It all started with a dress from Goodwill…

I was at our Goodwill store the other day and this dress caught my eye… I liked the color, for me… but I was thinking of using it for something else. I love this open cotton lacy look that I’ve seen on a few things and even have some of it in white. It usually makes pretty lacy hats, bonnets, mob caps, etc. I left it hanging on the rack and finished looking at all the rest of the dresses. Nothing for me this time, but as I walked by that aqua dress it was sort of sticking out where I had looked at it and then put it back. Something about it made me pick it up again and look at it. Then I thought of it… I had a piece of fabric that had this same color combination…aqua or turquoise and lime green. I wondered if it might be an exact match? For $2.50 I was willing to risk it. I bought the dress and brought it home. Reuben was happy to see me, and wanted me to pet him as I walked past the chair he was in, but I took the dress and went straight to my sewing room and found that piece of cotton fabric…on the bottom of one of my “blue” stacks. I pulled it out and held it up…

It was a perfect match. I knew who was getting a dress next. Well, not exactly “who” but what kind of dress I was going to make.

A Civil War dress…a summery one, with my dress to be used for the bonnet.

I also remembered I had these pretty buttons with lime green in them too… I pulled one out and pinned it on the front… time will tell if it works or not… It looks slightly big, but if I added a fringed piece behind it, it just might work… but that’s something I can figure out later on.

I barely had enough fabric to use for this… and only have a handful of scraps left. I better not make any mistakes!

I’ve called this “aqua” but do you think it’s more “turquoise?” I want to make sure I call it the right color from the start.

I know it will show up differently on everyone’s monitor but trust me, it is a perfect match… whatever color I end up calling it.

I only have it cut out and the collar sewn on, but that’s a good start… :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “It all started with a dress from Goodwill…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hi Jeanne! Oh, don’t you Love when it works out like that?! You see something, and it matches perfectly with something you already have?! I have pretty good color memory, too (most people, in understand, have very Short color memories, but for some reason I can usually match something hours, or even days after I last saw the item).

    As to the color name, *I* would call it aqua.

    I remember wondering–back in the 50s when turquoise was Very popular–why it was called “turquoise blue” when it always looked more Green to me! (think of the old turquoise appliances….) And, of course, to further complicate thing, the turquoise gem stone is a completely different color altogether!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I DO love it when something I buy matches with a fabric I had in mind. This was truly a fun find…
      Well you started the color aqua and it looks like the comments below agree with you.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh Jeanne, this color combination looks so cool and refreshing, perfect for hot summer days! I too, would call the color aqua, and feel turquoise is a deeper shade of blue. But whatever you call it, it is beautiful, and the lace piece of the dress matches perfectly!

    I’m trying to figure out what you are doing for a hat, with the way you have the lace fabric wrapped on Rebecca’s head, somewhat like a scarf. I can’t recall at the moment what a Civil War hat looks like either!! I will leave it to “the expert” to finish it off and can’t wait to see what happens next!! Oh, forgot to say I love the button brooch!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      It really is a refreshing color…I have a top on right now the same color. It’s one of my favorites.
      I just draped the neck opening of the dress over her hair. I wasn’t trying to make it look like what it will eventually look like…just on her head to show it’s going to be something in the way of a hat.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I agree on aqua — I’d say turquoise was a deeper color. I actually have a pin that’s white turquoise, but that’s not part of this discussion.
    You’ll have to hunt through your pictures and show some of your Civil War indoor headdresses — there was one with a black, white, and red dress that was a special favorite.
    I was hoping for a CW era outfit next, and it looks like I’m getting it. I’m very happy about it too.
    If the button is too big for a pin, and I hope it isn’t, will it work on a belt?

    Linda’s right again — the colors are perfect for summer — cool and refreshing.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I’ll have to look at my dresses and see if I’m thinking of the same one you are.
      I can’t go too long without having a Civil War dress in the mix. I’m not sure why I love making them so much, but I do.
      I’m glad you were expectantly waiting for one.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Yes, as Linda D says, we’ll leave it to the “expert” (that’s you, Jeanne), to finish this lovely combination off. I too cannot wait to see what you come up with. I think it will be most beautiful. What a lovely and exciting find in that dress. One never knows what the thrift/Goodwill stores will yield!


    1. Hi Becky,
      I think it will be a very pretty dress too!
      I always love “the hunt” at Goodwill or the thrift shop and when I find something like this, it’s so much fun!
      There is enough material in this skirt to make lots of bonnets or jackets…I almost hate to cut into it, but I will!!
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Very fun Goodwill story! I love the dress eyelet fabric and the blue/green aqua fabric. My favorite colors are blue and green. One time, years ago, a kitchen designer looked at me in disgust when I suggested the colors and said, “Blue and green should not be seen.” Needless to say, I went on my merry way without her advice. 🙂 Not sure about the brooch because of the pink, but maybe. Should there be any scraps, a small pair of Dumpling shorts or a top would be great for summer fun for the smaller set. or maybe an eyelet dress and b/g fabric sash? Just thinking. 🙂
    Have a wonderful Thursday.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I LOVE blue and green together and always have. I like any shades of it too. I adore navy and kelly green.
      I can see why you ignored your kitchen designers advice…I would have too.

      I will check out other buttons before I make my decision. I might even have something in my stash that I don’t remember.

      There isn’t even enough for a pair of shorts for any doll…I literally only have 3 scraps…mostly slivers.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a perfect match with the aqua dress and the print in your material. I love the pin. It’s exciting to see that the next dress set is the Civil War era. The print of the material is what I picture the women back then wearing. Right now, I see two women looking over the bolts of material in the mercantile. One says to the other, “ I love this print. Such a bright and pretty color. I wonder if Madame Jeanne Marie can fit me in her schedule? This material would make a lovely dress for Savannah.”

    Just day dreaming!! Can’t wait to see more !

    1. Hi Paula,
      Thank you for your sweet “commentary” between the 2 women at the Mercantile about whether or not I would be able to make them a dress…that was my first smile of the day!!

      It’s fun to imagine if I had lived back in the Civil War, would I have been a seamstress…

      I’m glad you like it so far.
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Love your vision Paula. Dressmaking was such an art and still is with our own Jeanne Marie. 🙂

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a great find! I echo Charlotte. I love when that happens.

    I don’t have any color memory. I have to see swatches side-by-side. I mix up navy and black and light peach and light pink.

    I used to like to watch the TV show What Not To Wear to get tips of what goes with what. Stacie and Clinton used to say, “it doesn’t have to match it has to go with.” I found that very helpful.

    I like that Reuben greeted you at the door. Good dog!

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Cindy tells me that all time.. Don’t be matchy matchy.. it’s hard to not do that sometimes.

      Yes, Reuben greets us with a wagging tail and lots of barking…usually till we pet him.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I think I have a good color memory too. At least I can’t remember any instances when I was way off. Aqua and turquoise labels for a color confuse me. I think turquoise is the the beautiful blue of the stone. Aqua is more green. So I have no idea what to call your fabric colors. Pretty?
    I had a fight with my seam ripper the other day and we still are not talking. I was determined to separate two vintage pieces I had sewed together. I got them apart, but made many cuts into the crochet edging on one. I don’t know if I can save it. Grrr.
    I’m taking a break from my sewing. I have stabbed myself with pins too many times today. I’m quitting before I draw blood! Time to go outside!🌸

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Jillaurellia,
      Hello. Have you heard of a product called Fray Check? I saw it mentioned on a blog a while back. I don’t know if it would work on crochet items. I am a non-sewer and crafter so I have never used the product. I just thought I would pass along this information.

      I hope you had a nice walk and can resume speaking to your seam ripper soon (laugh).

      1. I actually have a bottle of fray check and never thought of it! First I’m going to try crocheting one row of edging to see if I can connect most of the lose ends. The vintage crochet is with a fine thread and a tiny steel hook. I have both and use them but still not sure I can make it all come together. Thanks for suggesting something else to try!
        I rode my bike!

      2. Nice suggestion on the Fray Check, Dorothy! I just used mine yesterday on a ribbon! I go through bottles of it… it’s wonderful for keeping the ends of ribbon from fraying. :o)
        Julia, I hope your bike ride made you feel refreshed enough to continue with your project! :o)
        Thanks ladies…
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Jillaurellia,
      I was thinking about the color of this dress earlier this morning and thought of Aquamarine and realized “that’s it!” it’s Aquamarine… So I’ve settled it and am calling this AQUA!
      Sounds like some of my sewing days… I usually have to leave my room and come back later when that much stuff is happening… Hope you made it back in there and got all things solved!
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I agree that Fray Check is a wonderful product. I use to use it all the time when I made homemade hair ribbons to match my daughter’s clothes. I’ve used it on doll stuff also, starting with the sash around Samantha’s meet dress. That burgundy ribbon frays slightly.
    How very exciting to see a Civil War dress up next and how wonderful that the dress matched the fabric you had. I will certainly enjoy watching this take shape.

    1. HI Laura,
      I knew you would be excited to see a Civil War up next. This one is coming together pretty quickly… I hope I don’t have too many interruptions. My sisters and their hubby’s are coming this Saturday, Sunday and Monday and leaving Tuesday morning…I know I’ll be distracted, but maybe not too much. I’m “planning” ahead… :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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