A poem to keep you coming back… :o)

Rebecca’s new dress is completely done
The snaps were sewn on; 5 sets, one by one
A fun little scarf for under her neck
Was fringed on the edges and made from a check
I found a new “brooch” that’s not quite so bold
But still very pretty and sweet to behold
The dress is now hemmed, by hand, I might add
Rebecca just loves it, and seems very glad
Tomorrow I’ll show you what’s under her dress
They’re really quite pretty but I’ll make you guess
Will they be white, with added on lace?
Come back and see at this very same place!

We’re getting closer to seeing this Civil War set all finished…with ALL the pieces completed.

Want to see some pictures of the dress? These pictures are probably closest to the actual color of the fabric.

I’m hoping for good sewing times in my sewing room tomorrow… I bet you are too… :o)

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “A poem to keep you coming back… :o)”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I just LOVE this dress, Jeanne! Her brooch is absolutely perfect, too! A winner, for sure!

  2. Getting better everyday! What a difference the scarf and pretty button make! What I noticed today that I didn’t yesterday, was that the bodice puffs out above the waistband, which really makes it look more like a Civil War dress. Love it!

    What will Rebecca be wearing on her head? I’m guessing that there will be pantalettes underneath her dress?

    Cute poem, maybe Deb could make up a tune for it!! πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Linda,
      I like how the dress poufs out at the waist too…
      and yes, it’s a bonnet…but it’s getting prettier by the day!
      There ARE pantalettes under the dress!!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Rebecca’s dress is another stunner, Jeanne…and your poem…ah, you amaze me with your agility with words, needle and fabric.


    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, Becky. It’s fun doing what you love!!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The dress is a beauty and the scarf and pin are just right. I’m pretty sure it would look just as pretty on Addy. The pantalettes you mentioned earlier are sure to be pretty, and it’s going to be nice to see the bonnet with the finished dress. Charlotte is right — this is another winner. Somehow you always come up with a coordinating check. You must have a secret check stash.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I might have to try this on Addy. I bet she’d look great in this color!!
      Yes, that’s it…I have a secret “check stash!” Not really, but I do love the tiniest checks with print…somehow they always go without clashing…
      Thank you, Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Looks like you have been very busy. I like the new brooch without the pink and pinned on the checks is pretty. Will Rebecca wear her hair up like the big girls? or? Guess I’ll tune in tomorrow to see.
    Heard from Dianna Effner. It’s been almost exactly a year. My Emily should be done shortly and hopefully in the mail soon. Now, should be interesting to try and hide a known size doll box from other person. What size doll will be up next? Definitely going to need something for this one to wear. πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Joy
      I haven’t decided if her hair will be up or down. I let it down last night and because it had been pinned up in curls for quite some time, it was pretty wavy and looked very sweet.
      Good luck on trying to get that doll box in without your better half seeing it. Betcha it won’t happen…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Had sort of an exciting morning so far. I got up at my usual time. If hubby is not working offsite he gets me my coffee and I watch some news, drink my coffee and then start my day. This morning he was nowhere to be found and when I entered my kitchen I nearly freaked out. Lower cabinet doors were thrown open and stuff was on the counter top. It looked like my kitchen had been ransacked. Upon closer observation it seemed as if one of the water filters under my sink had begun leaking. He took enough out of the cabinet to fit a bowl underneath and left the cabinet open where he got the bowl so it looked worse than it was. I thought maybe he’d gone to his shop to get a tool or something, but he didn’t come back. I tried calling him but he left his phone behind. He’s probably gone on with his day and I’ll find out what exactly happened when I see him for lunch. I think my blood pressure is finally back to normal.

    Love the poem. Very clever. I love watching your projects unfold. What exactly is the little scarf? I’m a big fan of embellishments at the neckline of clothing. Once, after trimming a dress with some lace I had a tiny piece left over. I’m reluctant to even throw a small piece of something away so I folded it and made an ascot out of it. Then I attached it and a small bow at the neckline. Turned out cute. Waste not want not.

    Can’t wait to see what is under the dress. It sounds like it’s something more than just a simple pair of pantalettes.

    Probably won’t get much sewing done today. It’s bill paying day and then hubby and I will be going to lunch in a nearby town and get the new registration sticker for his truck. Then this afternoon I will be going to Bamboo Massage to get the final message my oldest son gave me for Mother’s Day (there were four). I only had 50 days to get them all and the final day is this Saturday. I’ve already run closer to the deadline then I planned. After the massage I will probably come home and nap.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I’m hoping by now your hubby has been able to explain to you what happened in your kitchen. It’s always fun being married to a handyman, isn’t it?
      I’m hoping to get the “underthing/things” finished today… :o)

      Hope your massage went well! Sounds wonderful…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. That Poem is so cute…is there anything you can’t do?
    Silly me, of course not!
    The color of the pin with that fabric is such a match and it sets the neckline off just right.
    I always wonder what kind of accessory will be on her head.
    Will heck again tomorrow!

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      Well, let me tell you, there’s plenty I can’t do…plenty!!
      Day by day I’ll unfold this set. I’m enjoying it very much…partly because I love the colors so much.
      You’ll see what’s next tomorrow!! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Deb’s concert yesterday was lovely. I just love the first song, “It’s Just Another Perfect Day” from the Peter Rabbit series. I’ll bet the resident enjoyed every minute of her playing. I really like Beatrix Potters\’s drawings. Two of my favorite English illustrators are Hilda Boswell and Ivy Wallace. Hilda Boswell did a beautiful set of poetry and children’s storybooks that I I’ve had since I was a child and Ivy Wallace did the Pookie series that I’ve had just as long. Anybody else familiar with them? Susette might be, having lived in England. My dad brought them back after a business trip when I was five.
    Rebecca’s dress is lovely. The little fringed scrap and new brooch are perfect. Can’t wait to see it all together. I bet the pantalettes are extra fancy. I’m guessing white with lime and aqua accents.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I’m glad you enjoyed Deb’s concert… it’s fun that you recognized her first song…she’d be thrilled with that.
      You’ll see what’s under her dress tomorrow…hope you like what you see…
      Thanks for your comments,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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