I’m sorry about my blog posts…

You all aren’t the only ones having trouble with things on my blog…

My hubby didn’t really want me to mention we were gone from home, but the last 3 days we were in Tennessee visiting his sister’s and niece’s families.

When Claudine found out about my blog needing a new theme, she offered her help. She is an EXCELLENT Internet Tech person and does it for a living…I totally trusted her…

Together, I thought we could figure out what to do but things are still a bit wonky. I am actually locked out of my blog on my computer…there is no way for me to log in and write a new post, so I am doing this on my phone.

I know there is a way to fix it, but it will take a little bit longer…I’ve read all your concerns and will definitely address them…

In the meantime, read if you can stand the brightness or take a vacation day and hope things get fixed in the next few days.

I can’t load any pictures right now…sorry…so I thought I’d ask a question…

Do you remember something memorable that was done or some decoration you loved at a wedding you attended? Just something to pass the time till things get solved…

Thanks everyone
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “I’m sorry about my blog posts…”

  1. Jeanne things will get better. I always have my grandson who gets stuffed straightened out for me

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    I had a post all ready and lost it…rats!!

    You have sure had your hands full this past week, Jeanne, dealing with all this blog stuff and our complaints…er…suggestions. I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt the page was too white/bright! I see what someone was talking about–the light gray font when you are typing.

    Great question, though, and since I’ve been to quite a few weddings, I really had to give it some thought. I guess one of my favorite memories was the wedding where our handbell choir played some of the music. One of our members–a lovely 70+ year old widow–asked us to play for her wedding to Ben, an older widower who had, at one time many years past, had been her boss! Because of course the wedding party occupied the front of the church, we set our bell tables, etc. up in the balcony and played from there. I guess people talked about that music for months afterwards (the wedding took place at his church). Betty wore a white lace gown, with a tiara in her white hair; her attendants all wore the same color satin (gold, as I recall), but each made in the style of her choice. It was the first time I had seen that done, and thought it was pretty neat! Ben’s son, a professional musician, played the harp, and Ben’s daughter (Dyan Cannon) was his primary attendant–something else I hadn’t seen done before.

    (Betty and Ben had I think about 12-15 years before he passed away; she is gone now, too.)

  3. Susette from Southern California

    If you place your left fingertip at the top of the page and you right fingertip at the bottom and drag toward the edges, the blog will fill the screen and cover up the offending bright edges. Don’t put your fingertip all the way to the edge, leaving enough room so the blog can expand. I hope this takes care of two problems at once as the print will enlarge also.

    Hope you had a chance to relax a bit, too, during your visit. Don’t worry, we’ll be here. ❤️

  4. Marilyn from Colorado

    My sister’s husband-to-be was called up for military service and wanted to be married before he left, so we pulled together a homemade wedding. I made my sister’s dress, Mom made the veil, and our lovely neighbor made the dress for the maid of honor — and the wedding cake was chocolate.

    When another sister was being married, my mother wanted to be sure her bouquet would be extra-special, so she quietly slipped the florist some extra cash. The groom’s mother had the same thought and did the same thing. My mom said my sister’s face, when she saw the bouquet, made everything worth every dime.

  5. I hope you’ve had a lovely time, Jeanne, visiting family. No, of course, you never want to mention when you are gone from home. Very bad idea!
    I’m sure Claudine and you will get things up and running again. I’m on super early because my one kitty is at the vet for a tooth extraction and another had to go as a bonus because I think he encountered a thousand legger. No matter what you do, when it rains one always seems to make it inside and cat are notorious for “bugging.. I was up a lot of the night, so I’ll be running on nervous energy all day. Usually, I do yard work and housework first and take a break at noon to post.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    I haven’t been to a wedding in many years. When a second cousin had his wedding, his three nieces, probably ages nine to twelve, were adorable. I think they may have been junior bridesmaids, or ? I really have no idea about the wedding hoopla. Anyway, their mother made their sweet dresses which were memorable. Simple style, cotton, white background with tiny pink rosebuds with green. I think the dresses had some matching green trim, but the simplicity and lovely fabric made a wonderful presentation on the girls who wore baby roses in their French braided hair.
    The grands had a successful county swim meet and a huge party after held at another team member’s beautiful home. One activity was taking baseball pitches from a neighbor who just happened to be a member of our local baseball team, the SF Giants. 🙂
    Hope you had a fun trip to Tennessee. How far is that from home?

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I’ve been off the blog for a few days and much was fixed while I was gone. The rest I can live with. But I really liked the old way. Maybe it’s my age but I just wish people would leave things alone. I like being in my comfort zone. There are a lot of blogs I don’t do because they are difficult to maneuver through. My grandson’s 11th birthday party was Saturday so I didn’t visit the blog that day and yesterday I read the blog but got busy doing other things and forgot to comment. Not sure what happened to Monday. I think I missed saying thanks to Susette for posting her dolly clothes organization ideas. Loved the hat mannequin.

    My memorable wedding story is not a good one. It involves two young people (my mother’s friend’s daughter and her husband). It was a lovely wedding and the first church wedding for the family (the older daughter eloped) so the parents threw everything they had into making it a nice celebration. The mother was Italian so you can imagine the extravaganza it was meant to be. They had this custom of “kidnapping” the bride and holding her for ransom. People were ready to pay a lot to free her. Some of the people who had done this in the past said they got so much money they could nearly furnish their house – and the kidnapping usually lasted only an hour or two, during which time the bride usually rested up to enjoy the rest of the day. Sadly on this occasion the bride’s husband got very inebriated and took issue with his bride being kidnapped. Maybe because no one had explained the custom to him, but I don’t know that for a fact. Mostly I think he was just to immature to enjoy the custom that could have netted them some nice cash. He started a fight and the fight became a brawl and the reception ended much quicker than intended. My mother’s friend was naturally in tears. We went back to the parent’s house afterward and what should have been a fun day turned into a gloomy one indeed.

    Charlotte, I must have missed your needing a doctor so I’m not sure what’s wrong but I’ll be praying for you and hope you have had some resolution. I’ll look back and see what I missed. I’ve been spending some of my week in the chiropractor’s office and getting massages. When I fell recently I was not seriously hurt at all but I twisted my body trying to keep from hitting my head. The effects were not going away. I really like my new chiropractor and am feeling much better already. That also includes fixing the problem from when I got tangled up with my dog and twisted my leg badly. That was during the early days of COVID when the chiropractor’s office wasn’t open. After I went for a massage last week I felt much better but I noticed after a couple days I seemed to be backsliding some. Finally hubby and I figured out it was my computer chair. It doesn’t support me enough. I ordered a new one very much like the X-chair but a whole lot less expensive. But it has all the adjustments. It should be here Friday. In the meantime I’m using my sewing chair because it makes me sit up straighter. It’s not all that comfortable for using the computer but at least I don’t hurt when I get up.

    I’m kicking around whether to go out and work in my disaster of a flower garden which I’ve neglected due to my fall, or finish my reorganization, which has nearly reached fruition. I’m going for a massage this afternoon so maybe I’ll risk some outdoor work. I haven’t done much of that kind of stuff lately and still worry a little about how my old body will handle it.

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    Thought I would check in and see how the blog is coming along with various people commenting. It looks like we are just rolling along pretty well! I don’t think anyone likes change for the sake of change, but when it is something you HAVE to do, you just do it!

    I have been busy in the yard this morning, since it is so nice out and you know that won’t stay that way. The 90’s are coming back!

    As far as some sweet wedding traditions, actually, the last wedding I have been to was my son’s and that was 19 years ago! It seems weddings are come in bunches, and the current young group isn’t ready for a wedding yet. So I will go back to my own wedding which will be 55 years this December! At the conclusion of the mass, the bride and groom walk down the aisle first usually, and the wedding party goes after them. Well, at ours, Michael and I turned around and the altar, walked over to my parents, gave them a kiss, and then over to his parents to give them a kiss, to give notice that we loved and appreciated them and welcomed them to our family together. They were as surprised as anyone, since we did not tell them that was going to happen. Everyone loved that part and I still hear about it now! Actually, back in “those” days, the bride and groom did not kiss at the altar, but when we got outside the church! We have come a long way!

  9. Thanks everyone,
    Claudine texted me this morning and we are going to work on the blog this evening if possible… we’ll do it long distance and see what we can come up with… She asked me to make a list of things that weren’t right or things that bothered people… I made my list from your comments and then looked at a few blogs I liked for inspiration!
    Thanks again for your patience…
    Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Kathie from Omaha

    Starting anything new always has issues and now when you are getting ready for a wedding is not good timing. Don’t bother too much until you have time to yourself. Now is for the wedding.🤗
    Most things I helped with had to do with the wedding dress or bridesmaids dresses. I think anything from the family…like a necklace or bracelet or hankie is always a nice tradition. I think a good photographer is important. Even small weddings make wonderful picture story with a good photographer.

  11. Susette from Southern California

    My most memorable wedding adventure was when my son David married Rakhi. She was born in Kenya of full Indian parents. It was a traditional Indian wedding with the ornamental tent set up in the hotel. The ceremony was performed totally in Sanskrit and we were not the only ones who understood not a word. When I asked about it, her sister-in-law said none of them did either! But the actions speak louder than words when her brother is asked to take care of her if anything should happen to her husband. Even our family was part of the ceremony. The ceremony lasted at least a good two hours.

    The only thing that broke from traditional was the horse 🐎 outside in the parking lot instead of an elephant for the symbolic ride from the ceremony. Lots of other interesting things about the wedding. Coincidentally a picture of them popped up on my Facebook page today from 2008.

    Thanks for the kind comments about storage ideas.

  12. Susette from Southern California

    I must correct something. They had told me that people wandered around during the ceremony but it didn’t bother anyone. Well, everyone sat quietly in their chairs. I’d forgotten that they had hired an interpreter and the guests were hearing what they had actually promised for the first time. No one understands Sanskrit, so we heard both.

  13. Elaine M. Hoffman

    My only child, my son got married on 25 Feb 2019 and they had a Harry Potter/Dr. Who/Hollywood Glam theme. Their cake had 3 layers/tiers and bottom was travel and the passports were photos of their two dogs Shaggy (Westie) and Rocket (Shitzu) and suitcases, the second one was a Dr. Who theme with dark blue with stars and the 4th Doctor Tom Baker had his scarf flying out of his tardis which is a navy blue police box and the third layer was Harry Potter with that ball thing with wings on golden fondant and on top of that was a Golden gothic frame with all three of them in it. Lydia, my son’s step daughter, Jennifer, my daughter in law and my son in the photos. It was unique. We also had to put our names on these wooden suitcases and stick them to a magnetic board on a ornate frame when we came in. My son and I danced to Child of Mine by Carol King. I was so nervous I would not pick my head up the whole time. My son is 6’1″ and I am 5’3″. Their colors were burgundy and brown and my son gave my husband (his step father) a copper pocket watch with his name engraved on it and all the guy attendants got one and his father got one as well. I got a hankerchief with a saying on how my daughter in law was so happy that I raised a fine gentleman for her to marry and I got all choked up and couldn’t stop crying. I was balling like a baby. It was unique alright. My son gave her an engagement ring of rose gold with tiny diamonds and the center stone was a 2 ct. Sapphire that looked like a turquoise peacock color. Just gorgeous. So this is my unique memory as the Mother of the Groom.

  14. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    I don’t go to many weddings these days it’s mostly funerals I am afraid. However I remember a ‘sand ceremony’ at one of the last weddings I went to which was really interesting. The groom was the son of a friend of mine and I made their wedding cake. The bride was from South Africa so not sure if it was a tradition from there. It wasn’t in a church as such so there wasn’t an altar but a table and on the table were 7 stemmed glasses, 4 had different coloured sand in them. In the ceremony the parents of the groom picked up a glass each and poured the sand into another glass and the brides parents did the same. Then the Bride and groom took their parents glasses and poured that into their glass. I thought it was a very lovely ceremony to emphasise that two become one.

  15. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am enjoying reading the wedding stories.

    I liked watching the wedding of Lady Diana and then later of Meghan and Harry. I thought Grace Kelly was a beautiful bride also. I usually get my wedding “fix” by watching the Hallmark Channel.

  16. Hi again everyone ,
    Rebecca and I went to the Country Club again this afternoon and have decided on a date that was available there…

    LADIES… we have 30 days to pull this wedding together…the wedding will be Sunday, September 5th…at probably 5:00 in the evening…

    It will be simple. But pretty…

    Claudine is working on my new website…as you read this…we are starting over…pray it all goes well…she told me to check back in an hour or so to see what she has done…
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Well, it looks like the side bar is back!! Yay. Although, the Jeanne Marie first page title is to the left and should be centered on the blue. 🙂 There is also no title for comments to begin, so they just sort of wander in after your blog entry. Instead of saying 21 comments about my blog entry, it should just say “Comments”. It makes the comments look like they are part of your blog. Also, there is way too much white around the blog. I don’t think the comments should each be separated by a huge white box. Needs to be more cohesive. LIke it was before. So much easier to read and then see the comments after the entries in the former format.
      But, it is getting there. 🙂

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