Take a peek at my new sewing “drawers”

Since my table top isn’t finished yet, but my drawers that will go on the sides are, I thought I’d give you a sneak preview from the “drawers” down… sorry…

Here is what they looked like the day we brought them home from the Antique sale a few weeks ago… pretty dry, dirty and in need of some tender loving care…

If you missed the post about them, I wanted a bigger table top for my machines and one closer to my crooked wall. The new drawers will replace the green ones you see in the picture…

I first cleaned them up and then mixed 3 parts paint with 1 part Calcium Carbonate (or fine grade lime) to make my own chalk paint. They took on a whole new look right from the start…

Sanding between coats makes it a bit more smooth looking…

I really liked the handles on this desk, but only had 7 of the 8 pulls, so I filled in the bottom handle holes on the left side, where there is double drawer and sanded it a couple times after more filler.

I hope you like it…

I took some sand blocks and lightly distressed the edges in a few places… just to make it look a little bit worn, but not tired like it did! Then I waxed it with some Miss Mustard Seed wax and then waxed the inside drawer runners so the drawers slide just wonderfully now! :o) That bottom double drawer pulls out pefectly!

I think it will add a breath of freshness to my sewing room! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “Take a peek at my new sewing “drawers””

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Your new set of drawers are coming along nicely! I’m with you, I like to original pulls. It’s too bad there weren’t 8 of them, but I think your solution was a good one. If it had been two separate drawers instead of a double-deep on, you’d have had to get new pulls, as you’d never be able to match the original!

    I’d like thank everyone for their kind comments and prayers on my behalf in yesterdays’ blog. The pain is getting more localized now (lower back and hips), and some parts, like my shoulder blades, don’t hurt at all any more. It can be interesting to stand up from a seated position, or getting out of bed, though–still pretty uncomfortable there! My fingers are still a little swollen, and have some unusual bruising now, but at least I can bend them more normally.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I was glad the bottom drawer was a double drawer too, as I really, really liked the handles. I may stumble across one of them one of these days… and if I do, I’ll just drill out my holes I filled. :o)
      I’m glad you are just sore and not nursing any broken bones… that would have really been a bummer right now… well, actually anytime, but now, it seems like it would be really depressing!
      Thanks Charlotte, I don’t have to tell you to take it easy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh, I LOVE the new version of the drawers, Jeanne! The white certainly looks crisp and fresh, just like your sewing, and it highlights the drawer pulls. In the first picture, the drawer pulls hardly show up much at all compared to the finished product. Now, they are much the main accent! Did you do anything to make them more black? They don’t look black at all in the first picture.
    Now don.t laugh, but I hear you talk about “chalk paint”, but what is it? As you can tell, I don’t refinish furniture at all, so have no idea!

    So glad that you are improving, Charlotte, even if it isn’t fast enough for you!

    1. Cindy Ellicott

      Hi Linda, this is Cindy, Jeanne’s sister. Chalk paint is a thick, matte, chalky paint that a lot of home decorators are using these days to give furniture a vintage shabby chic appearance. It’s very easy to use and can even be a bit addictive because it can transform a piece very quickly. It is also quick to use because no prep work or sanding is required. Chalk paint is not the same thing as chalkboard paint. Since it is a dry matte finish it is easy to distress with a bit of sanding to get an aged or vintage look. Some people like it (those who like French decor) without a top coat but most times it will be top coated with wax, hemp oil, acrylic or even poly. It was developed by Annie Sloan and she has a world wide following with her paints. Other brands have come on to the market that are much cheaper now or you can make your own with a DIY recipe which is what Jeanne did. Look up some chalk painted furniture on line and you can see some great transformations

    2. HI Linda,
      I like how the drawer handles pop too… I didn’t do a thing to them except wipe them off a bit.
      I see my sister has answered you… now you know the answers to your questions…
      Thanks Cindy and thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. W O W … you do great work and both of you are creative in so many ways. Kudos to your husband for his talents as a handy man. You both have done beautiful work updating your home.

    1. Thank you Laureen,
      I appreciate your kind words about me and my hubby’s work… we work well together most of the time and love to see a job well done… we are working on the corner and the ceiling now…
      I haven’t forgotten about a pair of gloves you asked for… one lady is ahead of you with some panties… and then I’ll get to them… you’ve probably forgotten about them by now.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Oh how lovely the drawers and pulls are now, Jeanne. Yes, you did freshen them up and no doubt, they like you, will be ready to roll through sewing days with a revived sense of purpose. I love what you did to refresh them.


    1. HI Becky,
      I am getting pretty excited at the prospects of my new sewing space. It will be very nice to sew in here… no drafts under the table and nothing dropping down from the ceiling in that corner. We are almost done with the hard part… then it’s painting and decorating… :o)
      I’m glad you like my new drawers.. me too! I love white cabinetry…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Great job on the renew project. Curious, but is that double drawer a file drawer for hanging files or what? Can’t wait to see “the wall” all finished and decorated as well as the top for the space. Hope it happens quickly so you can start sewing again.
    I cut out another sundress, same pattern as Aya’s yesterday. This one uses the same fabrics but in a different colorway. We’ll see if any of the girls are interested.
    A couple of new dollies are due in from the east on Friday. Hope they wear masks on their flight. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      I’m not sure if it is a drawer for file cabinets or what, but my mom used to have a desk and had the double drawer on the same left side as this one was.
      The corner is just about finished… we are working on the ceiling trim right now… well, not right this moment… my hubby had to go with Rebecca to pick up a queen mattress she found today.
      I’m ready for this mess to be over with. I don’t know where anything is… I moved things so quickly when we started this…
      2 new dollies coming… and I don’t have a clue this time who they might be. I haven’t been on facebook or the MMFan club page for a while…
      I don’t know how you can make anything cuter than that blue sundress you showed us.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Seems like you could put a file frame inside and have hanging files. Perfect for patterns or embroidery or any storage. I would use it for downloaded patterns in plastic bags.
        And can you believe that both of my dollies arrived today, way early, and I got caught by other person. I’d been lurking by the door waiting for the mail, but somehow, the boxes showed up when I stepped away. We now have the sweetest little Boneka and a Meadow Molly residing here. 🙂

        1. Hi Joy,
          Ohhhh…2 new dolls the same day!!!
          That is definitely more exciting than what was happening here…trimming and caulking…well, maybe that is exciting!!!
          Thanks Joy,
          Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you have certainly been busy. It seems like you have been working non-stop. I hope the 2:20 on the clock is pm and not am (chuckle). I like the draw pulls. I look forward to seeing the table when it all comes together.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      It was 2:20 in the afternoon when I was painting those drawers..(I just read Barbara’s comments and realized you saw it on the clock in the sitting room.) I’ve been too pooped to stay up till 2:20 in the morning…I’ll be glad when I get everything back in order again… I’m getting a little tired of all this mess…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. This is going look wonderful when it is all put together.

    In the third picture there is a white gizmo on top of the green set of drawers. Parts look like a serger but parts don’t. What is it?

    1. HI Julia,
      Thanks for your comments… The machine you are seeing is a blind hemmer. It is wonderful when you are hemming long pieces of fabric… like curtains or full ruffles for little girls dresses! I don’t use it as much as I used to…
      Thanks, Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Wow! This new sewing station is going to be wonderful and the white makes things look so cheerful. It was fortunate that one of the drawers was a double so you could keep the drawer pulls. I really like those and against the white they look really nice.

    Leave it to Dorothy in PA and the World to notice the minutest little details. I had trouble finding the clock even knowing to look for it. lol

    Is the machine Julia was asking about a blind hemmer? Sure looks like one but I didn’t know you had one.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, you are so funny!

      We like to watch the clock here in PA. In fact, we like to go to the National Watch and Clock Museum in Columbia, PA. I have actually never been, but one day, for sure I will go (laugh).

      So when you come back to visit PA, we will go to tea, to the Doll Museum, and to the Clock Museum. And then the next day, we will do three more things (laugh), oh, I know, we will go to Hershey Park, to the Gettysburg Battlefield, and to the Ephrata Cloister! Fun, fun, fun.

      1. Dorothy, I would love all that. We went to Hershey Park when I was small and I’ve been to Gettysburg. Wouldn’t mind doing both of these again. Never done the others and would love to go to tea with you. You’re right. It would be fun, fun, fun.

    2. HI Barbara,
      I really liked the pulls on the desk too, and was glad I could use “most” of them in a way that worked. They kind of clink when you pull on the drawers and they dangle against the wood.

      It was 2:20 in the afternoon when I was painting…

      Good eye… yes, it is a blind hemmer… I mentioned earlier… I used to use it for hemming curtains and little girls dress skirts.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I’m late getting on but wanted to say the desk looks fabulous!! It looks great white and I too like the drawer pulls. It just looks bright and clean. I’m sure you’ll love it when it’s done.
    I’ve heard you mentioning chalk paint but I don’t really know what it is? Does it ever chip or fade Or wipe off?

    Glad to hear Charlotte is on the mend.

    1. HI Paula,
      I’m glad you like my new desk drawers.. me too, and I can’t wait to fill them up with all my stuff organized!
      Cindy answered Linda about the chalk paint… up above, it you want to read what she said…
      Thanks so much Paula…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I love what you did with the drawers, Jeanne! They look so fresh. And the drawer pulls look good, too.
    Where is the doll museum?? I am in north central WV, and Hubby and I sometimes take trips to the area!

    1. Thank you Beth,
      I’m so happy everyone is liking what’s going on in my sewing room.
      You’ll have to find out more about the Doll Museum from Dorothy…I dont know a thing…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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