Some play in the SNOW and some stay home to SEW….

(Written Monday evening) Tomorrow is my hubby’s birthday and I have been busy… It’s now 10:10 P.M. and I haven’t made it to my fabric stash to see which doll was going to get the next dress… so I’ll have to show you a few other things…

How about that snow in Colorado? Debi, in Brighton, Colorado, got 22 inches of snow and Ruthie and Molly were out playing in it like it might melt tomorrow…(NOT!) Look at these adorable pictures she sent…

I sure would have liked to “borrow” her blue skies for Emmie’s pictures, but ONLY the sky… Debi can keep her snow… :o)

Marilyn, in Boulder, Colorado, sent these… they got just a hair less than Debi… 17-21″… not much difference… but LOOK HOW MUCH SNOW THERE IS!!!! I can’t imagine…

Joy Carter, a friend of mine from church, said she was staying busy repairing animals for some little boys. Instead of just sending them back “repaired” she is sending them back with “outfits!” Look at her sweet outfit for this guy…

Remember Poppy? She was the little traveling My Meadow doll that I got to host for 2 weeks… Well, there was a drawing from Dolls magazine and they were selling just 30 little Fabbi dolls. Joy was one of the 30 winners. She got a little Fabbi sculpt doll in the sunkissed skin tone and here is what she looks like. She is ADORABLE… look at those big brown eyes…

…and look at her boots… now mind you, she is only 6 1/2″ tall and those boots are about 1″ long… just about the same size as you see in this picture… One of these days I’m going to master them…

Well, I hate to post and run but I’ve still got things to do tonight… and Kristoffer is coming over tomorrow to cook steaks for the birthday dinner and I’m doing the rest…

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day… Don’t forget to wear green! :o)

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Some play in the SNOW and some stay home to SEW….”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ruthie and Molly looked like they were having So much fun!! I remember winters like that in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, when I was growing up in the 1950s! Around Seattle, though, that much would bring the entire area to its knees in nothing flat! With all the long, steep hills around here….well, you just don’t want a lot of snow! Even a little makes things grind to a halt for a while!

    And Marilyn, you had a wonderful snowfall, too!! Having a bit of snow envy here…. But…with my game foot, even when we did have our piddly little couple of inches last month, I didn’t even Try to get my snow boots on. So, I missed the fun this year.

    That giraffe looks quite pleased with his new outfit, courtesy of Joy Carter! I wonder if he’s supposed to be Geoffrey Giraffe, the mascot of the now-defunct Toys R Us?

    And, Joy, congrats on your new little Fabbi doll! She’s just darling!

    Barbara, we’ll all be waiting with baited breath to see pictures of your new LD, Greer Adele!! Congrats to you, too!

  2. What beautiful snow pictures! It looks like Molly and Ruthie had a wonderful time there sledriding! What beautiful scenes Marilyn sent, unbelievable! Nothing like a snowscene….from somewhere else(!) to have us ooooh and ahhhh over! Those blue skies were so pretty and yes, that would have been just the thing for Emmie’s pictures! Our son, who lives in Denver had a snowshoveling day for sure! With 3 boys to help out, it took no time at all to get the driveway shoveled. They needed every shovel they had, since the snowblower would not start! What a time for that to happen!

    Joy’s new little doll is adorable, and those boots are amazing for the size they are! I can’t imagine even trying to tie them!

    I just read in the paper this morning that Jessica McKlintock died, at age 84. She is the one we were talking aobut last month or so, who designed all those fabulous Gunne Sax dresses. I’m sure most of here remember when those were the height of fashion!

    That cute little green cow looks so ready for bed in those darling pj’s! What a nice thing to do!

    Before I forget, a BIG Happy Birthday to George! It looks like you have a very nice dinner to look forward to wit the people you love the most!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I hadn’t heard about Jessica McClintock. I didn’t go in too much for the Gunne Sax dresses, but I LOVE her perfume!! Mostly I use the powder, and it is getting Very hard to find.

  3. Happy Birthday to your husband! My Grandma’s was on St. Patrick’s day, March 17th. She was named Patricia.

    What a lot of snow! We didn’t get any here. Just rain, thankfully.

    Congratulations to Joy for winning the doll! So exciting! I am happy for you. 🙂 That is also neat that you made clothes for the animals! 🙂

  4. Such fun pictures! Sled riding, snow in someone else’s yard, sweet sweet little Fabbi, and personally I think it’s a young dragon, LOL.
    Very sad to hear Jessica McKlintock passed. She also designed some cloth dolls and doll clothes patterns, of course in gunne sax traditions.
    Happy birthday to hubby too!

  5. Hi Marilyn! That blizzard was exciting while it lasted. Did you wait a half hour in the grocery store checkout line on Thursday to get your milk and bread (Colorado joke) like I did?

    Jessica McKlintock will be missed by those of us of a certain age. I wore her clothes and Laura Ashley. Actually, I decorated with Laura Ashley fabrics.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Debi, oh my goodness. That sure was a ton of snow. I hope you had a hot chocolate after you finished shoveling.

  6. Loved seeing Debi’s, Brighton, CO, photos and those from Marilyn in Boulder. That scene of the window and snow covered branches would be a great Xmas card. I think the snow will take a few days to melt, but so beautiful. 🙂
    Joy Carter has a great idea repairing animals and returning in an outfit. Cute.
    Glad to hear yesterday that Barbara is getting a new girl from Magalie. Love her dolls. Hope to see a photo after her arrival.
    My little Chibbi, Fabbi is sitting here by the computer this morning wrapped up in a sweater donated by one of her dolly friends. Very cold here in northern CA, with heavy frost last night, but looks like we will have a sunny day though.
    Later this afternoon, I’ll get everything ready to pop into the crockpot early tomorrow morning. Have to have corned beef and cabbage to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day. 🙂

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, what a little cutie you have. I think she will be great company for you.

  7. Wonderful snow pictures from Debi and Marilyn. I would have enjoyed our snow this time if only I would have had heat in my house and running water. No fun going out in the snow and coming into a house not much warmer than the out of doors. Ruthie and Molly look so adorable in their winter attire. They look like they are having a great time in the snow. I hope their mommy is watching out for them closely because that snow is definitely over their heads. They would have been safe here with only 2 inches.

    Joy, congrats on your new family member. Your new little Fabbi is so cute and I love the boots. You will have many hours of fun with that one. Is she registered for Camp Meadow yet? Probably need to do that quickly because I hear they fill up fast.

    Happy birthday to George!! My sister’s is tomorrow on St. Patrick’s Day. Jacquie Lawson always has such cute St. Patrick’s Day cards so I send my sister one of them and just add the Happy Birthday. They used to have cards “for your St. Patrick’s Day birthday” at the card store, but I haven’t seen one of those in awhile. My mother always used to make a cake with green frosting for her birthday and one year she bought us St. Patrick’s Day dresses. We were the only two kids for awhile before the next two came along. My mother still did the green frosting but not the dresses.

    Jeanne, when you make your Liberty of London Wiltshire fabric into an outfit you’ll have to tell me ahead of time so I can pick out what I want to make with mine. I would definitely be influenced by your decision. And it might be fun to see our “interpretations” of the fabric. It is an interesting piece.

    Wonderful Wellies on Etsy is having a sale on patterns she is planning to discontinue. Some of these I had in my wish list. The prices are amazing so I bought the ones I wanted and a couple I hadn’t seen before. I believe the sale goes on until March 21.

  8. Forgot to mention that Etsy has a huge assortment of Jessica McClintock patterns, including Gunne Sax. It’s fun to look through them.

  9. We had about 6 inches of snow Sunday over into Monday. We are wishing we got a big snowfall like Colorado as the moisture is needed. I think the bread/milk joke gets used anywhere that gets large snow amounts.

    The Green Beastie looks cute in the new duds!

    More tiny doll envy. So cute. I sold another of my American Girl dolls this morning. I’m down to 3. That’s a good number for me. I still have 4 other similar sized dolls. Those I am down to one of each brand. I still have plenty to play with. Still have my Tonner 10 inch Anne Estelle and Patsy. Then there are Paola Reina, Les Cheries, Hearts for hearts, berenguer, Gotz, etc. OH! I did order the new tiny doll sized Bitty Baby and high chair. So cute! I never had a full size bitty.

  10. I’m having trouble getting myself organized this morning. I forgot to mention how cute I think the I’m pretty sure it’s a giraffe is in his adorable outfit. Great job Joy Carter. My husband has a Teddy Bear he got his first Christmas with his adoptive parents. He was four, soon to be five, years old and had never experienced Christmas. He said to him the Teddy Bear was huge at the time. I’ve been wanting to re-stuff him and make him some clothes, but he’s so old (about 70) and I’m afraid of permanently damaging him.

  11. Oh, those pictures of Molly and Ruthie out in the snow are just too cute. Love the snow!
    Marilyn’s pictures of their snow are great too. In the pictures, you can see the wind blowing the snow in the background. Love it!
    Nice that you can repair the stuffed cow (?) Joy C. , as some little one must love him a lot, plus now it has some jammies.
    Joy, your little Fabbi is adorable. So tiny and yet she has little boots to accommodate her. Did you name her? Wonder if she’ll be as mischievous as Poppy was?!

    I hope George has a nice birthday. I’m sure you will all have a wonderful time celebrating. Especially with the love of family and Kristopher’s steaks!
    Everyone, have a fun St. Patrick’s Day!

  12. Meant to say, hope every one had a nice St. Patrick’s Day – for those who celebrate it.

  13. I was sorry to hear about Jessica McClintock as well. She and Laura Ashley were the names of my pre-teen and teen years. Had my dress for The President’s Ball freshman year of college made from one of Jessica’s patterns. I loved that dress.
    Debi, it looks like Ruthie and Molly thoroughly enjoy themselves in the snow and sledding. They look toasty warm.
    I enjoyed seeing your snow, Marilyn, but hope we’ve seen the last of ours. The spring flowers are beginning to emerge from their winter’s nap here.
    Congratulations to you, Joy, on your latest little cutie. Free dolls are very special.
    I hope George has a lovely birthday. I’m sure it will be special.
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, ladies. Have to have colcannon and Irish soda bread.

  14. Hi Jeanne,
    Yes you are correct, I’ve been stalking your blog late at night and haven’t left a comment in a while. To answer your question… I am well but my sense of taste and smell still haven’t returned. I get a hint when I first begin eating and then nothing. It’s really odd. My sense of smell is stranger still. Last week for an entire day it smelled as if someone had smoked a cigarette in my house. No one smokes here so it was really strange. I kept asking hubby and of course it was ” No Ingrid I don’t smell cigarette smoke”. LOL. Keeping the faith that both senses return soon. Sounds like a delicious dinner is in store, Happy Birthday George!

    I love the snowy photo’s. So pretty but sooo cold brrr. Hopefully the roads are clear for you both. Thanks for sharing

    The little green guy is cute but really I’m not sure what he is either… maybe a green dragon. What a nice idea to give him something to wear for his travel home.

    Joy your Chibbi is adorable, I love her coloring. She’s looking super sweet in her outfit and I’m loving those boots! I preordered a twinkle Giggi and will be needing some cute boots. You’ll have to share with us where you found them. I am so in trouble… Connie had a tan big Hazel so she’s on her way soon. I just bought her some shoes made by Natalya from MoreDollStory… Why are 3 inch doll shoes more expensive than a pair of leather shoes for me??? Oh well LOL I’m such a sucker for cute doll shoes!


    1. Hi Ingrid!. So sorry about the lingering Covid symptoms. Hope they are gone soon.
      My Chibbi Fabbi sculpt came with the outfit and boots so have no idea of the maker. I’m sure someone on the Meadow group must have made them though. Congrats on your Hazel in advance. My Lowe girls are still in the outfits that Connie made for them. Guess I need to get on it and make them something else. 🙂

  15. Happy birthday to George!
    The snowstorm was wonderful and the snow was beautiful. It still is, but all the lovely square edges of the snow on my raised garden beds is now slopping over like melting buttercream on warm cupcakes. Still, that means I will be able to get out for my second dose of vaccine. Appoints yesterday were cancelled. The governor, the National Guard, the emergency personnel at the hospitalwere happier with people staying home.
    Thanks for the darling doll pictures — those tiny boots are wonderful, as is the better-than-new repaired toy. I think my very favorite picture is Molly and Ruthie with the sled. I love it when dolls can pass for people.

  16. Love Molly and Ruthie on the sled too! Great pictures!
    Yes, that blue sky would have been a great background for the Emmies new dress but the pics you posted are so cute.
    Our Snow has melted and Colorado just sent us lots of rain, which we needed…maybe some tulips will pop up their heads soon…there is hope…I saw a fat little Robin today.
    Happy Birthday to George….steaks sound awesome!

  17. I may be last t comment today, but I have to chime in to second all the comments made about the dolls in the ⛄️ snow (darling), my favorite picture, the snow in Colorado and the new dolls. They are all so cute. Happy Birthday, George! I’m betting you can duplicate those boots. I do think that may be a cow, Linda. Maybe we’ll find out when he returns home and can ask.

  18. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing photos from the Sofa Sisters. It is always good to catch up.

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