Mastering “TINY” doll panties…

I love a challenge… really I do! This one just about did me in though. It should have been simple… It should have been a piece of cake… it shouldn’t have taken over 20 tries…but it wasn’t and it did!!! I wanted to make Navi, my tiniest new girl…a My Meadow “Twinkles” doll, who is only 6 1/2″ tall, some lacy panties. How hard could that be? WELL…let me tell you… better yet… let me SHOW you…

…and then… I kind of got the hang of it… things started looking up… :o)

I even made a few “sets” for Navi…

…and this one…

Normally I’d let you know how I made these panties, but I’m keeping this secret in the bag…at least for now!

Thanks for looking…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “Mastering “TINY” doll panties…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    My goodness, you really had your challenge cut out for you, Jeanne!! I’m glad you finally figured it out! I would have taken a small pattern and just fiddled with the size (90%? 80%? maybe 83%? etc.) until I got close, and then refined it from there. Of course, I had some trouble making pantaloons for my 5″ Hitty doll a few years ago….

    The things we do for our dollies!! LOL

    Anyway, you succeeded, and Navi looks pretty happy with her other new lingerie items, also. That last, sparkly petticoat is just fabulous, and some little girls in my house think I need to find some of the fabric so They can have sparkly petticoats, too!! LOL

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I really did have a challenge…you are right!
      It wasn’t the size so much…it was the stitching on the lace and dealing with the “holes” in the lace that was a big challenge…
      I’ve still been working on some panties today…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a day you had, Jeanne! Well, I have to admit, at least half of the “rejects” seem perfectly fine to me! You certainly are the perfectionist, and I am not! I would think, after all, they will be underneath her dress, what’s the problem? Of course, I am not making doll clothes to sell to discriminating buyers, but still, you certainly did do a perfect job! Congrats on that!

    That pink slip and camisole top are SO cute, and could easily be a ballet outfit! How about trying to make some tiny ballet shoes for her? I had better not say that, or I will have a few things flying my way!!! Just kidding!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      It’s pretty bad when you are a “perfectionist” about dolly panties…but I think I am…
      Ballet slippers…I better not even let myself go there!!!
      Thanks so much for the Fall pics…I’m going to use them…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Jeanne.. I was laughing with tears in my eyes at your progress.. well, seemingly lack of it.. but true trooper that you are.. finally success! The finished panties and slip sets are perfect in scale and adorable ness!
    People that don’t make up their own patterns have no idea what designers go through… the time, the “oooops”..
    Congratulations on not giving up.. Navi’s panties are a perfect fit?

    1. Thank you Shara,
      “I” had no idea it would take me so long to get it from “nope” to “yep!” It was just so tricky sewing with lacy fabric with the open designs in it…
      I did order some new lace in a cream and hope it will work. I used up most of my good white lace on trial and error panties…
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. A side view of the doll might have helped to identify the problem for blog followers. It looks to me like the doll’s stomach sticks out a lot more than her behind. Is this the case? That would make it a more difficult fit for sure. If she came without undies to use as a pattern for new ones, maybe there’s a reason! Congrats on getting her properly clothed and solving the problem.

    1. HI Susette,
      The side view might have helped on a few of the panties…but it was mostly navigating my sewing on the open designs in the lace…
      It certainly was a challenge…but I’m almost out of the white lace that worked the best…
      I ordered some more in cream…couldn’t find the white anymore…
      Time to turn my attention to Ten Ping, I think!!!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh Jeanne you are amazing – yes designers successes do not come easily but you nailed it!
    I have to agree with Linda that I too would happily accept some of your rejects. Also love the slip and the camisole – they are darling.

    Didn’t get to comment yesterday but just wanted you to know I think Felicity’s outfit is just gorgeous. Good luck on your auction.

    1. Thank you Leigh,
      It’s kind of you to think my rejects were worthy of owning…I guess panty-less dolls wouldn’t care…
      Thanks for your compliments on Felicity’s dress.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Whoa! Who would have thought twenty tries to make a finger sized pair of panties. And, yes I should best leave that to Jeanne. 🙂 Fortunately for my Twinkles, one came with panties that fit well and the other was able to nab some from a Lori doll outfit although slightly long in length. The same fit problem applies to the larger Meadow Dumpling kids. Interesting body shapes. I really do like the pink ones with the white lace trim on the bottom. They would be a best seller in your Etsy shop as would the sweet slips/tops. So perfect, as Linda said, for a ballet outfit.
    Love your post.
    Loved seeing the post and the fab photo of Navi with all of the rejects surrounding her.

    1. HI Joy,
      Maybe I was crazier than crazy to tackle these tiny panties…
      Rebecca said to just buy some Barbie panties and see if they work…she may have had something there!
      I saw some Dumpling sized panties on Meadow Fan Club…and told myself…no fair…they are so much bigger…they would be a breeze… these are about 1 square inch big…or should I say little!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. October 11,2018

    I am really proud of you. You did a lot better then I ever could. My question is, Are you going to make and sale them.” If so, let me know.

    1. HI Sally,
      Thank you so much! I appreciate your compliments. As far as selling them, I was trying to get them listed in my Etsy shop… but my day got interrupted before I got many listed…
      If you were interested… they are $5.00 for 1 pair, $9.00 for 2 pairs, or $12.00 for 3 pairs. The panties will be shipped to any site in the lower 48 United States for FREE. I made a few more today, if you were interested… I have a purple and a yellow pair… and I’m waiting on some cream lace, as I’m just about out of the white that I liked the best.
      Thanks so much Sally,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thanks Debi,
      I’m glad you enjoyed today’s post… I enjoyed writing it! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. One of the things I liked best was the comments, Navi’s and yours, about each of your efforts. Coming up with enough comments must have filled in your time as you struggled with the next fit.
    My favorite picture was the one with Navi and all the rejects, lest we think you were recycling some versions. I do think a profile is in order so that we can see the reason for the struggle. I hope you put this pattern in a very safe, easy to remember, place.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I had been sewing (trying that is…) on the panties for quite some time, so the comments for the pictures came pretty easily! I could think of more if need be! :o)

      The struggle came in the stretch lace… the holes in it from the designs in the lace presented problems as there was nothing to stitch to… so you ended up with holes…. then sometimes the back edge didn’t meet enough to suit me… ever picked tiny stitches out of stretchy knit lace? I don’t think so!!! I wasn’t going to…
      Then sometimes they just came out crooked or too wide in the crotch even though I though they would be fine… Since the fabric is very giving, it worked sometimes and not sometimes…
      I’ve already drafted a new pattern today a few different times…trying to get the back of the legs to cup the bum a little more…
      That’s about it… no exact science on these…lace will be lace….unpredictable as ever…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Dear Jeanne, Navi looks adorable. I am sure she is grateful for all of the time you took as the final product is so cute.
    Did you have to bribe her with cookies to keep her engaged (smile)?

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      Navi has certainly enjoyed all the attention from me the last day or so… a bit man handled I might add, but she didn’t seem to mind.
      Oh… there were NO breaks for cookies allowed… she might ruin her girlish figure! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. LOL That was certainly an amusing post. Navi seems to have enjoyed all the attention. The slips are adorable. I love the butterfly one.

    1. HI Laura,
      Well, sewing panties for Navi or pantalettes for the Civil War dolls each has their own challenges… Panties a few more, but I still enjoyed making them. (sort of) I may have lost count on the 15th pair or so… I just about lost my mind… that’s what really counts! :o)
      I like the butterfly slips too. That tulle came from Hobby Lobby and I think it’s so pretty!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Well, that gave me a laugh—not the panties, but the comments you put on the pictures. The small dolls are certainly a challenge, but she’s a cutie, and you did achieve your goal of nice-looking lingerie. But 20 tries? I don’t think I would have had the patience!

    1. HI Carolyn,
      I’m glad you enjoyed today’s post on panties! Oh… 20 was on the ones I kept, I had more that hit the waste can… too pitiful to even show!
      Glad I made you smile today!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Now that was a true challenge and you like me never give up. Though 20 attempts might have made me lose my patience. Super job and in the end the girlies got new panties and I am sure they are happy that they tiny bottoms are covered. Loved the running commentary for each images and they gave me a laugh.

    Now you can cross one more thing off your doll bucket list and move onto another challenge. I just might need to purchase a pair as I am waiting on new doll to arrive at the end of the month. Will keep watching to see if you have them for sale.

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