanks Sally,
      blessings, Jeanne

  8. Stella looks adorable and toasty warm in her faux fur coat. The vintage buttons are lovely I love the little hat and how it fasten under her chin. . The silvery thigh highs add just a bit of sparkle.
    There’s also nothing like wearing real fur when it’s barking or purring as it wiggles and snuggles against you. 🙂 That’s the only real fur you’d catch me wearing.

        1. HI Paula
          I love snuggling with little kitties… nothing’s quite so nice!
          Thanks Paula,
          Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thank you Laura,
      Stella is loving her new coat… She’s been laying on my cutting table all day all nice and warm. The other girls are shivering in their undies! Oh well… good thing they aren’t real. :o)
      I know you’re a snuggler with your little kitties… keep warm… it’s cold outside! :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the coat is amazing! Dollies always need coats in the Winter.

    I am sure that some sweet doll will be toasty warm in your beautiful creation.

    Wishing you and the Sofa Sisters a lovely weekend.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Yes, dollies DO need coats in the winter… it’s hovering right at 40 degrees here, but it’s windy and feels much colder… plus it’s been rainy so it feels damp.

      I hope the coat goes to some little dolly in a cold state… :o)

      Here’s wishing you a lovely weekend too! I’ll be vacuuming! :o)
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oh what a beautiful coat and hat! And shoes and thigh highs too! Unlined is good if the coat should end up in a warmer area of the country – like Texas. My Stella is trying to tell me the coat was made especially for her. I think it was a gentle hint. I’m like Joy when it comes to sewing with fur. One year I made Andrea a Funshine Care Bear costume for Halloween. It was yellow fur. I think we had to move to get away from the remains of that. Well we moved shortly after that but probably not for that reason but it was everywhere including my nose. But it was adorable. I still have remnants in my stash. I just need the courage to use it.

    In the 80s here today and back to the 60s during the day tomorrow. I’m afraid to look after that. My Hibiscus has bloomed more this fall than it ever did in the summer. I think the freeze last winter changed its DNA and it’s no long a tropical plant. Whatever it is it has never happened in the past.

    1. HI Barbara
      I think it’s kind of fun when our dolls give us “hints” about what they like… and if your Stella thinks this would look good on her… you better obey! :o)

      Fur can be a little daunting to sew, but I generally take each piece I cut out and gently carry it to the trash can and give it several shakes until most of the “extra” come off… this helps a little bit, but not completely. I still have lots on my table and the fuzzies were sticking to the thigh highs I just made… I finally had to get out some tape to get them all cleaned up…

      Well, I guess your hibiscus knew you needed something fun to look at… it sounds like you are way too busy and I hope things slow down for you soon. I remember when my hubby had both knees done at the same time, I thought it was NEVER going to end with all the things I had to do for him. It was all day, and sometimes all night… but finally it started easing up. I’ll be praying that the easing up starts coming your way soon!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I can only echo the other comments. That coat is perfect! Just the right thickness and the hat….the tights…the shoes…just couldn’t be better. We had a Chinchilla and there is nothing softer. Since I have no more comments on the coat I’ll tell you our Chinchilla story.
    My son helped babysit at a little acreage one weekend and they had some chinchillas and he fell in love with them. By then we were living in town and he thought one would be a great indoor pet…so he bought the big cage and the volcano dust to bathe it in and all other supplies and we welcomed “VICTORIA”. She was fun…loved sneaking out of her cage and hiding and loved being petted…and yes….soooo soft. One morning my son came flying upstairs babbling about the chinchilla …..we followed him down and looked in VICTORIA’s cage to find….yes, a BABY! It was the cutest thing you ever saw and ready for the name?….” VICTORIA’S SECRET” 🤣’

    1. HI Kathie,
      OH I LOVED YOUR STORY! How fun for your son that this happened… I’ll have to tell my hubby this one! He will get a kick out of it! That’s one of your best, Kathie!
      Thanks for the compliments on the set! Glad you liked it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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