Sweet Slips for American Girl dolls…

I was busy today and didn’t check your comments till dinner time and when I saw 18 comments, I about croaked. There was no way I could finish what I was doing, get dinner made and answer them all. I read them and will read them again. You were all so kind and I’m so happy you loved Kirsten’s new dress. Thank you SO MUCH!

I found some light rose/mauve tulle fabric that was ruffled and thought it would make the prettiest slips. I was right! It did!
So I spent the day making slips… 4 different styles and looks.

Remember I told you I figured out a way to use my dolls outside and model things for me? Well, I decided to give it a try today.
The other day I was at Lowes and found this “damaged” bundle of Styrofoam sheets and asked the guy working right there if they would mark it down? He said, “Of course” and gave it to me for $4.00! Score!

So this is what I had in mind. It’s too hard to get the dolls down on the ground and me bend over and keep them from falling over, so I decided to get a table out of the garage, place the Styrofoam sheets (still wrapped in plastic) on the table, lay my “fake” grass on top and use the kabob skewers to stick through the grass and into the Styrofoam. It worked well, but my skewers were a little too short. I think I’m going to try and find some long knitting needles or just get a couple of narrow dowel rods and sharpen one end.

When I placed my doll against the sticks, the top of the skewers just barely reached their hips. So I had to go inside and find some Velcro and wrap it around their hips and hold them in place. I think if I had longer sticks I could just lean them up against them and all would be fine.

I like that you can place the stick behind their legs and it looks just like they are free standing there on the grass. I did take some pictures and wanted to show you…

Oh, by the way, the slips are for sale…and I have more fabric, so if someone says they want one, don’t think you can’t get that same slip if you want. The flower accents may vary from the ones you see here if you don’t get one of these original slips.

Here is Samantha modeling the shortest slip in the bunch. It has an elastic waist and a gathered row of stiffer tulle sewn to the bottom two rows of ruffles underneath to hold the ruffles out. This style slip is $14. I must have enjoyed taking pictures of Samantha because I have the most of her!

Next up is Nellie. She’s modeling a slip, the same length, but it has the stretch lace waist. You can slide it up or down depending on the length of your doll dress. It can ride down on her hips if you have a longer dress. It too, has a row of stiffer tulle gathered and added to the bottom 2 rows of ruffles on the inside. This slip is $16.

Next up is Molly modeling a longer slip with an extra row of ruffles. It has the stretch lace waist and can slide up and down on your doll’s body for different dress lengths. It too, has the stiffer tulle stitched to the inside bottom 2 rows of ruffles to make it stand out nicely. Molly’s slip is $18.00.

Eden was chosen to model my “hoop” slip and she looks very pretty in it. The bottom ruffle has boning stitched to it making it stand out in a complete circle and perfect for Civil War dresses. It is $20.00.

I took one picture of Molly and Eden so you could see the difference in the way the skirts hang. Molly’s is as long as Eden’s but it is a softer skirt without the hoop.

I thought I’d give you all first dibs if you need a new slip, before I put them on Etsy.

All the slips will be shipped for Free if you are in the United States.

Thanks everyone,
I hope you enjoyed seeing them.
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Sweet Slips for American Girl dolls…”

  1. Ahhhh, wouldn’t we all love to have Jeanne Marie as our personal seamstress and dressmaker? You do make such dreamy items, Jeanne. Your slips are so pretty.


    1. Thank you Becky,
      You are too kind… The other girls who didn’t get to model a slip are clamoring for some modeling time… :o)
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh goodness, what delicate ruffles that look like each doll is wearing a heavenly cloud! You outdo yourself every time, Jeanne! They certainly do make each doll look like a Southern Belle! Where do you find material like this,and what would it be called?
    Oh dear, it is going to feel like 110 degrees today! For sure, we are staying in!

    1. HI Linda,
      How is the knee doing? I hope things are going okay at therapy…
      I actually found this on Ebay… I have it in red too… haven’t made any slips from it yet.
      This was a big piece of fabric and she called it ruffled tulle. It doesn’t have a name on it. I see it on Ebay in narrower pieces but I had to cut mine apart.
      It’s a fun piece to have…
      I’ve already sold 2 slips this morning… Samantha’s and Molly’s. YAY!
      Thanks Linda,
      Stay cool!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. I’m doing great, Jeanne! No more walker, almost finished with home therapy, and started going down steps!

  3. Love those slips – in pink too! I’d wear one myself if it were in an adult size. So pretty.
    Everyone stay cool today. Hope everyone’s pets are coll too!! I’m going to make sure my bird baths are filled with water.

    1. Thanks Paula,
      They are pretty dreamy slips if I do say so myself. It was just a whim to buy this fabric… red too! I’m glad you like them.
      I plan on staying inside today, except when I go to see my mom today…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I love your photo table. What a great idea. The girls and slips all photograph so well and look so natural. The great background scenery doesn’t hurt either. They look like they are walking around the grounds of Tara.
    Do you have to put a fan in the German Owl’s place to keep them cool? Just curious.

    1. HI Joy,
      Thanks for liking my “Slip Setup!” I was glad to try it out and see if it worked… so glad it did!
      There is a fan in the shed where some of his birds are… it gets hotter in there for some reason. He smiled when I asked him about it… just happy someone remembered he had birds…
      Thanks Joy,
      Stay cool and shake-free!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I’m seriously going to “borrow” your idea for the table, etc. While I was viewing the pictures I totally forgot the dolls were not on the ground. It was pretty seamless. You are fortunate to have places to pose your dolls where there are no problems with the scenery. Not so here. We have a wedged-shaped piece of property on a corner and there is no place that has unobstructed views. I may have to do a little creative thinking.

    I love the slips. Very pretty. I have not seen tulle like that and I’ve been looking.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I hope you figure out something clever for your set ups too! I’d like to get faster at taking outside pictures… just be able to run out there and do it quickly would be really nice! I’m slowly getting all the “pieces” I need to do it!

      I just happened to stumble across the fabric one night on Ebay… it was just a fluke for me but so glad I found it.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Stay cool,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Cute, cute, cute! Another clever Jeanne Marie idea! Reminds me of a prom dress my mom bought me at a garage sale it had rows and rows of pink ruffles and a hoop in the skirt too.
    I really like your photo table. It will be easier than trying to take pictures on the ground for sure. What was really fun was seeing your beautiful yard! It looks like a park ….all the nice shrubs, bushes and trees and the cute buildings ! It is a lot of work keeping all that up.
    We are keeping cool….going to be 100 for next 2-3 days…Yikes!

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      Do you have a picture of you in that Prom dress? If so, you know we’d love to see you in it!
      As soon as I get the longer sticks, this should be a snap…at least I hope so. I really do like seeing the green grass in my pictures too! Thanks for the compliments on our yard. It was all my hubby’s doings this time! :o)
      It was sweltering here today… I don’t know what the heat index was but it was 96 degrees…
      I was melting when I was out!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Things have gotten a bit noisy around here since about 11 a.m. this morning. I think you know why. The anxiously awaited package arrived and several of the girls are “discussing” who will wear what. After they make their decisions I will take a picture and send it on. I have errands to run – and the need for a massage – this afternoon, so it will be tomorrow before I (that is they) will finalize the discussion. David says it might be a good idea to order some new wigs just in case. Oh he of little faith. But I may have to intervene and make the final decision of who wears what. Won’t be an easy one.

    Thanks so much for all your lovely work. The pieces are truly precious.

    1. Thank you Barbara,
      It’s so nice to hear that it arrived safely and that your girls are clamoring to get to wear something in that set! I’m glad you like everything. It’s always fun to get something that has more than just 2 or 3 pieces, isn’t it?
      Hope you enjoy dressing your girls up in everything!
      Thank you again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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