Are you ready to see more dolls in festive Christmas dresses?

I have MORE Christmas dresses I can show you… if you want to stick around and drink another cup of coffee or tea! Are you ready to see them? We’ll start with Addy today and some of my very favorite Christmas dresses!

Again, these are from the archives and not the greatest sometimes… If you click on most of them, they will enlarge.

But here are the girls who modeled Christmas Joy, Christmas Hope and Christmas Peace…




Well, that’s it for Christmas dresses… I’m still hoping to get more made, but I’m not sure if I have time… maybe????

You’ll want to check in tomorrow for pictures to a funny story…

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “Are you ready to see more dolls in festive Christmas dresses?”

  1. This will be short, Jeanne, because I have LOTS to do today, and I could go on and on about how beautiful these dresses are! A few I do remember, but most, I do not. That first dress of Addy’s is so Addy! Lian’s black and white dress is one of my favorites too, plus that red and white dress right after that. Oh, gosh, I must go, no way I can talk about my favorites and not take all day!
    I will be here tomorrow waiting for a funny story!

    1. HI Linda,
      I hope you have recovered from your busy day… Mine has been busy too… I’m just now sitting down for the first time all day! I do like Lian’s dress VERY much too… It was the one that stained that lady’s doll, and we had to deal with that, but it still might be in my top 5 dresses ever made… It was that cute!
      Get to bed early tonight so you can start over tomorrow! I’m hoping to.. I already have my post written so that’s good!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, they are all lovely, but of course my eye is most drawn to the ones on the Little Darlings–with LIan’s black velvet/white ruffles as my absolute favorite! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      Well, it looks Lian has taken the lead with her black and white dress today! It was a very pretty dress. I wish Hobby Lobby still sold that lace… they discontinued it and I almost cried…
      I’m glad you enjoyed the slide show!
      Thank you Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I think I counted 38 photos? And all lovely fashions. Fun.
    So much activity going on about now. My dollies are suffering. But they are so understanding, well most of them. 🙂
    Looks like it will be another leaf raking day. So many more came down with the last rain.
    Pearl Harbor Day today. A time to remember.

    1. HI Joy,
      I don’t think I counted them… so it was 38…not counting yesterday’s? or both days?
      My dolls are suffering too… they all want more dresses made and I am so busy I can hardly think… I haven’t even set foot in my sewing room today… I took momma to the Thrift shop today… it was warmer… She bought some Christmas cards and wants me to help her give them out to the residents at Liberty… of course we have to make cookies to go with them… maybe after my couples party…
      My hubby mulched the leaves around here for the last time… he was glad to get the mowers put up.
      Yes, a time to remember… thanks Joy!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. These dresses I love ! I think the black and white dress worn by Lian’s dress is one of my favorites. How can I say that because Addy and the March sisters’ dresses are my favorite too!
    Jeanne, you have made so many beautiful outfits- each one is unique in its own way. Thank you again for the fashion show of Christmas outfits.

    1. HI Paula,
      Thank you so much for your kind comments about the dresses I’ve made… I wonder how many dresses I’ve made in my lifetime? Adult, child, doll all included… I bet it’s about 2000… maybe more! I wish I had been counting all these years!
      I’m glad you can say that Lian’s dress is one of your favorites when you don’t even have a Little Darling… in fact, did you ever order one from Magalie? I can’t remember….
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Wow!!! I’m catching up from both days. I don’t seem to get your blog in my e-mail any longer so I go to a previous one to see what’s new. Every one of the dresses would be my favorite. I can’t let my girls see this or things will get hairy around here. I can’t seem to get to my sewing machine with Chorale (my final concert is this Sunday) and decorating. Then I really need to make some things for my granddaughter’s new Wellie Wisher-to-be. I loved the fashion show and it was great for me because with the exception of a very few, they were all new to me.

    1. HI Barbara,
      That’s why I show my dresses each year… because I always have new ladies in the group who haven’t seen them before and the ones who have “tolerate” me showing them again… I’m glad you enjoyed seeing them. It’s kind of like window shopping I think.
      I know what you mean about wanting to sew or dress your dolls be “other” things are in the way right now… I think every year I’m going to do things differently but it always seems to happen to me.. I run out of time before I get everyone a dress made.

      I hope both of our lives slow down a little bit.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Same here on getting the blog. What an amazing collection. I hope you’ll start to make a few once in a while to put away for when you have a little granddaughter. It may seem a long way off, but they grow up so fast.

    Of course Lian in the black-and-white dress is my favorite too. I sent along a picture from a Vogue Magazine cover that year which had the same theme with the red belt. Every dress is unique with the wonderful Jeanne Marie touches. I hadn’t seen the flowered red-green-and-white dress with the little reticule before. She was a surprise. Thanks so much for putting all of these together for us. It’s a Christmas present in itself.

    1. HI Susette,
      Grand kids? Oh please Susette…. I don’t see that happening soon, so I’ll keep on sewing for you all! There might come a time for that, but for now I’m happiest sewing for all my “peoples!”
      Oh, dear, I might have to keep it a secret from Lian that she was the winner of the favorite in the slideshow today.. I certainly don’t need any “big headed” dolls! It wouldn’t be healthy on the dolly shelf.
      Thank you Susette… I”m glad you saw a few new ones… that’s always good to have happen instead of seeing everything just like it was last year! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I love these fashion shows. Recreate Addy’s red dress (top picture) and I’ll bet it would go over nicely. Addy has always inspired you to make especially beautiful outfits. Joy, Hope, and Peace will always be special for me. Rebecca’s red is another favorite. Maybe your last Christmas dress of the year should be red. Either that or it should feature Janie in that curly wig.

    Some of the people on AGPT were discussing Japanese silkie chickens. Haven’t you had some of these? I thought of George and think if you haven’t had them, you need some.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I do like that top dress too… and was sick when that scalloped black trim was discontinued… it always happens with the laces and trims I like the most. I DO love to make those Civil War dresses…and maybe I can still sneak one in… not too Christmasy but just enough… to be festive.
      Oh dear… all your suggestions make me want to just rush in my sewing room and start cutting out something… but I’ve bagged up 30 pounds of blueberries for the freezer this evening, sorted out grapes and bagged them up, washed off cucumbers and they are drying, I’ve taken my mom to the thrift shop, we went to lunch, to the bank, I took her a wreath and hung it up at a window, I cooked a pizza…(lazy bones!) I glued a pottery jar that my mom had broken, back together, we found her some Christmas cards and she wants to make some cookies to put with them to give to everyone at Liberty, I’m trying to decide on a good chicken recipe for the Couples party next Thursday… I might just do BBQ chicken in my roaster pan…whew… I’m exhausted… but still there is lots to do…

      I’d love to sew some more, but I do need some sleep occasionally! :o)

      I don’t think we’ve ever had any silkies but his brother Larry had some. They are funny looking… This morning George was showing me chicken coops from a Backyard Poultry magazine he gets. I just might have to feature the coop he showed me.. It was called “The Breakfast Club” Chicken Coop… and you would not believe it!

      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Well, naturally I love the gold print Addy is wearing with the sleeve ruffles along with the Civil War gowns on Rebecca. The Little Women dresses are lovely, Rebecca’s is my favorite of that lot as well. Rebecca’s Christmas Rose is probably my favorite of your Regency dresses. The bonnet is just darling.
    I made it to Walgreen’s and they had four of the little radios. I did get one for my dolls.. It’s much smaller than the cathedral style one I have which is about 3 x 5.
    it was a super day here, colder than Wednesday when I was out, but the sun shone all day. 🙂 As long as there’s sun, I’m happy.

    1. HI Laura,
      I should have looked at the date on that gold dress for Addy…in fact, I’m going too… be back in a minute…I looked it up and I made that one on November 30, 2007… so eleven years ago… I still had the story line and copied it… this is how I started this dress out…

      Addy talked her mama into making her Christmas dress all the way to the floor this year!! Most girls wore their dresses just above their boots, but this fabric was exquisite and
      Addy begged her to make it longer. She felt so glamorous in it!! It was really a beautiful Christmas dress, not red or green, like she’d had so many years before…this one was GOLD!!

      I’m glad you liked it Laura…it’s even fun for me to look back and see what I was making then…

      It’s funny, all the dresses you picked were ones I stopped and did a double take on last night when I was putting this slide show together. I have to agree with you on the Christmas Rose Regency dress that Rebecca was wearing. I looked closely at those pictures and they are SO clear and I had a hard time choosing the picture I wanted to use for the slide show. I picked the sideways view because I wanted so show off that bonnet too. It was pretty cute… if I do say so myself. I think I could use a few of those pictures for the cover of a look book, IF I ever did one! :o)

      It was warmer here today too… I even got out with momma and we hit the thrift shop… and then lunch!

      I saw those little radios too and they were very cute… I passed, but I keep thinking about them… I might have to find $5 and get one…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I just took another tour and I think that Isabelle’s red and white dress deserves special notice. They all do, really. What a good thing these slideshows are. A little extra appreciation never hurt a beautiful dress.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I just might give a few dress special recognition… thanks for the idea…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I love, love, love the Civil War types! Addy is a great model for them, too… I have ‘neglected’ dolls, here, too…but, they are still cherished. 🙂

    1. Hi Mary,
      It’s no secret around here, I LOVE the Civil War dresses the best too…and maybe I’ll start the new year off with one!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I would love for you to make another black and white Christmas dress for the 18″ AG dolls. You could make one a week and sell them all easily.

    1. Hi Debi,
      Nothing would make me happier than to make more Civil War dresses than the others, but I have so many customers who have all the other dolls so I try to be fair and make something for all the different sizes. I DO love the Civil War dresses, though!
      Thank you so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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