About Me


Hi and welcome to I Dream of Jeanne Marie, a website and blog where you’ll find the talk revolves around the things I love…dolls, sewing, and whatever connects them together. Occasionally I may throw in a great recipe or a home improvement project I’ve finished.
I’m Jeanne… a Christian, a wife, a mom to a 29 year old daughter named Rebecca and a 32 year old son named Kristoffer, I’m a seamstress, a lover of fabrics and trims, a very amateur photographer, and someone who wants to make this little site a place where you can spend a few fun minutes each day being blessed! I love reading, cooking and baking, a variety of crafts, antique shopping, working on our 1892 fixer upper house, and loving my family. I hope you’ll join me as we travel down this road together. No telling where it might take us…
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “About Me”

    1. Hi Kim,
      Yes, I do sell the dresses I make on Ebay…I’m sorry, but I am not taking special orders right now.

      Generally, the things you see me sewing on my blog are put on Ebay as soon as I finish them.

      Right now I’m working on the dress shown on my blog…I still have a few pieces I’m wanting to add to the set but when they are finished, this one will be listed for sale.

      Thank you for your kind compliments on my doll dresses!

      Blessings, Jeanne

        1. Hi Kathy,
          I just sold a dress for Rozen on Ebay but I don’t have anything listed on Ebay right at the moment. …but I have been working on another dress set for the RRFF dolls as quickly as I can.
          If you read my blog each day, you’ll see what I’m working on and what will be up next.
          Thank you,
          Blessings, Jeanne

  1. Do you put pdf patterns up for begining sewers to try? I really love your romper outfit and was thinking of trying it out. Thanks.

    1. Hi Terry,
      No, I’m sorry, I don’t have any of my patterns up for sale yet… maybe some day!
      Thank you, Blessings, Jeanne

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