Will it be Aqua, Purple or Green for Ten Ping?

I had a really busy day helping my hubby cull his Old German Owls and figure out which ones he wanted to keep. It was pretty much an all day affair…and it was COLD outside too! I’m a warm blooded gal but my toes were like ice cubes by the time we came in later this afternoon. The temp was hovering around 50 degrees most of that time and it sapped me of all my energy.

So I didn’t get much done in my sewing room, BUT I do have something to show you. I had decided at the last “vote” that Ten Ping would follow Felicity so it’s time for her now. She used to have that orangish skin, but when Lana Dobbs repainted her, she is the most beautiful “winter” and looks wonderful in jewel toned colors. I have zillions of fabrics I could use, but these 2 jumped out at me and so I’ll let you decide which one to make…

The first one is a pretty black and aqua rayon fabric that is very soft. I will make her a dress and most likely a jacket and probably a hat from the Aqua wool felt… It’s very pretty laid against her pretty face… So do you like it?

Here is a dress I made from this fabric a LONG time ago for my Bitty Bethany…

The second choice is for a purple and olive green fabric with your choice of Purple wool felt or Green wool felt. Both of the wools work well with this fabric. I have just enough of it to make Ten Ping a dress.

I remembered I had made a dress from this fabric for Patsy and Trixie Tonner…This will give you an idea of what the dress set might look like for Ten Ping…

So, do you have a favorite… Aqua, Purple or Green? Let me know in the comments below or send me an email through the “Contact Me” tab at the top of my blog.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

I might send out a reminder about Felicity’s dress on Sunday! :o)
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Will it be Aqua, Purple or Green for Ten Ping?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Hi Jeanne! Well, of course MY Ten Ping thinks you should make something PINK!! But then, it’s her favorite color, and she thinks Everything should be pink!!

    Wow, those prints are both gorgeous, and nicely scaled for her. My first choice is the aqua/black (even though purple is my favorite color)–it just looks better on her, I think. If you go with the purple, however, I would use the purple felt; the green just seems to kind of wash out the print fabric (or maybe the lighting was a little different for that picture?).

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I debated about something pink but changed my mind… pink IS very pretty on her!!

      Okay, so you’re starting out the vote for the aqua and black…nice choice!!! :o)
      Thank you Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. HI Gloria,
      So you like the aqua and black too. It does look very pretty laying next to her skin… that’s 2 for 2!
      Thanks Gloria,
      Love you, Jeanne

  2. Definitely the aqua and black. I also really like the black hat with it too. Maybe black with aqua trim? I also like that larger hat style on Bitty. Very cute.
    I’m wanting to know, how do you separate the owls? Sneak into the cage and grab one? Do they all fly up in distress? Do they peck? Too bad there isn’t a pic of you nabbing one. I see you wearing a big detective type hat and trench coat as you slither into the habitat to preform the duty. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      We’ll this might not be any contest at all….the aqua and black seems to be the favorite…

      The birds are fairly easy to catch. Of course my hubby has huge hands so it’s easier for him to nab one. Some fly around but some you can just put your hand over them and they don’t resist.
      They generally don’t peck you…just sort of rub their beak on you. One did peck at my hand yesterday but he was the only one. It didn’t hurt…just kind of startles you.
      Some man is driving 4 hours to get the 25 we culled. He’s bought from us before when we had our chickens. I guess he likes our birds…

      Well, I better get started on my day…I had to do some “momma” things this morning and just now got back home.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Hello, Jeanne! The day just got away from me before I could make up my mind on what I like best! I have been changing my dolls to their Halloween costumes, and just had to finish before I picked up theiPad. The room I keep their clothes in was a disaster!
    Ok, now, I also think the aqua print is very pretty! I do actually like both, but I don’t have a Ten Ping, so can’t really tell what would look best in real life. I’m on the fence, and will take whatever everyone else likes! No problem with that!

    We were out this morning,and brrrrr! This weather is a shock to the system!

    1. HI Linda,
      I bet you are up to your eyeballs in dressing your dolls! Please make sure you send me some pictures when you get them all dressed so I can share with everyone how they look!

      Yes this weather is quite a shock to the system; we were working outside again and it’s pretty brisk out there today.
      Thanks so much Linda
      blessings, Jeanne

  4. Dear Jeanne, I vote for the purple and green. I think it is a dainty combination and Ten Ping makes me think dainty.

    I went to a Madame Alexander Doll Museum today. It might be the only one left. I will share more in an email. I had gone for the first time back in June. This time I went with members of the local UFDC chapter. It was even more awesome the second time because the curator and owner of the museum was present.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      The purple and green is a fun combination but the aqua seemed more popular, so I’m sorry but it will be the aqua… maybe the purple and green will come up again sometime…

      How fun that museum sounds. I bet you spent a good deal of time in there. YES… we want to know all about your adventures and what you saw…
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Cheryl Handelman

    HI Jeanne & All! ~

    As a lifelong “winter” myself, and also a PROUD mama of a “Ten Ping” (in her original, “factory-issued” condition, with a couple of your “Ten Ping” outfits already!), “we” are VERY GLAD you decided to use the aqua & black fabric for her next outfit. (The green would have washed her out & accentuated the “yellow-orange sallowness” of her original plastic skin-tone, & the purple/green/white-patterned fabric just seems to “busy” for such a small doll; it might have overpowered her “daintiness”.)

    Anyway, have a DOLL-lightful Sunday!!! ~

    Cheryl in NJ (currently “autumning” at Dad’s home in NY State to care for him)

    1. Thanks Cheryl,
      I’m glad you like the aqua and black fabric for Ten Ping…I’m hoping to get some more done on the dress set today.
      I hope you get some pretty Fall colored leaves falling off the trees in NY because they are just dying and falling off the trees brown around here.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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