A doll for Sale: Essential Ellowyne Five ~ Brunette

I received a wonderful picture from Barbara and the slip she finished for her doll, Gracie. She used some elastic she had and is going to try it again for another doll. Way to go, Barbara!

I also found some time to get 5 pair of my tiny doll shoes for the My Meadow Twinkles listed in my Etsy shop. You can see those shoes HERE.

I have had several dolls on the “chopping block” for quite some time and it’s now time to do something about it. I’m going to have to buy a new camera, but Rebecca fiddled with it and found a setting that let me take a few pictures of Ellowyne… Just enough to show how pretty she is.

In 2012, three Ellowyne Essential Five dolls came out, a blue eyed blonde, a green eyed red head, and a brown/amber eyed brunette. This doll is the Brunette, brown eyed doll. (I have the green eyed one who will be up next.)

Ellowyne is a Robert Tonner doll, from the Wilde Imagination Collection. She is a very poseable, 16″ doll and a lot of fun to play with as you are displaying her. I shall miss that about her!

I have had Essential Ellowyne Five, who made her debut the summer of 2012, a few years and she’s never modeled one single thing for me… (Sad, isn’t it?)

I’ll just give you the facts about her.

I bought her new from someone who had sold the original long brunette wig and the doll separately. She came to me bald.

I sold her original outfit, but not her shoes. These are her original shoes… never worn.

I had a sweet little wig that I trimmed up a little bit for Ellowyne so she wouldn’t arrive at someone’s house bald. The wig isn’t glued on.

This picture is the only one where a flash was used…

I also didn’t want her to arrive nude, so I made her a full slip that closes in back with Velcro.

She is in excellent condition and has a flawless complexion.

All her fingers and toes are perfect and there are no marks on her body.

She has been in my smoke free, pet free sewing studio for as long as I’ve owned her…a few years.

I have her shipper box as well as her original box…

Her poem is included as well as her hang tag.

The saddle stand used in the pictures is also included…

I am also including a pair of pink strappy shoes so she has something besides the white shoes to wear.

I will list her on Ebay Thursday evening… and she’ll start out at $100 with free shipping.

I have the Essential Ellowyne Five with the green eyes too… she’ll be up for sale next.

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “A doll for Sale: Essential Ellowyne Five ~ Brunette”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, good job on your slip, Barbara! Gracie looks so pleased!

    Your Ellowyne is lovely, Jeanne. (I am coveting those pink shoes! LOL Sadly, my days of wearing heels like that are most likely over. ) I’m sure someone would love to have her. Maybe there’ll be a bidding war!! (we can hope…) Hopefully her new mom will enjoy sewing (or shopping) for her, and she’ll end up with a lovely wardrobe!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I hope a bidding war happens…that would be a nice thing….for me!
      Ellowyne is such a sweet doll…I can’t believe I never made this one anything…what was I thinking? She does need a new mommy…one who treasures her and wants to sew for her.
      I used to wear shoes like those too…my days of wearing heels like that are over too…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Barbara did a wonderful job on her slip! I can see her making more for her lucky dolls!

    Where was I yesterday, Jeanne? I did read your blog, and then something came up, and after I came back, your blog was gone! I must have deleted it, but have yet to find it in my trash box. Well, I did get back on it by just looking it up, but by then I was in the midst of trying to get the yard raked before it got too cold, like it look’s like it will be the next several days. We are expecting snowflakes!! Wow, better get the snow shovels out, but it probably won’t amount to much, as much as the weathermen are trying to get us excited about! The headline for the news was “Threat of Snowflakes”, like a couple of snowflakes will be a threat! Hilarious!

    Your Ellowyne doll is so pretty, but I do not have even one inch of space for another doll, and that is no exaggeration! I love her wig and pretty face. some adult dolls are not my piece of cake, but she is really an attractive doll without being overly made up. Good luck with selling her!

    1. HI Linda,
      George was out mulching the leaves in our yard…boy, when the leaves finally decided to fall, they came down by the buckets full!
      We pretty much had a carpet of leaves.

      Ellowyne dolls are some of the prettiest fashion dolls around. I’m more into the child like dolls, so she’s having to move on.
      I hope someone who loves the Ellowyne dolls loves her!
      Thanks Linda!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Gracie looks great in her new slip! My slip is still in a pile of fluff. Trying to figure out if my idea will work. I should probably just jump in and get to it, but I’m not sure the elastic I have will work. The attention to the Meadow girls photo shoot took my spare time yesterday. And I think we have leaves on the agenda for today. A lot of leaves.
    I’m sure your Ellowyne will find a new home quickly. She is a lovely one.
    Stay safe everyone.

    1. HI Joy,
      Slip making can wait…leaves being raked comes first…
      I so enjoyed your picture of all your girls playing outside…can you send me that picture to share?
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The slip is perfect!
    Ellowynes have taken a tick up in the secondary market since they were discontinued. However Robert posted photos of 2 new reintroduced Ells, LE of 150 each, and they sold our within 24 hours. Hope your auction sells for a high dollar as these older dolls are worth it!

    1. Thanks so much Shara,
      I know what you mean about the Ellowyne’s on Ebay… but I didn’t know about the new release of the Limited Edition Ellowyne dolls. I would love to have seen what they looked like.
      I can always dream of a high price… a better price means a better camera!
      Thank you, Jeanne

  5. I would love to bid on the pink shoes separately. You are too generous and might list them separately. I do have an Ellowyne doll because I got excited when I saw the one you made an outfit for quite a while ago and thought I couldn’t live without one. It has wild red hair! It came with several outfits that were extras and unexpected but no shoes. I sent a picture once of her playing the piano and you couldn’t see that she had no shoes on! Ha, ha.

    1. Susette,
      So you like Ellowyne’s pink shoes, huh? They really are sweet on her curved feet. I do remember that picture of your doll playing her piano… I loved that picture and bet you do too! :o) We’ll see how those pink shoes help the sale along! :o)

      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Thank you everyone for your kind words on my first-ever attempt at slip making. It was a bit clumsy going this time, but should be easier next time. This morning when I took it off Gracie she told me she thought it looked like a beautiful ballerina skirt. She suggested I make a nice leotard to go under it, perhaps out of the blue sequin fabric she is standing in front of. Hmm… I can do that. And I’ll have to make her some ballet shoes to go with it. That will be the hard part.

    Everyone is talking about cleaning their yards of leaves. That would be my dream. Our leaves do fall but usually don’t change color and they do it more slowly. I was born and raised in Pennsylvania and I do miss our beautiful falls. Only expected to be here in Texas two years. I’ve been here 49. Life is what happens while you’re making other plans as John Lennon said. I will probably have to mow my lawn one more time this fall to get ready for winter. That will take care of the leaves. In the meantime my job is to get out my spreader and broadcast the fire ant killer. Between all the rain we’ve been having making them come to the surface and the fact that they love electrical things and took up residency under and around my Halloween blow-ups, my yard has become dangerous territory. Well maybe not that bad, but they are nasty beasts and I need to do what it takes to get rid of them.

    Jeanne, I would love to have your Ellowyne, but I’ll have to see how the auction goes. I would be a good mommy. It would be nice to have a grown-up dolly daughter. I even have patterns for her clothes since my rescue doll (from a garage sale) fits her clothes after a little increase in the midriff. I do love those pink shoes.

    1. HI Barbara,
      We’re pretty good around her about bragging on each other when we accomplish something… finishing your slip was worthy of some praise! :o)
      Wow… 49 years is a lot different than 2 years…I’d say you are probably there for good, wouldn’t you say?
      Most everyone’s Bradford Pear trees in town are beautiful colors and losing their leaves, but ours are still as green as can be and all the leaves are still on them… I see lots of people working in their yards now… much to do!!!

      Ellowyne dolls are very addicting.. I knew a lady who had over 150! Yikes… but each one is different in her own way. They are beautifully sculpted dolls and the clothes made by some of the seamstresses on Ebay are incredible!
      I guess we’ll both be watching to see what happens at the end.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Barbara. It sounds like a good match, and we know she can make great slips. There’s a shop called Happily Ever After that sends me emails about dolls– great inspiration for people who like dolls and especially doll clothes.

    I am so glad Jeanne’s dolls arrive with clothes. I loved getting Julie in a fur coat in the middle of winter.

    John Lennon’s quote is one everyone seems to agree with. I’ve been thinking about great statements that people have made in my hearing. I’ll have to share a couple later. Right now the one I want to hear is, “Lady, your furnace is working now.” It’s 32 out and not at all warm in. Tomorrow will be a better day.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      So your furnace still isn’t working? Oh, you poor soul! I hope you made soup for tonight…

      I’ve visited that shop, Happily Ever After before and can’t remember anything about it, but I just LOVE the name of it. How could you not enjoy working there?

      I remember how excited you were when Julie arrived with that coat on… you might need to get it out and wrap your hands in it! :o)

      Try to stay warm… I’d send you my homeless sweater if I still had it… it was the warmest thing ever…but you wouldn’t be able to answer your door if someone came… they’d think you were strange. Let’s hope tomorrow is a MUCH better and warmer day!

      It’s supposed to be very cold here tomorrow and George is blowing out the gutters at church with someone. BBBRRRR!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I’ve been having computer troubles this week. The keyboard and/or mouse works for a few minutes and then quits. I did write a post a couple of days ago, but I didn’t manage to post it before something went wrong. I wasn’t able to get out until today to do something about it. Turns out the keyboard was shot, but the mouse is fine. A quick trip to Walmart for an $11 keyboard and I’m back in business.
    You did a fantastic job on Gracie’s slip, Barbara. She looks very sweet.
    So you’re still weeding out dolls, Jeanne. She has a pretty face, but I
    l’ll admit I’m not a fan of adult dolls. I had a Skipper, but no Barbies. I dearly wish I still had my Sunshine family and the grandparents. Those disappeared somewhere over the years. 🙁 I preferred my few little girl/ baby dolls. Still do.

    1. HI Laura,
      I’m keeping one of my Ellowyne’s but 2 are going… I’m hoping to get the green eyed one shown on here tomorrow and then listed tomorrow evening. I’m like you, I’ve decided the child like dolls are my favorites to sew for.
      I’m glad you got your computer fixed… almost nothing is as frustrating as a computer that won’t work. Glad you’re back in business! :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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