Antique Shopping Anyone???

Hi everyone,
About a month ago, we went on a shopping trip to Fairview Heights, (near St. Louis) with Rebecca. It was actually the day my mom had her stroke.

We had gone to an antique store earlier that day and I had taken some pictures to share with you. I’ve been working on taxes for my hubby and me, my business taxes, his business taxes and my mom’s taxes. Needless to say, there has been no time for sewing, so I thought today would be a good day to share those pictures I had taken.

This was just one of the many rows in this place… there truly was something for everyone!

If you are on a desktop, it’s really nice if you can click on the horizontal pictures and see them “LARGE” size!

Surely, you knew I had to find the “fabric” section, didn’t you?

…and I loved this table cloth… (isn’t this called fillet?)

I found another glass front cabinet that would have been so nice to put my dolls in. It was $75 and well worth it. It was narrow and would have hugged the wall and had this beautiful etched glass. But, once again we were in the car and there was no way… oh well…

I found some folded pages in books like Julia showed us she had made….

This looks like my old Scooter doll… except mine looked better! :o)

Anyone know who this is? It’s Tammy… my sister Cindy had her…

This place was loaded with everything you could think of…

You knew I’d also find the vintage hankie’s didn’t you?

I thought this would make a fun painting project… (like I need another painting project…)

I thought Susette would have LOVED seeing all these Japanese dolls…

They also had a booth with some neat painted signs… this one was cute for Christmas.

Well, I hope you enjoyed tagging along with me again in an antique shop. Anyone see anything they used to have?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “Antique Shopping Anyone???”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I just love when you share pictures like this, Jeanne–such a treat, and a real walk down memory lane! In that first picture, for instance, the glassware above the skinny green vase is like some my in-laws had (frosted, with leaves); I think they had every size/shape they made in that pattern, and really, the only ones they used on a semi-regular basis were the goblets and tall tumblers–and that was only for fancy dinners!

    I saw lots of dolls in those pictures, too–such fun! And I have a Valentine hankie Just like the one in the picture of vintage hankies!

    By the way, thank you to everyone for all your nice comments on my pictures yesterday. I replied to each one (answering questions at times) so if you would like to see the answer to a question you asked, just head back to that post. I really enjoyed sharing my pictures with you all!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I loved your replies to the group. I too did not like my name and went by a nickname. I grew into my name when I got to college.

      I like the idea of a book name for me also, well, some people call it The Wizard of Oz, I call it “The Dorothy Story” (chuckle). Honestly, how important is the Wizard to the story anyway? He isn’t even real (laugh)!

      I am glad you like your name now. I think it’s lovely. And don’t get Charlotte Noelle started about liking her name she thinks it is so much prettier than her sister Selah’s name (laugh). Those two don’t agree on anything. That’s why Mama drinks so much calming tea.

    2. HI Charlotte,
      I’m glad you enjoyed tagging along at this Antique shop. It was huge and we barely made it through it without pooping out… Lots to see…but we didn’t buy a thing… just dreamed I guess. :o)
      Thanks for answering everyone yesterday…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I too, love when you take us along antique shopping, because I never do that on my own. We do have a little town nearby called Kimmswick, that is full of antique stores, and tea parlors, but all are small little shops, nothing like this one! It’s a fun place to go with friends, but I would not recommend going with a husband!!

    Oh yes, I see a few things that I am familiar with! The fourth picture down has a lace table cloth that I still have from my mother. My mother-in-law also had one. I think almost everyone I know had one of these!

    Then those books folded to make words! Never saw that before and wonder how they ever came up with that and figured out how to do it! they were surely made before technology took over with our free time!

    I have a Japanese doll on a stand that Michael sent to me when he was in Vietnam Nam, just like the ones in the picture!

    Then the picture with the truck and Christmas tree in the back, well, I just bought a pillow with that same thing last Christmas!

    1. HI Linda,
      I see lots of people shopping at antique malls by themselves, but I think it’s more to go with someone else…then you can show them what you find and have a good laugh, sometimes! :o)

      Yes, those tablecloths are called fillet… I thought they were… glad you have one. they are so pretty.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the trip too… :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I meant to add yesterday, Jeanne, that the fillet is actually a crochet pattern. I think it’s called fillet crochet, or something like that.

  3. Love your vintage foray. So many neat things tucked away within the junk.

    How funny, but in the first photo, that little dress hanging up has the exact pockets I was trying to figure out how to make yesterday. I’ve made the rounded gathered ones before, but can’t remember how I did it.

    I have a set of those glasses, Charlotte, from my parents. They don’t seem so old anymore.

    In the fabric section, such random stuff. Love the beautiful white and turquoise glass basket which looks like Fenton.

    And what a lovely tablecloth. Is that Hardinger?

    Tucked away on a shelf with your painting project is a nice piece of hobnail white milk glass. 🙂

    Thanks for the fun photos! I’ll be perusing them again later. Time change still has us running behind.

    1. Joy, regarding the pockets, I actually like making these pockets more than the square ones. What I do, per a pattern I had, is stitch on the seamline around the pocket and then pull up the stitches until it forms the rounded bottom. Then I smooth it out and pin it or baste it so it doesn’t looked gathered but it keeps the shape. Others may have a different way of doing it but this always works for me. One pattern I had suggested creating a “form” out of cardboard and folding and ironing the pocket around this. That didn’t work well at all for me.

    2. HI Joy,
      How funny that you saw the pockets you were trying to make in the first picture… did you get them figured out? Are you making another dress for Ardyn?

      I found myself looking at the pictures and seeing things I missed in person… I didn’t buy a thing, but probably should have… :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. I have another dress cut out and it is for Ardyn. 🙂 Making it a tad larger this time.
        Great having some more ideas on how to make that pocket. Thanks Barbara.

  4. Oh, that was fun!! And seeing all the details in the pictures that would enlarge was like being there. There was something (and more) to like in all the pictures. I loved the pink quilt with flowers in picture #12 and the glass cabinet would have been really hard to leave without. And the fillet crocheted tablecloth was beautiful. I’ve never done fillet crochet because it involves so much stitch counting, but they are beautiful pieces when they are finished. Maybe someday I’ll give it a go. You didn’t mention, did you buy anything?

    I just read Charlotte’s comment about her name. Yes, it has become very popular these days. I remember in first grade there was a girl named Charlotte, but come to think of it, other than that Charlotte, I can’t remember another over the years. My second cousin has a daughter named Charlotte. She is one of a set of fraternal twins that look nothing alike. One favors my cousin’s family and one her husband’s. The other is named Lillian (Lily). Another name that has survived the test of time and is becoming more popular.

    I just have to share my experience with a dress I made for Easter for my FF Arabella. It’s the “Versatility Dress” by Forever 18 Inches. I have made a lot of clothes that really satisfied me, but I can tell you that this one will be made over and over again. Versatility is a good name for the pattern because it has two types of bodice and three skirt options in the pattern alone. What you can do with it fabric and trim-wise is endless. Since my two FF had a choice of pink or yellow for their Easter shoes and Sara Anne had already picked the pink ones for her purchased outfit, I had to find a fabric with the light yellow of the other shoes. Did you ever notice how you have so much to choose from but what you really need is not among the choices? Everything was the wrong color yellow. Finally I dug up a piece of fabric I had used once for my BAB bunny. Beautiful fabric with the right color yellow and I had enough left. I used the bias skirt. The pieces are like quarter circles with one cut on the fold. I added a piece of yellow lace around the bottom and sewed it 3/8″ up so it looks separate from the skirt even though it’s not. When I put the dress on my doll I was blown away. The dress is totally amazing. The skirt flows so prettily. I was going to add a flower to the shoulder, but the fabric is pink and yellow flowers on a greenish background and it didn’t seem to need anything else, so I stopped with the lace around the bottom. If you sew for a FF and don’t have this pattern, I can say it’s well worth having. I’ve already come up with tons of things to make from it, including a dress for July 4th. It also fits my five H4H girls and my Wellie Camille so I’m going to have a lot of fun with this. The girls the pattern doesn’t fit were showing concern, so I promised them I would alternate them with the others. Gotta keep piece in the dolly room. I will send pictures when I do my Easter photo shoot.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I’m glad, you too, enjoyed the Shopping trip we all went on! :o)

      I know EXACTLY what you mean about having lots of fabrics, but the one you need or the one you REALLY WANT isn’t in your stash. There’s something about going out and buying a new piece of fabric that is just plain ole fun, isn’t it? I’ve been known to do that a time or two! :o)

      Now, you’ve got me so intrigued with this pattern, I’m going to have check it out, and yes, we want to see your finished dress…dresses! :o)
      Blessings to you Barbara,
      ~ Jeanne

  5. I love antique shopping, even with my husband! We have different interests so we aren’t following each other around. If it’s a big place we will eventually bump into each other. I always say, “ Well, hello there! “ he will say something like, “haven’t seen you in a while!” We think we are hilarious. 😄😆

    That lace tablecloth cloth is an unusual one to me. I am familiar with fillet crochet and have some antique examples that do not resemble this. I don’t think it’s hardanger. I have examples of that from my mom. She did 100s of pieces and taught classes as well. It looks like a kind of weaving to me. I may have to look around on the net and see what I can find.

    I inherited a box of vintage hankies from my mom. It had over 100 in it! I have plans and one is making dolly aprons and even dresses for smaller dolls. Lots with crocheted and tatted lace.

    I still have my original Tammy in her blue meet outfit, tennis shoes and stand. She didn’t get played with much. I never had Scooter. I have my original Barbie and her red one piece swimming suit. She’s in pretty good shape despite being played with a lot.

    The folded book pages art is really a current thing. Lots of instructions on Pinterest. I want to branch out and do something more involved than my pumpkin.

    1. HI Julia,
      I bet you and your hubby really ARE hilarious… you should see us, when we find something we used to have or something we had and gave away and now it’s like 10 times as valuable as we ever imagined…

      I’m pretty sure this table cloth is fillet… look that up and see…

      You should get that hankie pattern…oh wait, I think it only comes in sizes for Little Darlings or smaller… Guess you’ll have to use your hankies for aprons for the AG dolls.

      I remember that blue outfit for Tammy… Cindy’s doll came in that… I sold my lot of Barbie stuff a few years ago.. I had the yellow pony tail doll and she would have been more valuable if I hadn’t put pins in her ears for earrings… rats! I did okay with the lot I guess.

      I’ve never tried that folded book page thing, but it sure does intrigue me…
      Thanks Julia,
      Hope you are doing well… your daddy too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hope you can figure out the tablecloth. I am very curious. I wish I had picked up that vintage linens book because it had all of them in it, and I might have spelled Hardanger correctly. 🙂

  6. I have a set like the gold Pyrex bowls in the picture with your bedside table project except they’re a pretty aqua color and have four bowls. Can’t believe the price of the glass cabinet. Great for doll display. The shop would be total overload for me. I like small wooden things and had to enlarge the second picture before realizing the things at the bottom right were pipe holders which reminded me of my grandfather. Everyone whose father, brother, uncle, boyfriend or husband who was stationed overseas has one of the 🎎 Japanese dolls. They were sold in the Post Exchange Catalogs. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    Thanks, Charlotte, for sharing the lovely Christmas package yesterday. What a thoughtful selection.

    1. HI Susette,
      One of these days I hope to find a cabinet to put my dolls in and keep them totally dust free. This was such a nice one being on the skinny side. I loved the etching too. :o(

      I wanted to tell you… my light tent came in very handy for my mom’s funeral service. My brother put together a slide show on his phone and had it pretty much put all done, but when he got to my house, he found some pictures that he wanted to include. He had the slide show on a flash drive, so it was easy for him to add more pictures. The trouble was the lighting… he couldn’t get things right without there being a reflection or a hazy look to them. I told him about my light tent and we set it up on my sewing room. He used a tall glass to lay his phone on the edge and the pictures were laying down below… The glass steadied his phone and the light tent provided the perfect lighting and the pictures turned out perfect. He added about 20 or 30 more pictures doing them this way…
      So thank you again…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. I don’t think I would ever have thought of that use for the light box. Glad you did! Have you tried it with the dolls?

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for the squeezing us in the car for the road trip. We had so much fun.

    It makes me want to go on one here. There is a great place in New Cumberland that I haven’t been to in a while. I will have to make a “play date” with myself and go (chuckle). I have heard of a place that has a doll section. I will have to track that down.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I hope you didn’t get car sick riding in the back seat on the trip! :o)
      YES… do check out the dolly section and send us pictures if you can… we can all go in your car, right?
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. That was almost as good as areal trip to an antique store. Did absolutely everyone have those glasses with the gold leaves? I know my parents had a set. I had never seen that narrow at the bottom style before though. Loved the tablecloth and had never seen that style before either. Guess I need a trip to the Brass Armadillo. I am worried about you though☺️….not buying one thing? Omgosh girl..that won’t keep those antique store open. Thanks again Charlotte for your pictures

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