~ Christmas in July ~ is on Ebay too! Calling all Twinkles!!!

It’s Navi’s turn again… She’s my 6 1/2″ My Meadows doll and I just LOVE sewing for her! I wanted so much to make a “Christmas in July” set and this was the perfect something to get finished! I started her little red shoes last night and finished them this morning! I took her pictures and they turned out super clear… (go figure!) …anyway, I have it listed on Ebay and you can see it by clicking her picture at the right side bar or click HERE.

I had made her little dress last Christmas but I didn’t get it listed in time to sell, so I sold the shoes I had made to go with it, put the hair bow with something else and sent the “Turtles” candy that went with it, with another doll dress. So I just had to make a new pair of red shoes and a new hair bow and find an “accessory” to go with it! It was pretty easy….and pretty quick. I worked this afternoon on pictures and liked how they turned out and we had quite the fun little photo shoot…especially in the slip! You’ll see…

Here are a few of the pictures… you can catch the rest in the Ebay listing. :o)

Merry Christmas! I mean see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “~ Christmas in July ~ is on Ebay too! Calling all Twinkles!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, she looks so cute in her new outfit!!

    No, no, no….I do Not need another kind of dolly!! (grin)

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Well, you might not NEED another doll, but she SURE would be fun!!! …just sayin’
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. OH, Navi looks so cute in her little Christmas dress, Jeanne! She could almost be a little elf, with her red hair! While the dress isn’t overly fussy, it has the right touches for such a tiny girl, and the bow is the cherry on top! Oh, the cute slip pictures, especially the one of her leaning back! What a drama queen!
    I must say that I also love the way you draped the lace background! Makes for a cool, wintery look!
    Did you say yesterday that George had 2 knee replacements at the SAME TIME? I can’t imagine! I know people having two knee replacements but never at the same time. George must truly be Superman and the Bionic Man all rolled into one!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Thanks for the compliments on Navi’s new dress set. She IS my little drama queen and we had SO much fun in that slip!!!

      Yes, George DID have both of his knees replaced at the same time. It wasn’t easy for him but he did very well…after the blood clot he got in his calf was taken care of. He didnt want to go through it 2 separate times so he decided to do them at the same time….same as you…he was supposed to get up walking th day after his surgery but they found the blood clot and wouldn’t let him get up for 2 more days…
      He still says it was worth it getting it over with at the same time.
      Yes, he is MY Superman!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        We have a friend who’s going to be doing that this fall; he’s an evangelist who travels the country in his motorhome, performing music and preaching; he figured it’s the only way he can get them both done, with his busy schedule!! I’m glad to know of someone else who has done this, too–it will encourage him!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Navi is adorable! I can tell that she is on Santa’s “nice” list (laugh).

    I love the little mantle in the photo. I can see that the stockings are hung.

    Navi is definitely “rocking” Christmas with this outfit.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Yes, Navi is on MY nice list, that’s for sure…I’m assuming Santa has her on his list too!
      She is such a fun little sweetie!!
      I’m glad you enjoyed my pictures of her…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. What a great idea: Christmas in July. The whole scene is wonderful. What a tiny doll, clothes and shoes!

    I’ve sent along a picture taken with the Molly Scene Book in the background. It was taken almost in the dark, but I edited it in my iPhone to the lightest exposure. I think doing this outdoors would work as well by taking pictures at dusk or early morning before there is light that would reflect off the shiny surface of the background. Sounds strange but we’ll see what you think, Jeanne.

    1. Hi Susette,
      I’m glad you liked my idea of a Christmas in July dress. It ass fun to set up!

      I did read your emails about the setting on your phone to make things lighter if you take pictures in the darker part of the day. I might have to try that… I was ready to sell my big book after failing with the Little Darlings the other day. :o(
      Thanks for always looking out for me Susette. I have been cleaning in my sewing room so I can et up and work on taking pictures in my light tent again.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Navi’s dress fits so well. Quite a feat as I am currently working on something for the Twinkles too. Those sleeves are a masterpiece. I’m going to try today to sew the top side seam, but not too sure I can even get the presser foot inside there. Interesting.
    Your Christmas in July is a great idea. With all of the heat, thoughts of the coolness of the winter season should be a pleasure. And the lace backdrop and sweet fireplace give so much life to the photos. Not sure what you did, but these photos are not muddy and look sharp. All of them. Perhaps, because the usual gray backdrop wasn’t used? And Susette’s idea for use of the AG Scenes and Settings book sound great. I so wish I had one of those books.
    So how are the kitchen cabinets coming along? 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I’d like to see what you are working on for the Twinkles!!!
      I enjoyed digging around in my Christmas props looking for things to use!
      I don’t know what happened with those pictures either…except I was closer to Navi than the Little Darlings. I’m pretty sure it’s either the background or where I set my lights that’s the problem.
      The kitchen cabinets are still patiently waiting for me to get back to them…I am going to do them hopefully soon…I really would like to have them finished for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. You definitely beat the Christmas rush with this one. I was wondering how you managed to get so many things listed so quickly. Beautiful little dress. I love the fabric. It looks so sweet on Navi, especially with her adorable little shoes and pretty hairbow. Where did you get that wonderful Christmas fireplace? I have fireplaces, but none that are like this. I love it!

    I did the jeans for my son yesterday. I have a way to fix the crotch fraying problem but find I’m totally incompetent when it comes to putting in a jean zipper. Right needle, right thread, wrong seamstress. Anyway it got done and, since my son needed another pair of work jeans, he decided they’d be good for that. I offered to take out the zipper and try again, but he said not to worry, they’d be fine for crawling around in attics putting in A/C units. At that point I was glad he said that.

    I’m still working on summer things for my girls, as well as two little girl shorts outfits, but it’s nearly time for back-to-school. I plan on doing some creative sewing today. My spirit needs it – hot, humid weather is returning.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Thanks for your compliments on Navi’s Christmas set. I’m glad you liked it.
      The little fireplace was found at a Goodwill store. It’s a cute prop, isn’t it?

      As far as replacing zippers in jeans, I do one half by machine and the other half by hand…there is really no way to put in a jeans zipper the way it came from the factory…it’s done in steps that can’t be replicated without starting from scratch…

      It IS time for Back to School outfits…and I might switch off doing Back to School and Christmss every other time.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Just adorable little set. Navi looks so cute and red and green are ideal for redheads. The tiny shoes are amazing. You have certainly mastered sewing in miniature. I love her gold bow. Over-sized bows are my favorites on dolls. Good idea to get started on Christmas early so everyone can have a new dress. The Victorians always did Christmas in July because they needed plenty of time to make all the homemade gifts. They would have a party on July 15th ( the birthday of Clement Clarke Moore- author of “The Night before Christmas” ) and that officially began the Christmas preparations that would be worked on as time allowed until Christmas.

    1. Thank you Laura,
      Thanks for your sweet comments about Navi’s dress set. I’m glad you like it. I like oversized hair bows too!
      I didn’t know that about the Victorian’s starting Christmas in July. You never fail to teach us something about history that we (at least I) didn’t know.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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