Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms of real or “almost real” kids…

I happen to have 2 “real” kids and about 25 “almost real” kids… If you are a subscriber to my blog, you might have “both” but I’m betting you certainly have “almost real” kids… SO Happy Mother’s Day to you!

Here are some of my favorite pictures…

…and one several years ago when they were grown…and my sweet momma was between them…

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms of real or “almost real” kids…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what wonderful pictures of your kids, Jeanne! I think those of us with “real” kids all have pictures like that first one, of food smeared all over as they learn to feed themselves! And Kristoffer in his first cowboy boots–so cute! Nice to see the one of them with your mom, too.

    I went to the cemetery today and put flowers out for my momma. Pale pink tulips this time. Sometimes if they have a good price on rose bouquets, I’ll get that, but they only had single roses today–of course, I just got them in the floral dept. of my favorite grocery store.

    While I think of it, I thought I’d tell you my favorite hankie story. When I was in college, I took a course, called “Music for the Elementary” with Mrs. Hines as the instructor. Every day she wore a different but beautifully coordinated outfit to class–she must have owned shoes in every color of the rainbow, and matching purses! AND….hankies! Any time she needed a hankie, she would open her purse, and there would be a printed hankie, beautifully coordinated with whatever colors she was wearing that day! It really impressed me, as I still remember it all these years (50+) later!

    When Ron and I square danced (some 20 or so years ago), I would always tuck a coordinating hankie into the waistband of my skirt, or my little purse (worn around my waist), as some of the men had sweaty hands, and it was nice to dry my hands between tips, in addition to wiping my glasses if I needed to. Mrs. Hines was my inspiration for that! And even now, I still carry a hankie as well as tissues!

    1. My hubby is out walking Reuben so I’m going to try and answer a few comments before he gets back in…
      Glad you enjoyed my pictures today…sometimes I wish I could go back for just one day and have the kids little again…
      I hope you are having a wonderful day, Charlotte!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh Jeanne, what a wonderful collection of of pictures of the Wiedlocher kids!! That first one, oh my gosh, I remember those kind of days too, where you don’t know where to start the cleanup! Those two kiddos of yours are the cutest little red haired mop tops I have ever seen! You have raised them well, and it shows wthe love they have for each other. That picture of Kristoffer proudly holding his chicken and Rebecca blowing bubbles are sooo cute! That last one of them all grown up with your sweet momma is priceless!

    Happy Mother’s Day to you, Jeanne! Happy Mother’s Day to all those who mother in various ways!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      I hope you are enjoying your Mother’s Day!! My 2 “mop tops” are here…so let the fun begin!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Your children were beautiful and still are. Their parents are pretty cute too.

  4. Such beautiful children and wonderful pictures! Redheads! :). Your son looks like Opie on The Andy Griffith Show in the chicken picture. Looks like such fun times 🙂

    1. Hi Karen
      I really should have that picture of Kristoffer and the hen blown up…it’s a winner to me…he does look like Opie….
      Happy Mothers Day, Karen
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Sweet memories! Thanks for sharing your family with us. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy
      Here’s hoping you’re having a good Mother’s Day too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Loved seeing all the pictures of your beautiful children! We all must have one like the first picture. It’s just too cute. The most touching and motherly picture is the one of you, Jeanne, holding one of your babies and looking down at your baby’s sweet face …. now that shows such motherly love , the bond a mother has with her baby.
    And what a memorable one of the children on either side of your dear Mother.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful ladies!

    1. Hi Paula,
      That picture is me holding Kristoffer…we had just come home from the hospital and he was 3 days old. My brother took a million pictures that day…
      That picture of the 3 of them is one of my all time favorites..it was taken in 2007.
      Happy Mother’s day yo you, Paula.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Sally Kriebel

    These pictures made me grin from ear to ear. So cute and joyful! Thanks for sharing these.
    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.
    And Jeanne, that roof gable looks super! What a job. We just got a membrane put on our old front garage roof and it got a good “test” last Monday. Passed with flying colors.
    Have fun! 😉❤️

    1. Thank you Sally!
      Glad you enjoyed the pictures of my munchkins!! I sure can’t believe so much time has passed!!
      Thanks for the compliments on our latest siding project! I’m hoping one of these days the projects around here are all completed!! ;o)
      Thanks Sally
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Anne Coldron

    Such lovely pic Jeanne. A real treat getting a post on Monday lol. Hope you had/are having a great day. I really hope it is restful

    1. Hi Anne,
      I guess a Happy Belated Mother’s Day is in order for you!! I hope you had a blessed day!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    Absolutely darling pics of those cute kids!
    You captured the best of their childhood!
    I always thought one of mine would have red hair because it is on both sides of the family… but no such luck😧 You and George have a great family, hope you get to enjoy them today. My kids got me a new kitchen faucet… installed! Sounds weird but the old one was worn out… and I’ll think of them every time I use it!🤗

    1. Kathie,
      Just wanted to make sure you saw my comments to your last post about painting cabinets…
      Happy Mothers Day to you!!
      I LOVE my new faucet…practical gifts are the best…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. What wonderful pictures. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Rebecca’s face. She’s lovely. I love all the pictures but the one of the two children dressed up where Rebecca is hugging Kristopher reminds me so much of one I have of my grandkids. Kristoffer does look like Opie in the picture with the chicken. And I love the one where Rebecca is blowing huge bubbles. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you Barbara,
      Rebecca IS lovely…and Kristoffer has a great big heart… He was the happiest, smiliest kid ever… and still is pretty much that way!
      It was my pleasure to share my 2 greatest treasures with everyone…
      Thanks so much Barbara,
      Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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