One sleeve, Two sleeves, Necklace, Hairbow…

First of all, thank you to the wonderful buyer on Patsy’s “Golden Touch” dress! It sold this evening and will make some little dolly very happy, I hope!

In my title I mention, One sleeve, Two sleeves, Necklace, Hairbow… but I did more than that…

I got the 5 sets of snaps sewn down the back, the lacy fabric ruffled and sewn at the hem, all the handwork done… this velvet is very delicate and there is lots that I do so I don’t have to press the dress, like stitch most of the seams flat…

I searched for a pair of shoes that I knew I had… black patent leather (faux) and discovered (yikes) that they were stuck together at the sides… I guess they just kind of heated up in my shoe drawer and the shiny part stuck to each other…

I wasn’t sure what to do to separate them… so I just tugged and tugged and slowly they peeled apart! Yay!

I asked Rebecca if she could make a pretty necklace to go with this dress and as usual, she didn’t disappoint. It’s very sparkly and is made from glass beads and pearls. It has a magnetic clasp in the back making it easy to put on and take off.

Her headband has elastic inside a casing and stretchy. The ends close with Velcro and I tied a bow on one side.

So, here is Elizabeth (AKA Julie) looking much prettier with her hair styled just a bit and her dress fitting better.

I still have to make her silver thigh highs and decorate her shoes…

Hey, we’re almost finished, aren’t we? Keep watching…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “One sleeve, Two sleeves, Necklace, Hairbow…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    This dress turned out just beautiful! The hairbow is suc a nice touch, and I absolutely love the necklace Rebecca made to go with it! Absolutely perfect!!

  2. Just beautiful, Jeanne! I love the pretty, sparkly necklace, it is just the perfect touch! Kudos to Rebecca! The headband certainly adds to the dress, and makes Elizabeth’s hair look like a shimmering waterfall in the back! She looks so grownup and just like I would have wanted to look as a 10 year old! Whoever wins beautiful outfit is going to be so happy!

  3. I second Linda’s comments. It’s a wonderful, complete ensemble. I shuddered when I saw the shoes stuck together. I would have put them in the freezer for a little while before trying to separate them. Very lucky they came apart. How clever the headband is and the necklace could easily be worn on a longer chain by the winner of the dress.

    1. Thank you Susette,
      I’m so glad you like. I just got my post done for tomorrow… You’ll see it ALL completed now! Thanks for your kind compliments.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Almost done! Little Elizabeth is quite the debutante in this one. Such a pretty dress that can be worn for many occasions.
    We’re in the present buying frenzy right now. Picked up a youth basketball hoop last night, and now we are trying to decide on a keyboard. Then, we’ll be done with the grand shopping. 🙂
    I understand that Ruby Red Fashion Friends are coming out with another doll soon. Not sure if it will be the same sculpt, but probably. A sneak peek shows her with longer curly dark hair. My mouse fingers are twitching. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      Thank you for your sweet words about Elizabeth’s dress. I just finished my post about it for tomorrow… All done!
      Where did you see the picture of the new FF? I found the site you were talking about and joined… they accepted me into the group. I still didn’t see the thread about dunking the head in water and getting out the eyeballs… I’m very interested in that though.
      You better put some GLOVES ON! Just kidding… get her so we can ALL see her !
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. What can I say, just lovely. That headband is adorable and the necklace perfect for a young lady. That sheer fabric for the sleeves a fantastic choice. I’m sure Marilyn will be so thrilled. Thank you for having such a good heart, your momma did well. Have a great day.

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      What kind words you shared… I’m glad you like the dress. It is finished and you’ll see it in the next post!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Very stunning, Jeanne.

    You’re not forgotten, I read you everyday-just busy but remembering you.


    1. HI Becky,
      I’m glad you are just busy but still around… I hope it’s just Christmas stuff that has you busy. I have a Staff Christmas party Wednesday evening and then I have company coming in on Saturday and then the Married Couples Christmas party is on the 12th. If I can just make it till then, I’ll be happy!
      Take time to breathe… I keep telling myself that!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Fantabulous! This is Elizabeth, right? Aka Julie had me confused. You maybe already mentioned something about this. Is it because the is a style from Julie’s era?

    I was at the dollar store yesterday. I got 2 pairs of socks. I found a tutorial on Pinterest for making tights for 18 inch dolls using both socks. I’m going to try that plus a smaller pair from one.

    I am decorating for Christmas and my house looks like a bomb went off! It will get worse before it gets better!

    1. HI Julia,
      Yes, the first dress I made that I copied this one from, was for a Julie doll. I didn’t have Julie at the time, so I used Elizabeth as my Julie… hence the AKA…

      I’m glad you found some socks and hope you have success at making your tights for the AG dolls.
      I laughed out loud when you said your house looks like a bomb went off. I made a carrot cake from scratch today for the Staff party tomorrow night and my kitchen looks like a bomb went off. I had to get this dress finished so my dishes got left in the sink. It’s a disaster in there! :o)
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Absolutely gorgeous. The dress is beautiful, the necklace a work of art and the headband really sweet. I love doing headbands like this. They always come out looking nice and it’s fun to embellish them. I couldn’t figure out what to do for Lissy’s hair for her first day of school so I made her a headband like this out of the fabric for the bodice of her dress. But she is really looking forward to exchanging it for the hairbow that will come with her lovely new holiday dress.

    My son just left. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He put the extension cords back on the lights (which never got taken down last time) and found two strings that were out. We stopped at Wal-Mart after lunch and bought a couple strings and he came back and put them on. We put out three of my blow-ups – a very tall tree (what was I thinking), Santa with Rudolph pulling him out of a chimney and a cute nativity scene. Then he helped me put the leaves in my dining table and reposition it in preparation for my Christmas village. Then he put up my tree. It’s not decorated yet but it is pre-lit so I can at least enjoy the lights for now.

    Now I’m going to do some online shopping for my hubby.

    1. Thank you Barbara,
      I’m so glad I was able to get this dress finished… It turned out as lovely as my first one did. It’ll be featured in Wednesday’s post.
      Son’s are wonderful to have around aren’t they? Kristoffer is quite gifted in lots of areas… computer skills – A++, Car repairs A++, Cooking – A++, Strength – A++ and much more… gotta love those boys of ours, don’t we?
      I hope you found your hubby what he was wanting! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. It is coming together just perfectly! The headband and necklace are perfect with it. The whole thing is just so pretty.

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      I’m so glad you like the dress… you’ll get to see it in all of its glory in tomorrow’s post. Thank you so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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