Saturday Snow and Tell & Show and Tell

Silly title, I know but we got back too late from working on our friends house and there was no time to get Addy’s dress listed. I think one more time over there is all I can do… I’m ready to work on my house again…

I did think of my story line for Addy’s dress and wrote it out so I wouldn’t forget it…and I hope you like it! B-U-T…I had to find something in the Archives to show you for a post today. Sorry….

I found a few more winter coats to share with you since we are getting our first big snowfall of this winter season. The weatherman said we received between 4 and 5 inches, but rain is coming tomorrow so lots of it will be gone by late afternoon. I’m hoping to get a nice picture of the snow around my gazebo…like I have in the past… see…

I’m not sure what years these are because when I switched over to Windows 10, all of my dates were scrambled and I had no idea what date went with what picture. Ugh!

Those were for my “nature lover” readers…and now here’s something for my “dolly lovers…”

This was the blue coat you were thinking of… wasn’t it, Linda?

I found this when I was looking under “snow”… I think she was 3 years old…looks like she’s packing a snowball to go throw at her brother or daddy…

Well, stay warm if you get snow… stay warm if you don’t!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Saturday Snow and Tell & Show and Tell”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I guess I will just have to enjoy your pictures of snow for the time being, because it doesn’t look like we’re going to be getting any in the Seattle area any time soon! It was 61 today!

    I think my favorite of today’s coats was the red hooded jacket with the fuzzy white pompoms; not sure who is wearing it, but it sure is cute.

    Of course, that red snowsuit in the last picture is pretty cute, too–as is the little girl who’s wearing it! (smile)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I’m very late today at getting to the comments… long day!
      I’m sorry you have to enjoy the snow by my pictures… it’s almost gone now though. The rain came and washed most of it away… tomorrow it will probably all disappear. But I’m sure it will come again some other time!
      That’s Millie, a little 11″ doll by Kaye Wiggs. She was fun to make a few things for, but she was too skinny to suit me so she got the boot. I do love the pictures I have of her.

      I loved seeing that picture of Rebecca again. Wow… she’s 28 now and I think she’s just as adorable! :o)
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Good morning Jeanne! Well, we are practically buried in snow this morning! What a mess it was here all afternoon, and then last night! My sister had, what would be a normal 20 minute drive home, a four and half hour drive! It took my niece an hour and half to drive to her home just 12 miles away. It really was a mess here! Your gazebo pictures look so peaceful and tranquil!

    Yes, I do believe that must be the coat I always liked for Molly! Thank you for showing that and I certainly do appreciate seeing it again! It’s just perfect for her!

    That little 3 year old is adorable, and come to think of it, years ago AG made a red snowsuit very close to looking like Rebecca’s, that I also have for Molly when she plays in the snow! 🙂

    1. HI Linda,
      We ended up getting about 5 inches last night, but the rain we got today is melting and washing most of ours away. I snapped one picture of the gazebo before we started our day and tonight when we got home it didn’t look anything like it looked this morning.

      Molly liked that coat too… and did you see the snowman in the window of the kitchen?

      I do remember that snow suit for Molly… I might have to show the picture you sent me when I do Monday’s post… thanks!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. That last red snowsuit is my favorite too. Most of all I love the focused expression on your charming model’s face.

    It snowed all day here too, and we ended up with about an inch because it melted nearly as fast as it snowed. Linda’s descriptions of driving in her snowstorm are pretty grim. I hope the schools were closed. Your gazebo pictures are lovely and I enjoyed every one.

    Linda was right to remember the blue coat as one of the best, and your picture of Molly and Kit is special. How did you manage with no background glare? They look like two little girls ready for school hearing that it’s a snow day and they can stay home and take pictures.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I had to laugh at the expression on Rebecca’s face too.. she’s really concentrating on that snowball, isn’t she?

      Our snow amounted to about 5 inches here but it’s almost all gone now… the rain is washing it away… making it pretty soupy around here.

      I don’t know how I took that picture without a bit white flash of light on the background… I must have held my camera at an angle I guess.

      Isn’t that what all little kids do when it snows…watch the news and hope their school is scrolled across the bottom of the screen as one of the CLOSED ones? :o)
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The pictures are lovely of the gazebo in the snow. Nothing like that where I live but there is snow 70 miles to the east in the mountains in Southern California. Just rain here which, granted, is an event.

    I remember the pictures of the blue coat as I had a suit of very similar fabric about 50 years ago. No kidding. The fabric stores here don’t even carry wool material. I’d like to make a little coat like that as I also had a coat with a velvet collar of similar fabric. My first doll was Molly, so I was happy to see it modeled on her.

    1. HI Susette,
      Well the rain has washed away most of our will probably be all gone by Monday… it was pretty while it lasted… but now it’s all sloppy everywhere.

      I think I remember you saying that you had a coat from that same fabric… it must bring back memories! Molly loved that coat!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Hope your snow lasts long enough for photos. I can just see some dollies posed in the gazebo entrance all ready for a snowball fight.
    Seeing Rebecca in that snowsuit reminds me of the Christmas Story. Love that movie. I’m sure she was able to pelt her brother with a great big snowball.
    No snow here in coastal northern California, but we do have rain in the forecast for the next five days. Equates to snow in the mountains like Susette mentioned, which is great.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. HI Joy,
      We were off early this morning, so I snapped one picture of the gazebo before we left… When we got home around 8:00 tonight, most of the snow was disappearing from the rain.

      I don’t remember but I bet there was a big snowball fight and I bet dad was the biggest instigator! I have another shot of that day when they came inside… I might have to try and find that one… it’s one of my very favorite pictures… it will be yours too! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I thought the title was clever and amusing. Wonderful pictures of your gazebo. Really made me homesick. My sister in Delaware puts things like that on Facebook so I can live vicariously. My other sister flees to Florida from Delaware during the winter to live by the beach. In the summer she lives in southern Delaware – by the beach.

    Your daughter’s picture is so adorable. I always felt sad about living in a place where my children never got to play in the snow. When I was a child, after dinner my mother would put on the back porch light and let us go out and play for awhile. Then we would come in and have hot cocoa. But one year we went to my hubby’s folks in Kansas for Thanksgiving and it snowed. Unusual for that time of year. Then a couple years later we went to see my mother in Delaware for Thanksgiving. It snowed. Again unusual for that time of year. So someone must have thought my children needed a snow experience. I was looking through pictures the other day for some when my daughter was around my grandson’s age (15 months) to send her. Going through years of photos really brought back memories – and realization how time does fly.

    I love seeing more coats. The blue one is gorgeous. Now I want to start sewing some myself. I do have wool fabric but with 60 degree days in winter, it’s hard to get motivated. I’m starting to think about which doll needs summer clothes. Summer comes early here. My lawn is already in need of mowing. We seriously need a hard freeze.

    I too was disappointed to see Pixie Faire stop Freebie Friday. Now it’s BOGO Friday. I took advantage of that during the “12 Days of Christmas”, but I didn’t realize that would go into the future. But I was having some difficulty with Freebie Friday anyway. It seemed so many of the freebies I already had purchased. Buying patterns is an addiction with me to which there seems to be no cure only a temporary hiatus when my funding gets low. Unfortunately, my wants far exceed my available time to produce a finished product. But over time I do get a lot made up. None of my “children” seem to be hurting for wearing attire. And my New Year’s resolution is to finally get my Etsy store up and running. I need to think of my sewing as a job rather than a hobby and maybe then I’ll dedicate more time to it. Hopefully.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I’ve been taking pictures from that same angle for years… it’s fun to see each year…even though I don’t know which year goes with what picture…

      My kids loved the snow and almost cried when it was time to come in, but they are both redheads so their little faces would get SO red from the cold… it seems your kids loved the snow as much as mine!

      I have an addiction to patterns too.. I used to have over 400 but sold some of them… need to sell some more one of these days. I had to go to Pixiefaire to see what they were doing… and I ended up looking at the patterns… *sigh*

      My Etsy store is sorely neglected and I need to spend some time getting things filled back up… always something needing done…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, what a cute photo of Rebecca. I love her expression also.
    No snow here yet but it’s expected any minute. I am definitely an “indoor looking out” at the snow person. I do not want to be out in it. My frolicking in the snow days are over. Well, I can’t say I actually ever frolicked but I definitely can’t do that now (laugh).
    I hope the snow here is minimal because I want to go to Doll Club tomorrow and it will be cancelled if there is snow.
    109 days until May. I am starting a count down (chuckle).

    1. Thanks for yesterday’s invitation to come visit. I would love to take you up on that. I haven’t been to PA in years. Hubby thinks the east coast is one mass of people from Maine to Florida and so prefers to head west. He’s been to PA three times but can’t seem to embrace it. He keeps comparing it to the Rocky Mountains where he’s from. Your Doll Club sounds like fun. I’m checking into one they have in the Houston area.

      1. Dear Barbara, I am having so much fun in my local doll club. If you go on the UFDC – United Federation of Doll Clubs – site, you can look at a regional map and see if there is a doll club near you. The one in Houston may be a member.
        Most of the UFDC clubs have monthly meetings. Some have an annual luncheon and an annual doll show (sale).
        The annual meetings are part business and part education. Someone in the club, or an outside speaker, will talk about some aspect of dolls or doll collecting.
        I did a presentation last year on the Door of Hope Dolls in China. I am doing one this year on the early years of doll designer, Madame Alexander.

    2. HI Dorothy,
      I think my frolicking days are over too… I’d much rather look at it from the inside too…it’s much safer! :o)
      109 days till May.. I think I’ll count with you! :o) I’d like to think I could have my “virtual” Aqua cake made by then… that means painting of course! :o)
      Thanks Dorothy and I certainly hope your dolly club doesn’t get canceled.
      Blessings, Jeanne

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