How to intercept a new dolly coming in the mail… WHEN YOUR HUBBY IS HOME! Yikes

Navi’s little dress set didn’t sell last night on Ebay, so I’m going to reduce the price and try selling it on my blog, if anyone is interested. This is just for US residents… sorry… I am reducing the price to $50.00 with free shipping… and you will receive the dress with red belt, pantalettes, […]

How to intercept a new dolly coming in the mail… WHEN YOUR HUBBY IS HOME! Yikes Read More »

Hide your Little Darlings if you don’t want them to see this dress…

I’m not totally done yet, but I did get a few more things finished on Emmie’s dress. Several of those things are hidden though… like sewing on snaps, hemming the dress and doing some handwork. I did change a few things too… Joy mentioned the ribbon seemed like it had a Native American kind of

Hide your Little Darlings if you don’t want them to see this dress… Read More »