
Here is a sampling of some of my past dresses. There’s no better way to see my style and attention to detail than to show you lots of pictures. I chose to keep them in the larger format so you can see the details. (I’m sure I have forgotten some of my girls…)

10 thoughts on “Gallery”

    1. Michele K Bokos

      So beautiful!
      Represents a variety of fashion styles with great care to detail and fabric’s visual pizazz!

    1. Thank you Lisa!
      I’m glad you like my doll outfits! I love to sew and I hope it shows!! You’ll have to join in with the other ladies who comment on my blog. We are a very friendly group… in fact, one reader dubbed us as the Sofa Sisters!! Tell us about yourself and what dolls you collect and if you sew for them!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  1. You are incredibly talented. Every outfit is a masterpiece!! Simply amazing! I am getting an inferiority complex just looking at them 🙂

    1. Thank you Inna,
      I’m not sure I should just say thank you… lest you think I’m getting a big head! :o) I appreciate your kind words and also welcome to my blog! I don’t think I’ve seen you comment before… so a big welcome from all of us!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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