Finishing touches on Julie’s set…

I would like to go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow and see if I see a different chain that lays closer to Julie’s hips instead of the one I’m using… I’d just like to see what they have… or Elaine sent me an email suggesting possibly a macrame belt for Julie…hmmm… I know macrame… :o) a fun little knotted wisteria belt might be fun…

I really didn’t get much done today in my sewing room… too many things that needed to be caught up… but I did add a fabric band to Julie’s hat…it is just tied around the crown of the hat, and can be taken off and used in her hair if you like, but for now, it’s just tied onto her hat… I turned up the brim on her hat for these pictures too…

If you click on any of the pictures, they will enlarge…

Okay now for some fun stuff…
You know the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls, like my Sara and Rozen? Well there are a group of dolls exclusively sold in Europe and I watched this doll listed on Ebay end the other night… It was for Capucine… she’s one of the RRFF dolls with dark hair and blue eyes and look at what she sold for!!!! She is HIGHLY sought after!

Capucine Auction on Ebay

Yep, she sold in Europe, but look at the price and then look at the price she would have been in the US!!! Yikes!!!

And here is another doll… Perihelia, and she DID sell to someone in the US!

Perihelia doll on Ebay

I’m not positive, but I think these dolls are sold for $149 – $180 when they are up for sale…it’s just that they were a limited edition and “SOMEONE” wanted these two dolls very much!

Okay, now for something from Anne in New Zealand…
This commentary from Anne goes with these next few pictures…

“The twins, Phoebe and Phoenix, are very proud of their grandfather and great grandfather and were happy to help to sell the poppies for ANZAC Day. It was a very special day this year as we were all in lockdown last year and for the first time in 100 years there was no ANZAC Day parade. Some people stood in their driveways at dawn but it wasn’t the same. Phoebe is very keen to wear her Great grandfather’s medals and march on Sunday in the dawn parade but Phoenix isn’t so sure she wants to get up at 5.30 am, especially as it might be very cold at that time in the morning. She will have to think about it a bit more.”

Phoenix finally decided to go to the dawn parade and was very proud to wear her grandfather’s medals. It was pretty cold and dark. Phoebe carried a lantern and Phoenix had a wreath to lay on the War Memorial. Mum was really proud of the girls, so was Aunty Sam who took a video for them.

…and one last beautiful picture from Joy, that I wanted to share… It looks so lovely there! This is what she said…
“We took a drive out to the coast today and picked up fresh crab sandwiches at the Bodega Bay marina. Yum. Then drove up to Bodega head for photos, and here I am. 🙂 The Pacific Ocean looking north. 🙂

Well, it’s almost midnight and I need to get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

41 thoughts on “Finishing touches on Julie’s set…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I like that the band on the hat is removable, to use in her hair. Gives more versatility! I know my yellow/white polka-dot hat didn’t have a hat band, but I think my peach straw did, so Julie’s hat could be worn either way and still be appropriate. I like the idea of a macrame belt, but maybe that would take too much time to make? As I recall, macrame can be a little tedious, esp. on that small a scale.

    Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe those prices for Capucine and Perihelia! I actually thought about ordering Perihelia, but dallied, and then she was gone. And, yes, I think she was in that price range you mentioned, originally.

    Anne, I loved your story about Phoebe and Phoenix, selling poppies, and honoring their grandfather and great-grandfather like that. Very nice!

    Joy, it’ so nice to see you “in person”, and the backdrop is lovely! Thanks for sharing.

    I was reading last night’s comments tonight, and thought I would add the following:

    Anne, my son played with dolls. We got him when he was three years old; he had been abused and neglected during the first two years of his life, and, as his case-worker said, he didn’t know what it was like to be treated as a baby who was loved. So his first Christmas with us, I got him a Baby Brother Tender Love, and made a bunch of clothes for him, and we would play-act about taking care of baby. I think we did that off and on for several months to a year, and he often slept with “George-baby” until he was maybe 6 or so. Then when he was 9, there was the Cabbage Patch craze, and he decided he wanted one!! A bald baby boy. So….I was able to find one (this was 1984, and they were pretty scarce!), and he loved Flynn, and I think ended up with 3 or 4 in all. I, on the other hand, ended up with MANY!!! LOL But, it was a good thing, because he ended up being a pretty good dad, diapering and feeding the boys like it was second nature to him.

    Joy, I am one who still makes clothes for myself, quite often, actually!! I also sew for my husband, and have made clothes for all the grands, too. I made LOTS of things for our son when he was growing up. I’ve done other kinds of sewing, too–quilting, cloth dolls, home decor–but my favorite by far is garment sewing.

    Sally, I think a lot of us are in that age bracket! I’m 75, so older than some of you, anyway!!

    1. Charlotte what a blessing it was for your son to find you and his forever home. It reminds me of my husband’s story. He had seven brothers and sisters and they were all eventually taken from the parents. David was the youngest and he and the sister next to him were adopted by my in-laws. Dad wanted a boy and they found out he had a sister so they adopted her too. Mom had Meningitis when she was a teen and could not have children. They were in their 30s when they adopted David and his sister so they had to adopt older children. He was I think nearly four his first Christmas with them. He had never experienced Christmas. He got a Teddy Bear and his sister got her first doll, she was almost seven.

      As for boys and dolls, we got our son a My Buddy when he had just turned two. When he opened it Andrea said oh it’s “My Buddy” and Sean promptly told her no it’s my buddy. Buddy went everywhere even into Sean’s teen years. He was Sean’s pillow in the car on trips and has been all the way to New Brunswick. We still have Buddy and he is none the worse for wear. Sean took special care of him. My grandson is like that too. He has all the clothes for his BAB friends folded in the top drawer of his dresser. My granddaughter plays with mostly Barbies but has no idea where most of their clothes are.

      1. What touching stories Charlotte and Barbara. How blessed your son was to find such a loving home with you and your husband, Charlotte. I think dolls for boys are great to bring out the nurturing side. I remember the Cabbage patch craze, although I was in high school at the time.
        How sad that David and all his siblings were taken from his birth parents. It’s nice he and his sister remained together. Did he get to reconnect with everyone at some point?
        I clearly remember My Buddy. I thought the was an adorable concept.

        1. David’s family history is pretty poor. One of his brothers was killed riding with Hell’s Angels and another was killed riding with a rival gang. We don’t know too much about most of the sisters because they never made contact after being taken away but two brothers have been in touch. They are good people. One of them passed away last year of cancer and the other is 80 and not in terribly good health so I’m glad that David has had some contact with his biological family. The sister that he was adopted with turned out to have a lot of problems down the road and their relationship is not good. Before his parents died she got control of their income and investments (which was considerable) and managed to deplete them so David could not get any of it. She also threw away deeds to two pieces of property that he was go get. Dad had sent them to a lawyer for recording but the lawyer questioned Dad’s signature because he was in failing health and sent them back for verification, which he could have gotten other ways. She got them and destroyed them. The estate was meant to go half to each. We challenged her in court, but she had the better lawyer. We had letters saying what his parents wanted, she just told the court their parents wanted her to have it all and won. Solid evidence doesn’t always trump hearsay evidently.

          My Buddy was a cutie. We got “Kid Sister” for our daughter when she came out. Sad to say the story was not the same as with My Buddy. I haven’t a clue what happened to that poor doll.

          1. Aww, that’s so sad, Barbara, especially about what happened to the siblings. That’s a real shame that David didn’t get what was rightfully his. My mom and I had a similar situation with my grandfather’s second wife. She managed to auction off or move to elsewhere the house contents, clear the bank accounts, and disappear within days of the funeral- all before a will was read. We were reeling, lived hours away, and didn’t even know it happened until too late. My mom lost most of her childhood things and a lot of family treasures. I really treasure those things I have that we had years before.
            The will, btw, gave the house and contents that weren’t brought by her to my mom and me. Fortunately, the house had already been put in my mom’s name a few years before. She was to get the joint bank account, but not my grandfather’s personal and more sizable one. The loss of the family heirlooms was the greatest blow even something as small as baby shoes. Had he known, my grandfather would have be heartsick as he was a “historian”. We forgave her in our minds, (no choice there) but never knew where she went. We would have paid her to have certain things returned to us.

    2. HI Charlotte,
      I thought about the macrame belt and decided it might stain her white pants so I am just using the silver chain…
      I love the looks of the Perihelia doll… she’s so adorably cute and those freckles…and well, you know… I am a bit biased with red heads! :o)
      I know you sew for yourself all the time Charlotte, but I wish I did the same. I used to ALL the time and I got out of the habit, I guess… maybe I just need to give it another go and see what I can come up with… I had actually thought about making a new Easter dress this year, but all that roofing stuff got in the way…
      Oh well, maybe some time when I’m not so busy… yeah right!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I hope you do start sewing for yourself again, Jeanne, even if just once in a great while. Be aware, though: Our bodies change shape thru the years! As the saying goes, the sand shifts! LOL So the first thing you want to do is measure yourself carefully, and compare the measurements to those on the pattern envelope. Even if your weight hasn’t changed, you body may have! (And then keep reminding yourself, when it comes to the size pattern you need, “it’s just a number”!!)

  2. I hope that Capucine buyer doesn’t have ‘buyers remorse’! wow! I bought one of the Dianna Effner RRFF dolls – was ‘lucky’ to get one of the 50 they made…. but, I have no idea WHY I bought her. :-/ After she arrived, I realized she was an ‘impulse buy’ and should have gone to someone who would at least let her out of the box. :-/ I’ve just been too lazy to try to find her a new home, yet…. crazy. When you’re trying to reduce the number of dolls you’re ‘tending to’… you shouldn’t buy new ones. LOL!!

    1. HI Mary,
      I bet neither of those doll winners have doll remorse… they are probably thrilled that they won! I would be!
      I think you go with your heart when buying a doll… if you love her that much, it’s not wrong to want her and even get her… there are just too many dolls out there for everyone… I wish I could have them all too… but alas, I can’t… glad someone wanted both of those dolls that bad… They will surely be loved a LOT!
      Thanks Mary,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. What a lovely tribute Anne set up for ANZAC Day. It reminded me that a great-great-great uncle served in the Light Brigade in the Crimea and my great uncle in WWII. Funny but I always thought “Light” was a reference to sunlight but a children’s book bought for my sons revealed Light was meant to distinguish it from the Heavy Brigade which consisted of cannons and Light to foot soldiers and men on horseback. Felt pretty silly not knowing that. Thanks for sharing the story and history of the Day of Honor.

    Sometimes people do get carried away with dolls, but it’s a relatively harmless obsession. Maybe the difference between men and boys being “the cost of their toys” applies to women and girls as well!

    1. HI Susette,
      I’m glad Anne shared the pictures of her dolls celebraing ANZAC day too… Dolls can tell us history in a way that makes us want to listen and learn! Sweet pictures!

      You are SO right about buying a doll being a relatively harmless obsession… AND yes, the BOYS TOYS can be lots more expensive than a doll… I’m glad I am able to buy the dolls I can and I certainly hope the winners of those dolls enjoy their new dolls to the max! Can you imagine the anticipation of those dolls arriving in the mail…
      Why, I “might” be in the mix with them… just saying…. :o)
      Thanks Susette,
      blessings, Jeanne

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I think Julie’s outfit is coming along nicely.

    Dear Anne, your photos are lovely. I did a Google search for ANZAC Day as I did not know about it. It sounds like Memorial Day here in the US.

    I love learning about new cultures and practices. I love how you explained the tradition surrounding the day using your dolls. I think that dolls make wonderful teaching tools.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      You are so right… this isn’t just a dolly blog is a History and learning blog… so glad you enjoyed the pictures… and yes, dolls do make great teaching tools…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Well, Julie girl looks like she’s about to go plop down on a hillside in a field of daisies. Maybe she needs a guitar so she can sing some folk songs too. Ha ha. Love the changes and pretty outfit.
    Anne’s girls and the ANZAC Day remembrance photos are wonderful. Their memory medals are such a special touch. Happy that they decided to get up very early and brave the cold.
    Glad Charlotte still makes things to wear. I would love to see some of her pieces. Last thing I made for myself was an apron. 🙂
    Hoping to get some seeds planted today. Whether we will have enough water for them to survive is iffy.

    1. I love the picture of you at the Coast. What a beautiful day. And crab sandwiches. My mouth is watering. Bodega Bay! Reminds me of that movie “The Birds”. I know Alfred Hitchcock was a big one for filming on location so I’m assuming the Bodega Bay scenes were actually filmed there. Is the school really there? It reminded me of the schools I went to when I was little built in the 1920s and 30s with a jungle gym just like the one in the movie – minus all the birds.

      1. Oh yes, the Birds. We watched it again recently. The school scene and others were filmed in the town of Bodega which is about 5 miles inland from Bodega Bay. Drove by the school yesterday. Yes, it is still there. In fact, we have a watercolor of it hanging right behind me as I type. Across the street from the school is a little antique shop in a vintage house. We bought my engagement ring there many years ago. 🙂 Other scenes were filmed at Bodega Bay.

    2. HI Joy,
      I’m glad you like Julie’s outfit so far… I just need to add a few more touches and it will be finished and ready to list on Ebay… I have a small guitar but it’s too small for Julie… I used it for the Effner girls one time…
      I can’t believe I don’t sew for myself anymore… there used to never be a week go by that I didn’t make something for myself.
      I hope you got your seeds planted AND hope you get enough water for them to live!
      Thanks Joy,
      blessings, Jeanne

    3. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks, Joy; if there’s enough interest, I’ll be glad to send Jeanne a few pictures of things I’ve made for myself. Thank you!

  6. I love the idea of the ANZAC Day. What a great way to honor those soldiers who deserved their medals. Parades and telling stories about our relatives who fought for our countries is such a good thing!
    Thanks for the story and beautiful pictures Joy. It’s so nice to put a face with the name. Pretty lady!
    Little Miss Wisteria is just sweet. I like the chain belt but macrame would be cute too.
    Those doll prices are way whacky but sometimes you just really want something. I’m sure theRuby Red folks are amazed too.

    1. HI Kathie,
      I’m glad you enjoyed Anne’s girls pictures… weren’t they sweet and what a nice thing to do! :o)
      Little Miss Wisteria… what a fun name for Julie… I agree… she does look pretty in this color…
      Yep, sometimes all it takes is a few different people wanting the same doll and the prices go up… just a few weeks ago… a Perihelia doll sold for $182… so you never know who is looking for that doll… and what you might have to pay to get it… oh well, dolls are harmless and bring us so much joy!
      Thanks Kathie,
      blessings, Jeanne

  7. Jeanne, I think Julie is looking pretty good in her lovely outfit! So very appropriate to her era. Especially having the wisteria color and the belt, hat and bell bottoms. Love the flowers on her pant leg. I wore bell bottoms occasionally and had a maroon floppy hat similar to Julie’s. Can’t say I wore it slit but it was a fun accessory. The whole outfit is very cute on her.

    Anne, loved your pictures and your tribute to ANZAC Day. Your girls were very thoughtful in remembrance of it. I was not familiar with that day’s remembrance until I read more about it. You even added the badge.
    Joy, love your picture – nice to see you again and the background view is beautiful. Several years ago we visited Bodega Bay and enjoyed lunch in the restaurant that was filmed in The Bird’s movie. It doesn’t look the same anymore. I did stop in the gift shop and purchased a sea gull and a wooden pelican sitting on a post for souvenirs of that day. We didn’t go to see the school house from the movie though. Was it the town you went to or more of the coast?
    Wow! The price those RRFF dolls went for!!!! They are pretty dolls for sure, but the person who bought them must have really wanted them. I get it though, especially if they’re a rare doll and much sought after!

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I wish the sun would come out so I could take some outside pictures… it’s definitely an outside looking set… it’s not just cloudy outside…it’s pouring down rain…
      I’m debating about making her a pair of wedge like sandals… a little cobbler work and she’d have a nice pair to go with her bell bottoms…
      It’s neat that you have been to the same places as other ladies here on the blog…
      Sometimes we just HAVE to have a doll and since those were limited editions of only 50 or 150, I guess when one comes up, you have do decide how much you really want it… and I guess someone did… I’m happy for them… and hope they are thrilled when they get it…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. The Birds movie was filmed in several locations in Sonoma County. The school house is in the quaint town of Bodega which is inland about 5 miles or so. Bodega Bay was also used for filming. How fun you have been there too. 🙂

  8. Goodness, am I late this morning! Where does the time go? Julie is looking very much like a 70’s girl and each added accessory makes a difference, no matter how big or small. I did think yesterday that the hat just needed “something” and lo and behold, it know has something! I was also thinking a big flower would be cute.

    Anne’s dolly pictures were so cute! Of course, I never heard of ANZAC Day, but it was interesting to hear about it. The blog sure does broaden our knowledge while making it fun!
    Those nighttime scenes looked so realistic!

    It was nice to see Joy with the beautiful background! Lucky you, Joy to be so close to the beautiful ocean! We have the Mississippi here, but it is not QUITE the same!🤣

    1. HI Linda,
      I was wondering where you were… and now you are here… good!
      I’m glad you like Julie’s set now… almost done… I’ll have to check and see if I happen to have a flower in this color purple…
      Yes, I’m not sure a picture of me or you sitting by the Mississippi would be quite the same as the ocean… but I sure did like the picture of Joy with all that pretty blue water and sky… what a beautiful scene it makes…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Hi Sally,
    Just wanted to comment that I know Salida as well, although I’ve not been there. My good friend’s son is the community development director for Salida.
    Somehow I missed commenting on Joy’s coat yesterday. Very unique and stylish on her.

    Julie looks great with the matching tie of fabric around her hat. that really pulls it all together.
    Wow, on the RRFD bids. The only one I truly love is Valentine and she was a Russian exclusive.
    Anne, your photos are lovely. The nighttime ones are especially beautiful. I’m so glad you got to celebrate ANZAC day. It was odd last year her as well with no Memorial service/ parade or Veteran’s Day parade.
    How nice to see you again, joy and what a lovely view. I’ve been on the Mississippi, all five Great Lakes and in the Atlantic many times, but only in the Pacific once as a child. I do love the water.

    1. HI Laura,
      I just saw Valentine, the RRFF doll in the Russian group, yesterday. I hadn’t see her before… it’s a good thing as I might have been bidding on her. She is a real beauty… the way RRFF dolls are coming out, there will always be another pretty doll for someone to bid on… They ARE fun dolls… and a wonderful size to sew for…
      I’ve been swimming in the Mediterranean Sea… does that count? :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I really like the addition to Julie’s hat. I like versatile things and that sure fills the bill. She could wear it as a Hippie headband too. This outfit is beyond cute. I haven’t an opinion on the belt. Does she have anything on her feet? I guess you could get by without it because the pants are long but just curious.

    Anne, I noticed a few days ago that ANZAC Day was on my calendar for Australia and New Zealand. I was going to look it up when you mentioned it, which made me more curious. Really quite a story. What is the significance of the dawn parade? I’m sure there is one. What a lovely way to celebrate with the dolly patriots participating and they look like they will be plenty warm in their pretty sweaters (or are they called jumpers in NZ?). Beautiful photography and presentation.

    I echo Dorothy in PA and the World. I love learning about the customs and holidays of everyone around the world. I would love to celebrate them all but according to my calendar, I wouldn’t have time for much else. I live in a heavily Hispanic area. They love to celebrate – all their holidays and ours too – and others here are now celebrating the Hispanic holidays. Someone mentioned a Quinceanera the other day. It’s a beautiful celebration and the dresses are pretty amazing.

    When we first moved to Sealy in 1990 there were not many Hispanic families here. As time went on they arrived. Christmas to them is a religious holiday so they did not decorate outside. We did and when they saw us and others do it, well now they have the best decorated houses in town. Our neighborhood is absolutely gorgeous at that time of year.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Julie has on a pair of white sandals but I was just discussing the idea of making her a pair of wedge sandals.. .just thinking about it… but not sure I will…
      I like learning new things here on the blog too… thanks for EVERYONE who contributes something we don’t know about… :o)
      Congrats on decorating and then getting your neighbors to decorate…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, we had a Quinceañera for my daughter. It was a lovely ceremony and then coming out party. I think I had just as much fun as she did as the proud Mama (laugh).

  11. Hi, Jeanne and everyone,

    That band on the hat is perfect. I still like the chain belt and it appears pretty flat to me. All in all, this outfit is totally cool and sweet, Jeanne. Well done, once again.

    RRFF prices of limited editions can get hefty. I am guilty of paying too much for Daisy after I saw she was sold out. Very happy to have her, nonetheless. It seems to me like the Europeans are offered more special editions. I just joined a FB site that might tip me off in advance because I have to get really picky about any future one or two I may buy. I am expecting Luca. Just before that Perihelia sold for $800+, another one sold a week or two earlier for around $450. I am also noticing that many limited editions that haven’t been released yet are sold out. Lots of sharks circling in the water, I guess.

    Anne, those pictures are such fun and the dolls so cute. What a great way to celebrate and teach about an important date in your history. Thank you very much. Looks like a lot of work like Barbara’s tea party, but so rewarding in the pleasure we all get when we make such efforts.

    Laura, interesting about your friend’s son, Bill. He has been here a little over two years I think with his wife and daughter. Thanks for sharing that.

    Joy, I got your email address and will write later. My elderly dog is having a rough day, so that means I am too, but I WILL write today or tomorrow. And that is you at Bodega Bay, yes? I may have sat on the same log. Been there a couple times. We just love Pacific Grove and need to get back there. (So you are different from the Joy in the purple and black coat the other day. Seems to be a lot of Joy around and frankly, nobody gets enough Joy! 😊)

    Thank you to Barbara and Charlotte for your stories of adoptions in your families. Thank God the kids found great homes.

    As I said above, I’m having a rough day with my elderly dog Chester. He is almost 11 and has had a rough but miraculous past 8 months. He’s a black English Lab and so handsome, so sweet. Got my fingers crossed he can rally. We are supposed to go east for youngest grandson’s HS graduation in June and then take the entire family to a lake house for a week out there. Now I am worried about my pal, Mr. Chester. The bittersweet pleasures of having beloved pets.

    Jeanne, you have my permission to share my email with anyone who asks from this group. Thanks for linking Joy.

    As for AG dolls or special accessories for the historical dolls, if there’s anything you’re looking for, I may very well have it and my prices will be low. I would like to “shed” as so much of it is stored and I would love to see it go where it will be enjoyed and used.

    Everyone have a great day. I am so enjoying hearing about you and seeing pictures! Thank you for accepting me so very kindly into your “fold”.

    1. An answer to your questions yesterday. Thankfully my finger dexterity is still pretty good but I do put velcro on what I make just in case I have that problem at some time. My problem with dressing the dolls is I usually stand to do it so I can get to things easier and my lower back protests majorly so I have to take a lot of breaks or go do something else for awhile. It took me four days to dress the girls for the Tea Party.

      Can’t exactly remember what brought about my doll collecting. I do know I bought a Tiny Betsy doll and was looking for clothes for her when I discovered Jo’s Doll Shoppe where she also sold her Heartstring dolls which were a Dianna Effner sculpt. I had no idea who Dianna was at the time but I thought the Heartstring dolls were adorable (now have three). Once I discovered Dianna then I had to have a Little Darling and now I have three. In the meantime I discovered the Hearts4Hearts girls and liked that they had stories of young girls around the world and that some of the purchase price went to World Vision. Seemed like a win-win to me. I now have five of them. Then Joy mentioned the RRFF on the blog and I couldn’t resist their sweet Dianna sculpt faces. I now have four of them.
      And Joy has such a wonderful collection of Meadow dolls and seeing hers made me want one too. I have Lolla. Once stricken with dolly fever I fear there is no recovery.

      I so hope your sweet Mr. Chester feels better soon. He’s about the same age as my Cocker Chelsy. She is still very spry, but she’s nearly blind and can’t hear too well. She always loved traveling to Colorado and would look out the window at all the scenery rushing by. Sadly now she just sleeps on the back seat because she can’t see well enough to enjoy it anymore. Definitely bittersweet.

    2. HI Sally,
      I was just discussing the silver belt with Rebecca and she said the chains aren’t on sale at Hobby Lobby, so I’m thinking I will leave well enough alone… but I might make her a pair of sandals… hmmm…
      It’s funny how the RRFF dolls have come on the scene and are taking the dolly world by storm… I may be guilty of adding another one to my stash… I have to agree, the European dolls seem to be quite a bit fancier and maybe a bit prettier than what the US is getting… maybe we will get some prettier ones soon… although I’m quite happy with the ones I’ve received… :o)
      Yes, there are 2 Joy’s here on the blog… Joy in the picture with the ocean, is in CA and the other Joy is here in town with me… in Illinois…
      I’m so sorry about Chester… our pets do tug at our heart strings, don’t they… I hope he’s just having a bad day and will be better tomorrow…
      Well, welcome to the “fold” here, Sally. We have enjoyed interacting with you and since you have so many dolls, we just might lots of questions for you… Are you wanting to stay more with the smaller type dolls? The AG’s DO take up more space don’t they?
      Thanks again Sally,
      blessings, Jeanne

    3. Sorry to hear about your pup. Hoping he gets better soon.
      That is me at Bodega Bay. We’re north of San Francisco. Pacific Grove, south of SF is lovely too. In fact, when my great grandparents left Iowa, they settled down in Pacific Grove. My grandparents moved north to Santa Rosa where we live, about 1907.
      We’ll talk about Salida when you have time. 🙂

    4. Hi Sally
      I’m so sorry to read that your fur baby is having an off day. Praying he’s feeling better soon.

  12. Thanks everyone for the kind words about our pictures. We did make a video but haven’t been able to send it. Sam is thinking she might upload it to YouTube and if so I will send the link.
    The day commemorates the landing of the ANZACs on Gallipoli on 25th April 1916. If you are interested there is a very good article on the NZ History site ( ANZAC Day) that gives the reasons it is so important to us here and in Australia.
    At 6am those who want to, join the march to the Memorial, there is one of these in every town. Once there someone reads the ‘Ode to the Fallen’, usually the president of the RSA (Returned Services Association), Then the cornet player plays ‘The Last Post’ followed by ‘Reveille’. This can be very moving when played well. In the video we used ‘Last Post and Rouse’ on YouTube which was great but the first one we listened to was not the same, I think it was played on the trumpet. Even the dog didn’t like it, he howled all the way through that version but not at all on the one we actually used. Then they have the laying of the wreaths etc and if they have any dignitaries there they may give a speech. When it is over many people, especially ex-servicemen repair to the RSA club or the pub if there isn’t an RSA.
    Sam made all the tiny poppies, the box, money tins, medals, lantern and the wreath. She even downloaded the sign on the box including the QR code for immediate on line donations. I did do all the knitting lol.

    Jeanne I love Julie’s outfit not sure what concerns you about the chain belt, it looks fine to me but I guess the scale might be a bit big. Anyway I love it. I am glad you had a really good time with your sisters, you have been so busy lately it must have been good to have a bit of down time.

    Sally, I really hope Chester rallies, my daughter’s dog is 11 and has already developed some lumps. So far he seems to be ok but I think they will be pretty devastated when his time comes. Unfortunately our animal’s life span is considerably shorter than ours. My little dog is 9 and so far seems pretty healthy.

    1. HI Anne,
      You spent so much time and energy on your pictures and your video.. I hope Sam gets it figured out so it can be shared and seen…
      I’m thinking Julie’s outfit and even the chain belt might be okay… and now I’m thinking of shoes… but more importantly the weather…I’d like to take some outside pictures, but it’s raining and no chance of it stopping today… so I’m trying to think of what kind of a background can I use to represent the 70’s… maybe nothing… just go for it against the backdrop I usually use…
      I guess we’ll see…
      Thanks Anne,
      blessings, Jeanne

  13. Love the ANZAC poppies. The Longmont, CO, antique show always has poppy sellers in front for the May show, and I always buy one — the next time I go — maybe next year — I’ll think of Anne’s dolls and their ANZAC poppies. Remember the pictures of the ceramic poppies around the Tower of London? If not, here they are
    Joy has an idea – Julie has a guitar, often available on Ebay — Jeanne needs one for her prop collection.
    Macrame is nice, but I like the silver belt, partly because the bird echoes the birds in the fabric. Something macrame would work nicely on Julie’s next outfit. 70s clothes are harder to make spectacular than colonial or Civil War outfits. You need a file of 70s ideas.

    It’s beautiful here today — can snow be far behind? Maybe not. We are expecting rain, but it looks like great gardening weather here.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I DO have a file of ideas for the 70’s… that link you sent a few days ago was WONDERFUL and filled with all kinds of ideas… I’m saving it for my next 70’s outfit…
      I do have a little guitar but it’s too small for Julie… and I’ve decided to keep the silver belt as it is… I like the bird charm too… :o)
      I hope your snow season is OVER for the year… it’s time for flowers and tomato plants! :o)
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  14. Hi Jeanne,
    I really like the direction you took with Julie’s outfit. Turning the dress into a top was a great idea. I love those pants, they are super cute! I think the belt and floppy hat are wonderful finishing touches. Julie just needs a basket of flowers, the perfect accessory for a 70’s girl.
    Wow is all I can say to the RRFF limited edition auctions. Wishing I had a Capucine or
    Perihelia laying around doing nothing. lol
    Anne, your twins are so sweet, love the names! Phoebe and Phoenix to cute! What a nice display honoring those that fought in World War 1 to capture the Gallipoli peninsula. I think your photo’s are lovely. Thank you for sharing.
    What a nice photo of Joy and what a pretty back drop. Crab sandwiches sound delicious! Thanks for sharing your photo Joy it’s always fun to put a face with the name.

    1. HI Ingrid,
      I just finished the whole set and it’s now listed on Ebay… Glad it came together as quickly as it did! Well, Julie didn’t get a basket of flowers, but how about a purse? :o)
      I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t take either of those dolls… I love that red headed Perihelia… she looks so adorable… I think you could re-wig Bella and come up with a pretty close Capucine doll… and then if you swapped out some blue eyes for her, it would be a perfect match!
      I could go for a crab sandwich right about now myself! :o) Guess I better go eat some dinner…
      Did you ever get your smell and taste back? I was thinking of you 2 days ago…
      Thanks Ingrid,
      blessings, Jeanne

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